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Logo Creation Software
Custom Logo Creation
Business Creation Logo
Logo Design
Corporate Creation Logo
Creation Design Graphic
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Online Logo Creation
Creation Entreprise Logo

Proimpulse Business Logo Design

proimpulse business logo designA logo is essentially an illustration of your complete company image, which is then communicated to your prospects in a graphic or figurative way.

A professionally designed logo attracts attention and leaves an impression in the mind of your website visitors. Look at Coke, McDonalds there are numerous examples that could be cited that they see every day and undoubtedly you can appreciate the influence of what a simple, well-designed business logo can have for your business.

They create a design concept that will distinguish your business identity from all the rest, by uniquely coordinate your business image into the final result. With the results, you can further differentiate your business by applying your new Business Logo Design to a mass advertising campaign or promotion. You can use it on your website, to create letterheads with flair, envelopes, business cards or any other place you want to. Your Business Logo Design can cover everything you need from a website-ready format to camera-ready artwork for professional printing.

One of the most important identity items for any business is the logo, as it appears on almost everything: websites, business cards, CD labels, signs, brochures etc. Your Business Logo is how your customers will identify YOU from your competition. A firm, consistent image can make all the difference.

They understand how serious that stage is, and they will work together with you until you are entirely satisfied, to provide a specialized professional custom Business Logo Design that is right for you, at a budget that you can afford, without compromising service quality or graphical quality.

The above info quoted from Proimpulse Site.

Logo creation software

logo creation software This powerful and easy to use logo design software will help you to design professional logos for printing or the Web in minutes. Start with one of 100+ build-in logo templates or create your custom logo from scratch. AAA Logo comes with huge library of more then 2000 easily customizable logo objects and clipart. All build-in logo objects are vector based and can be easily scaled and rotated. You can also apply different styles to any individual object to get almost unlimited combinations of objects and effects.

AAA Logo is to logo design what Photoshop is to image editing, or Dreamweaver is to web page creation.

Essentially, this revolutionary new software allows any person with a basic knowledge of image editing, to create a striking logo, royalty-free, in the very same manner as web page templates allow beginners to create professional looking web pages. Samples of logos the software is capable of creating can be seen at this address.

AAA Logo comes with 100+ logo templates and about 2000 graphic elements, which can be mixed and matched to make logos that stand out and are easily recognized. The program includes its own vast font library. Importantly, all logo elements are vector-based and can be easily scaled up or down without any loss in quality. Web page export and high resolution printing options also come with the software.

The program uses a familiar graphic editor interface, so anyone can start using AAA Logo without additional training. The program does not require any knowledge of professional image editing. AAA Logo can be tried free of charge.

The above info quoted from Free Downloads Center Site.

Custom Logo Design & Corporate Identity Design Services

custom logo design & corporate identity design services A Logo is a graphical representation of your business line and company. It helps you to create your unique corporate identity. Custom logo design is perceived as an integral part of corporate branding process. And thus the logo design requires passionate efforts to be made while designing. It should be represented very carefully considering your business line with unique concept, which cast a lasting impression amongst targeted audience.

A logo should…

  • Visually communicate your unique message
  • Create a uniqueness and should distinguishable amongst your competitors
  • Promote a feeling of authenticity and professionalism
  • Attract and leave lasting impression on targeted audience

Their aim is always create a unique custom logo design that represents your company's identity, morals and objectives. A successful corporate identity logo design will give you instant credibility and long lasting recognition. Their professional logo designers from India had masters in that.

What to expect from your logo design services?

A design concept which, you and your customers can identify and distinguish with. Your business logo design should appeal to the general audience that you are targeting.

Your logo designer should take time to learn about your business and your marketing objectives.

An effective logo design will generate a “look and feel” that you want customers to understand and respond to.

The above info quoted from India Nic.

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Design Your Logo Like a Pro

design your logo like a pro Written by Eileen Parzek, Net Profit Magazine, 1997

A logo is the image which represents a company or its product. Its function is to create a memorable, recognizable impression on the mind of a potential client or customer. A logo is essentially at the heart of a corporate identity.

So what makes a "good" logo? Most people would answer "I just know it when I see it!" and this isn't so far from the truth. A good logo catches the eye - it makes the observer curious or engaged, if only for a short moment. a moment in which an image and the existence of your company is embedded in the mind rather than filtered out with a million other daily stimuli. But even if a good logo 'just is', there are elements for making it happen . and they will look at some of those. I will also discuss some of the issues designing logos which work in two distinct worlds - print and online.

There are three basic types of logos, which can be used alone or combined within one design:

illustrative logos (a logo which clearly illustrates what your company does), graphic logos (a logo that includes a graphic, often an abstraction, of what your company does), and font-based logos (a text treatment which represents your company)

Creating a logo is always a process - though different designers have their own methods. Many designers will begin by sketching thumbnails or playing with shapes on the computer screen, until something "clicks" and they follow that path to see where it leads. One way to start is to select a shape which represents the concept of the company, and begin playing with it. The idea is to come up with something interesting or clever, whether a viewpoint which is different, or an unusual combination of shapes. Perhaps it will be something which will require some guesswork on the part of the viewer, but then be crystal clear when they look at it another way.

