Fill out the order form at the bottom of this page, and we will be pleased to send you, free of charge, our complete catalogue outlining The Haven Institute courses and faculty, as well as information about our philosophies and facilities.
The Course Catalogue contains a lot of the information available on this website in magazine print format. The current Spring 2006 edition contains descriptions of courses and events from February 2006 through to the end of June 2006.
This catalogue is accurate at the time of printing. More complete and up to date information is found on the Web Schedule. and the Web Course Descriptions.
All the information in the catalogue can be viewed online or downloaded and printed as a PDF (Acrobat) document.
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HavenCatlog.pdf, the Catalogue - Spring, 2006 |
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Viewing and downloading instructions
To View the PDF documents online through your web browser you need the Acrobat plug-in which gets installed with Acrobat reader from Adobe.com. But because of the file size this can take a long time on a modem connection. You might want to download the files instead and save them to your hard drive for viewing or printing later.
To download these files you may have to sidestep your browser's natural inclination to view it online using the Acrobat plugin. Instead of clicking with your primary mouse button, right click the link and choose "save link as" (Netscape) or "save target as" (Internet Explorer) then choose the folder you want to save them in. Or hold the "Shift" key as you click on the link, For the Mac, hold the "Option" key as you click on the link.
Catalogue Order Form
The contents of this Form will not be processed nor stored on this webspace.
It will be sent via email to the Haven Office for updating our on-site database.