By Phone:
Business office: (250) 247-9211, or 1-877 247 9238 There will be someone answering the phone 7 days a week from 9:00am till 5:pm Pacific Time,
(and often later into the evening).
Guest line: (250) 247 9322, to reach a guest staying at the resort
By Fax:
(250) 247-8454
Regular Mail:
The Haven,
240 Davis Rd,
Gabriola Isl., BC, V0R 1X1,
Web Form:
We have two forms you can contact us with:
- Our Information Request Form for people who are not familiar with us. Here you can ask questions and request a free Course Catalogue and sign up for our newsletter
- Our Database Update Form for our existing and past course participants. Here is a chance to update us with you new info if you have moved or changed email address since you were last in contact with us. Or, just to leave us a comment or ask a question
For technical issues with the website, email webmaster@haven.ca.