Many designers prefer to developing logos beginning with, or consisting entirely of text. By experimenting with fonts, size, shapes they seek to find an interesting way to represent the company using the form of letters. Again, simplicity is extremely important - this is not the time to use fancy decorative fonts. Whether alone or combined with graphic elements, the text in a logo must be easily readable at small sizes

Once a form for the logo has been defined, color needs to be considered. Again, color for a logo should remain simple. You can always get fancy with the web version, but a good logo must work well in one color and gradients of that color. The color should enhance and support the form of the logo - for example, various shades of blue on the sides of a 3D box should be the same as they would in real life. Contrast is another powerful concept in the creation of logos - you can contrast size, color, fonts, textures - to create visual interest. A logo should be simple and abstract, not be complicated or confusing, and again, all elements must be discernible when reproduced in small sizes.

A good logo works in the simplest form. With the advent of the Web, it is common to see logos which contain gradients, 3D effects, animation, and other visual effects. But if the logo can not also be reduced to a simple one color flat version for use on faxes, your checks and photocopied documents, it is functionally useless. As tempting as it might be to create a whiz-bang logo, a designer must always consider all the ways your companies identity will be disseminated. Once this is successfully accomplished, you can always jazz up your logo later for the web!

As mentioned before, size is a critical issue when having a logo designed. A good rule of thumb is that if the logo works well in a business card size, it will scale up nicely to other sizes. Always make sure your logo looks pleasing on paper and in a wide range of sizes before committing to it.

Web and print are two entirely different mediums. If you are having a logo designed for the first time, it is essential that you be aware that your logo must be designed for print FIRST and web second. Without getting into the intricacies of print and web resolutions, suffice it to say they are very different. What might look great on your computer screen will likely print out at the size of a postage stamp and be entirely muddled. If the logo is designed to look great online, depending on the graphics format, it might not scale easily up to a printable version, so it is best to create it in a way that can be downscaled.

When choosing a color for your logo, you might want to consider using those in the universal 216 color palette supported by all web browsers. This will ensure that the colors of your corporate identity can be used online without a hitch.

On the flip side, the web will allow you to take your simple 1-2 color logo and do great things with it - and it won't cost you thousands of extra dollars to add colors to it, make it 3D or animate it, like it would in the print medium. Once your logo is created for the lowest common denominator, the same form can be enhanced in a myriad of ways to look more exciting for your web site. Just be sure you don't get carried away with the possibilities until you have a logo which will present a strong image for your company on a simple business card!

The above info quoted from SOHO IT Goes.

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Logo Design Evaluator

logo design evaluator There are six universal attributes of a great Logo Design:

Is it practical?

Can it be printed on scalable sizes with out being fuzzy? Will it work in black and white format as well as in color? Some logos designs become incomprehensible when reproduced in newspaper ads or when sent through a fax machine. Try blowing it up and reducing the logo to determine its readability at different sizes. Keep in mind too that something like 10 million American men and a few women are at least partially color blind. Keeping in mind that color does make a difference.

Is it distinctive?

A logo design needs to be unique and effective, simplicity is key. A design idea doesn't need to be unique to the world, just distinctive enough so you can market your target audience.

Is it graphic?

You shouldn't have to explain to people what message you are portraying in your logo design. A effective logo design will communicate purely in graphic terms to the right brain hemisphere, and doesn't depend on verbal intellectual interpretation. This is equally true for all logo designs, whether an iconic logotype, a wordmark or even a simple lettermark. The choice of fonts, shape and color should effectively communicate the essence of the company.

Is it appropriate?

Is the design relevant to your business? Is it consistent with the personality and tone you wish to convey about your business? The content has to be right! An otherwise great logo will fail if the message expressed is at odds with management intentions.

Is it simple?

Simplicity of design makes a logo easier for customers to remember and recognize. A great logo will contain only one graphic idea, one gimmick, one dingbat. Thus if there's a symbol, the accompanying name should be plain and unadorned. If it is a wordmark, one idea or device should make it special- like the stripes in IBM. The more unique the name, the simpler the graphics can be. Think clear contrast and simple shapes, with limited colors and tones.

The above info quoted from Logo Tree.

Logo design services

Looking for a unique image to represent your corporate identity? Or do you just need to modify your current logo for your web site? At Grantastic Designs, they create logos that capture the essence of your business, leaving impact for both print and web display.

If you're looking for a new logo or redesigning your current one for your web site, they can assist you in the decision-making process. They specialize in both low-resolution (web) and high-resolution (print) graphic images. Please select the logo package you are interested in:

Single-color logo

  • single-color logoprinted materials OR web site
  • printed materials AND web site

Two-color logo

  • two-color logoprinted materials OR web site
  • printed materials AND web site

Additional colors and special effects

  • additional colors and special effectsSpecial effects include drop and cast shadows, embossing, bevels, glows, 3-D effects, and gradients
  • Please review their Design Glossary to see examples of special effects

The above info quoted from Gramtastoc Designs Site.

