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Logo Design Process

Upon gathering a new client's company profile and processing their order, our designers begin the logo design process. The process consists of four unique steps and relies on effective time management and the feedback of the client.
The initial stage of the logo design process is commonly referred to as brainstorming. Our expert identity designers are joined by a marketing guru to discuss possible concepts for your company logo design.
We review the client's objectives for the “look and feel” they wish to achieve with the logo design. Ideas are generated on how the client can be visually represented.
Evaluation of color, fonts, organization culture, target audience and other variables that need to       be considered in the logo design process.

After a plethora of ideas have been established, our logo design team begins to integrate all the graphic elements to best reflect the image which your company wishes to project. Steps 1 and 2 are completed within 4 business days and you are provided with 8 unique logo design concepts (in a variety of styles and multiple versions). Based on the original 8, you will select the custom logo design that best represents your company and its ideals for refinement. You can mix and match any of the concepts you like or request a whole new batch of logos if none meet with your approval. (*Please note that the Platinum package includes 6 unique logo concepts to choose from.)

Upon reviewing the 8 logos submitted by the E Company Logos design force and selecting your preferred logo design; E Company Logos will proceed to implement any changes to the logo design requested by the client. In the event that you are not satisfied with the first set of logos we present, E Company Logos will re-submit a series of 8 new logo designs to the client free of charge (6 logos for the platinum package). E Company Logos guarantees full satisfaction regardless of the number of required changes. Please note that in the event that you request a new batch of samples or modifications to the chosen logo design, changes will be presented after 4 business days.
Once the logo design is finalized, all final files will be formatted and submitted to the client via
e-mail or on a CD-Rom via courier.If you have ordered a stationery and logo design package, we will begin building your correspondence materials once you have finalized on your new company logo. If an animated logo was purchased, production can now begin. Detailed information will be required from the client to complete the stationery design order and we will then proceed in generating the custom stationery upon gathering said information. Printing fees are not included in our package prices.
With The Help of Hashem we will do and we will succeed.
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