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'Getting Started with StatCounter' Guide

Based on our valued members' feedback we are aware that it can take time to discover all the superb features StatCounter has to offer. We have created this guide to enable our new members to start using StatCounter just like our more experienced ones in a matter of minutes.

The essential 'Getting Started with StatCounter' guide.

Knowledge Base

Please give this knowledge base a thorough read. It is constantly being updated and answers 99% of the questions we receive from members.

Do I have to display a banner ad on my website?Why is this service free? I don't free services what are you getting out of it?

You absolutely do not have to put a banner ad on your site. We keep our overheads to a minimum - then make our money from advertising when you log onto StatCounter to see the latest visitors to your website. We do not put advertisements on your website! If your website is getting more than 250,000 pageloads a month, then you are outside this free model. Get in touch with us before adding the code to your website and we'll be able to offer you better stats for an excellent price. You'll get real value for money.

The primary goal behind StatCounter is to help webmasters succeed online, and we want to provide the best possible website stats to the most amount of webmasters and site owners out there. What's the point in designing a system that doesn't get used by anybody? We want as many webmasters as possible out there to be using our system. But we will only provide the service on a sustainable basis which is why websites getting over 250,000 pageloads a month either have to pay or remove the code.

I can't register!

A few potential members are still having trouble with the registration form. Can you use the contact us page to get in touch, and please specify exactly what pages you viewed on StatCounter first before registering. What input values you used in the registration form. And what browser and operating system you are using.

My visitors aren't being counted

Generally this means that either a) you have not installed the counter code onto your website or b) your website has not had any visitors.

Where do I get the code to install?

Login to your account > click the 'installation & configuration' icon > click the 'install code' link.

Looking for support?

We have designed an entire support section for members. Please login to your account and click the 'support' link to avail of this service.

Lost your password?

Don't worry. It happens to the best of us. But remember to keep it in safe place this time. Here is the from to have it emailed to you.

Do you want to close your account?

We're very sorry to see you go. Here is the form to close your account.

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