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Logo Design Theory

A perfect Corporate logo Design is defined by 3 factors: A logo must be most and for all 'identifiable', this means that some details in your logo makes it readable in any kind of circontances (on a Fax, on TV or on a car, a logo can be huge or extremly small).

Your logo needs also to be 'memorable' among all other business logo design. This means: a simple shape, 1, 2 or 3 colors maximum and a simple but smart idea. More color and more shapes are used more it is difficult to remember. It takes an average 46 times to remember a 2 colors logo, much more when 3 colors are being used. The last but important factor, a logo have to be 'harmonious'.The aesthetic of a logo is not only a question of beautiful image and nice color it is also a question of harmony between 'an idea' and 'a shape'. This is why the selection of the right concept for your logo design is key to reach an appropriate result.

A professional Graphic Design Logo Services should let handle 50% of the creative process by the client. The difference between a Small business Logo Design and a Corporate Logo Design are the expensive brand bulding work. A small business just want an affordable logo Design and an easy to use stationery. Graphic Design Agency used to be costly and time consuming. With the computer, the internet and the capacity to exchange digital media, Online logo Design Agency have appeared by the hundreds during the past 5 years and any small business can now request to create its own affordable logo design in a matter of days spending 1/10 of what it used to cost with professional result. sum up the past and the present by transfering their agency experience into the online world.

The above info quoted from Logo TOGO.

Company Logo Design

company logo designEveryone knows the Nike Swoosh, the Macintosh Apple or the McDonald's Golden Arches. They are simple signs but very efficient statements for the companies they represent. That is what Magpie's web design artists offer you: a seamless lasting and efficient business brand.

Magpie's logo design expert will create your company's image that will definitively be recognizable or known by the public. Your logo design will become a concentrate of what you offer, your history and your philosophy. They graphic web designers will use this logo in strategic places on your web site and combined with their search engine optimization experience will provide your company with the maximum exposure possible.

Magpie can give you a company logo design that you can build on and use anywhere. Even for a flash animated logo their experts will seamlessly adapt it to any of your printed materials.

Their web design artists understand that your company is unique. Their goal is to provide you with an efficient logo respecting your identity and that you will be using on any communication materials you need. They will give you the keys for quick recognition and easy reading by the public.

The above info quoted from Magpie Internet Communications.

Ricoh Announces New Corporate Logo

ricoh announces new corporate logoNew Design Reflects Strong Global Commitment

Tokyo, April 20,2005- Ricoh Company, Ltd. Today unveiled its new corporate logo, which will become effective in September this year. The new logo symbolizes the Ricoh Group’s increased global presence.

The simple elegant design reflects Ricoh’s three core values: 1) Simplify knowledge creation, 2) Think solutions that fit, 3) Harmonize with the environment.

The rounded edges of the new logo were designed to express intelligence tempered by a friendly and human disposition. At the same time readability on a global scale is greatly enhanced.

Since 1986, when the current logo was in use, Ricoh has grown into a global leader in the office solutions business, especially after the advent of the networked digital era. As Ricoh approaches its 70th anniversary, in February 2006, the timing is perfect for an affirmation of Ricoh as a global brand.

About Ricoh
A pioneer in digital office equipment, Ricoh offers a broad range of digital, networked products, including copiers, printers, fax machines. Ricoh also competes in the digital camera field.

With 395 consolidated subsidiaries worldwide, Ricoh employs 75,000 people with total sales of $17 billion. The Ricoh Group currently enjoys No.1 market share for plain paper copiers in Europe, Japan and No.2 share in the USA.

The above info quoted from Rocph Site.


A good Logo Design is what helps your public remember your business. The right Logo Design can be one of your strongest marketing tools.

To choose a logo Design for your business, complete the following steps:

1. Give some thought to what you want your business to represent in terms of quality, creativity, and value.
2. Check out your competition. What type of logo Designs are they using ? You don't want to be similar or your logo will not differentiate your business from them.
3. Colors and shapes need to be evaluated Check our Psychology of Color To
Help you Choose the right color for your logo. Are there any that would provide negative
or positive effects in your industry?
4. Locate one (or more) good graphic artists. Check out our Logo Designers Work. Providing them with the information about your business, its name, and any other relevant information, contract us to design you a number of possible logo designs.
5. Test market the logos with family, friends, and potential clients. Ask the logo designer artist to revise the logo based on the input you have received. Test market and revise one more time. If desired, trademark the logo design.
6. Have your letterhead, business cards, envelopes signs and packaging printed! Check out our Packages.

Other Logo Design Tips:

1. Always add the name of the business under the logo design. That helps customers in associating it with your business.
2. Logo designs do not necessarily need be a graphic icon.
3. Graphically customizing your business name can also be quite effective.
4. When using a Logo designer, be certain to acquire all legal rights for present and future use.

Please visit Logo Tree site to find more info about logo design tips.

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