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Wednesday, 08 February 2006
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Don't Just Seek 'em... STALK 'em

Bass Fishing EbooksFish For FreeAll About SpinnerbaitsBecome a confident and skilled angler who has the knowledge and ability to put big bass in the boat everytime! If you are a serious angler you might try some of the more in-depth ebooks that are available here. Our eBooks are researched and tested for accuracy and usability.
Hart TackleHart Tackle has been providing quality lures to serious fishermen for more than 15 years. Hart Tackle's line of quality fishing products has grown and expanded in order to respond to your special needs. Hart listens, experiments and quickly develops new varieties of products to help make your "fishing time" more successful. Culling System Spending more than 10 seconds per fish during a tournament to determine if it’s a keeper? Wasting valuable fishing time? The CUL-M-RITE was designed for you, the competitive fishing professional, by a team of people who know how valuable time is during a tournament.

"Simply Times"
Written by Ricky Ingram   
Wednesday, 08 February 2006
ImageWhile returning home from our Christmas/New Year’s trip to Alabama with my family, my mind drifted off into a pleasant dream land. Here it was, New Year’s Day and it was foggy & raining as we made our way back to our Louisiana home. My wife had slipped off into a light sleep while I was keeping time with the wiper blades and dreaming of yesteryears gone by.
Taylor Willis
Written by Taylor Willis   
Wednesday, 14 December 2005

Taylor with a prized trophy.Welcome to This is an extremely resourceful site so please feel free to throw the anchor down and stay a while. The name is Taylor Willis. My online handle is "FiveAlive" because that is my all time favorite saying to hear during a tournament weigh-in. My close friends and family members also call me "Freshwater" because that's the only stuff I like to fish. I am 15 years old and a freshman in high school. I was born and raised in Central Florida and I wouldn't have it any other way. The "Fishing Capital of the World" is the only place for me. Fishing is more than a passion for me, it is an obsession. I have dreams of someday fishing the FLW Tour and I plan to pursue those dreams. My plans are to attend college and get a degree in Business Marketing while still pursuing my fishing career. To put it all in perspective....I live my life one fish at a time. Kick back, relax, and soak up the knowledge here at

How Fish Finders Work
Written by Andrei Loskoutov   
Monday, 06 February 2006
The thrill of any fishing adventure begins with finding the right place to wet your line.  Fish finders allow anglers to quickly identify key targets and structure, as well as fish.  A Fish Finder is a subset of a group of instruments called sonar’s.  Sonar consists of a transmitter, transducer, receiver and display.
Fishing Structure and Cover
Written by Jim Campbell   
Friday, 03 February 2006

As a forester I spent countless hours over 30 years walking out creek and river bottoms often evaluating wetlands, gaining a good concept of those terrestrial systems. Understanding them helps me visualize what lies under lakes. I developed a habit of imagining those places at the bottom of lakes, something any hiker can do by simply walking around in an area that could be impounded by building a dam. A knowledge of potentially flooded forest, prairie, pasture, cornfield helps understand flooded lake structure and cover. Certain species of trees and brush grew in shallow water in creeks and along rivers. Huge trees lining waterways had been passed over through several timber harvests, too large for any sawmill, too difficult to harvest anyway. Those would be left arching over a flooded river or creek channel.


Featured Seasonal Patterns Article
Ice Fishing for Bass

My passion for Bass fishing burns 12 months out of the year. Unfortunately I live in Wisconsin and once the ice would form on the lakes I would have to rely on T.V. shows and reading everything I could get my hands on about Bass fishing. That is until a few years ago.

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