This tool that will automatically detect where in the world visitors are coming from when they visit your site. To use, copy/paste the HTML code on the right to your website.

Currently showing the location of visitors to in the last 24 hours.

Oops, a problem...
Your browser is not sending the necessary referrer info (maybe Norton is blocking it?), so the map is falling back to data for

View Location Of Visitors To Your Site Copy/paste this HTML to your site:

You will end up with a button that looks like:
Recent Forum Topics
We share ad revenue with users
What is CCP?
robots.txt tab in sitemaps
Another "How Not To" Example
Check out the latest buzz: our new Gmail chat features
What page is generating the clicks. Stats don't tell me.

Visitor Visitor (darker colors are more recent visits) View:

Feel free to put this on anything you can edit/add HTML to (your website, blog, MySpace layout/profile, etc.) If you want to see an example of this working on a MySpace profile, check out Yashi and Wiggly on MySpace.

If you have any questions, comments or anything else, please visit the forum.

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