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Online registration, which takes about one minute, is required to subscribe and obtain financial data services and for creating your Customizable Currency Converter or your Customizable Cheat Sheet. The same account is valid for all purposes.

Creating Customized Currency Converter or Customizable Cheat Sheet

Once registered, you may use your OANDA account to develop and test your Customizable Currency Converter or Customizable Cheat Sheet. Developing and testing the customized versions is free.

OANDA FXPilot Converter
Once registered, you may use your OANDA account to download OANDA's FXPilot™ Converter.

All information you submit will be stored exclusively by OANDA and will not be passed on to any third party.

'*' marks optional information for improvement of our service.

First Name :
Last Name :
Address 1 :
Address 2*:
City :
ZIP Code*:
E-mail :
  (valid e-mail address only. Accounts associated with invalid e-mail addresses are de-activated immediately.)
Your company's name?*
Your company's URL?*
How many people work for your company?*
Age* :
Gender* :
Female     Male
Mother Tongue*:
State* (US only):
Country :
Which best describes your work:
What do you use OANDA services for?*  
Travel Investment
Research Software Development
General Business Other
How did you find out about OANDA?
How often have you been using the OANDA services?*
Which OANDA services have you used?*  
Classic Currency Converter Cheat Sheets
Historical Currency Table Currency Quote Table
FX Playground  

Do you accept to receive our free monthly e-mail update service giving you information about new products and special offers? Yes No

You may now choose a user name and password for your future logins, where you will be able to view or edit your data, preferences and subscriptions. The user name and password that you choose must be at least five characters long. Be specific about upper and lower case. No spaces. We suggest you use your company name or first name and last name. For example: JohnSmith.


User name (length 5-30):
Password (length 5-8):
  Please type the same password a second time.
Password again:

I have read the disclaimer: Yes No

Please wait several seconds after clicking on "register" for our reply.

OANDA's New Look & Feel

Please contact us with any feedback or problems