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Disposable Cameras

Disposable Cameras

10 Tips For Selling On eBay
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Mark Kenny
Many people have chosen a work-at-home career and, thanks to today's technology, it's easier than ever. One such opportunity for entrepreneurs is available at internet auction site, eBay. The concept seems simple enough, but having an edge over...

11 Things to Do (And 5 Things To Avoid) If You Get in an Auto Accident
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Donald Smith
No matter how well you drive, you'll probably be involved in a fender bender sometime in the next few years. Here's a list of tips will help make your accident less traumatic. DO: (1) Prepare by having a notepad, a few pens and a disposable camera...

4 Tips for Taking Great Baby Pictures - Even If You're Not a Professional
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Alexis Dawes
When my daughter Layla was born I had a hard time putting the camera down. And apparently I wasn't the only one. The cashier at the photo developing shop told me that new parents comprised a fairly sizable chunk of their business. We can't help...

5 “Extra” Things To Remember On Every Dive
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Ian Scott
Don’t leave the dock without itWhen you pack your gear bag, your checklist probably includes the usual gear and emergency equipment, mask, fins, regulator and one of those kits with a few extra o-rings, neoprene patches and regulator mouthpieces....

A Guide to Underwater Cameras
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Jason Gluckman
There are two types of underwater camera systems: an "amphibious" camera, which is a self-contained waterproof system, and an SLR land camera with waterproof housing. Amphibious systems are small, compact, and easy to travel with, while SLRs offer...

Article of the day EARN $200 PER DAY TAKING SIMPLE photos
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Ceferino Moreno
Article of the dayEARN $200 PER DAY TAKING SIMPLE photos It creates with your photos an additional rent by ceferino morenoHello my name is ceferino moreno,I am analyst of pages Web I summarize page of interest, the activity that I write to him I...

Bridal Shower Budget
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Trish Burrell
Your bridal shower budget will influence most of your planning. Consider the number of people throwing the bridal shower, as the cost will be divided. Try and come up with a figure that is affordable for all involved. Having a bridal shower...

Bridal Shower Checklist
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Trish Burrell
Having a bridal shower checklist can relieve stress, keeping you on track and organized. So, If you're the one planning a bridal shower, here are some important tips: ◘ Make a guest list with each person's phone number and email address. ...

Can you anticipate the cell phones of the future?
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Keith Kingston
We have become a society that demands the most technologically advanced equipment, and cell phones are no exception. That’s why the cellular telephone industry is changing so rapidly. Today’s phones are quite impressive with many bells and whistle,...

Catering to Beginners, Enthusiasts and Geeks
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Marcia Yudkin
Recently I had occasion to review several dozen Web sites in oneindustry -- camera stores. I found this eye-opening, as an unfortunatepattern emerged that I believe holds true not only on the Internet but also inpaper-based marketing materials, and...

Celebrate the 4th and Help a Soldier
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Susan Fitter
CELEBRATE THE 4TH AND HELP A SOLDIER: REMEMBER OUR TROOPS ON THE DAY THEY MADE INDEPENDENTBy: Susan FitterMy good friend, Rae, just called and suggested having a Fourth of July cookout that supports our troops in Iraq. “How?” I asked, feeling...

Cheap Las Vegas Weddings
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Kevin Stith
Imagine the cheapest wedding you'd like. You have to pay the $55.00 fee for the marriage license and you have to pay someone to perform the service. Then there's the witness who must be present at the ceremony. And you have to perform the service...

Cheap Website Design - Dangers of Cheap Web Design for Your Business
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Anthony McMurray
We have all heard the saying "you get what you pay for" this holds true for website design as well. I have been in the website design and internet marketing industry for over 6 years now and I have talked to a lot of people who have made the...

Create A Gift Basket For A Cat Lover!
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Donna Hamer
The choice of what gift to give your family and friends can often be a difficult one. One of the best gifts that you can give is a themed gift basket. A gift basket is that one present that comes in many shapes, themes and of course price ranges. A...

Create A Gift Basket For A Dog Lover!
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Donna Hamer
The choice of what gift to give your family and friends can often be a difficult one. One of the best gifts that you can give is a gift basket. A gift basket is that one present that comes in many shapes, themes and of course price ranges. A gift...

Ebay Auction: Ebay Selling…Top 10 Secrets Revealed
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : T. Patrick
The Ebay explosion has hit astronomical proportions. Over 11 million people did a search for Ebay last month alone on the internet. From all walks of life, everyone is drawn to Ebay.Some people use Ebay as a hobby to make extra cash. Some people...

Every Art Masterpiece is a Forgery!
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Tobias Lars
I'm walking down a section of Oak Creek here in Sedona Arizona where the water has literally cut into the Red Rock itself. The river bottom and walls are solid red rock carved in waves and curves of amazing shapes finer than any sculptor could...

Festival Mania!
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Ed Williams
What’s the big deal with festivals these days?I mean it, why are there so many festivals now? Used to, you would hear about an occasional festival here and there, for example, there might be a watermelon festival down in south Georgia somewhere, or...

Five Ways to Get Your Customers to Buy More
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Brian Williams
The power of database marketing derives primarily from the fact that this approach requires you to become intimately familiar with your customer. Here Brian explains how to boost revenue from your existing customer base. This article shares five...

For Mother and Baby – What Do You Give? A Gift Basket of course!
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Donna Hamer
The choice for a baby or an infant gift can be a difficult one. One of the best baby or infant gifts that you can give is a gift basket. A gift basket is that one present that comes in many shapes, themes and of course price ranges. A gift basket is...

Fun and Easy Baby Shower Crafts
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Randy Wilson
Baby shower crafts can be fun and easy to make. Here are some practical ideas to make sure your baby shower is a huge success. All you need is a little money, a little bit of time, and a whole lot of heart. These baby craft ideas are perfect for any...

Fun with Children: Making Memories on a Budget
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Nicole Dean
What childhood memories do you hold dear? For me, it was all the times "life happened". The little things like playing outside, riding my bike with the wind in my hair, playing at the park, swimming in the lakes, giggling with friends. None of...

Future Technology Quality may reflect past glories.
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : malcolm james pugh
The Dark Side of the Moon, The Universe and everything.Last time we saw hardware turning somewhat towards mobile phones, with PCs still firmly entrenched. Today we will look at the future of non hardware based things to come. Increasingly, things...

Get Digital At Cheap Prices, Purchase Cheap Digital Cameras
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Mark Humphrey
Do you want a digital camera for yourself but do not want to spend much money on it? There is no need to loose heart. Gone are the days when digital cameras were the gizmos for rich and classy. The 'digital' need not be very expensive always....

Ghost Hunting 101 - You Can Hunt Ghosts Too!!
Publish Date : 12/22/2005 7:14:43 PM   Source : Gloria Young
During each lecture I do, people ask me if I can explain in simple terms how to hunt ghosts. Following each question, I chuckle and tell them that it isn't as hard as it seems, in fact, anyone can do it. What does it take to be a ghost hunter? Let...

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