Welcome to Childbirth Solutions... bringing solutions to childbearing familiesChildbirth Solutions' mission is to inform women worldwide about all of their options so that they may make informed choices for the most empowering birth experience that is possible. "Failure? I never encountered it. All I ever met were temporary setbacks." - Dottie Walters President's Message - October 2005 October 1st seems like the true beginning of Fall to me. The weather has turned cool and summer is fading from memory. This weekend ChildbirthSolutions Inc sponsored Carla Hartley, author of Helping Hands as a speaker at the Fall Festival... A Plaintiff's Verdict: Meador v. Stahler and Gheridian -The $1.5 million award to a Massachusetts woman and her family in Meador v. Stahler and Gheridian made news as a rare instance of a malpractice judgment based on an allegedly unwanted and unnecessary cesarean section rather than a failure to perform such an operation...Read More>> NewsletterOur newsletter is a monthly publication that serves Virginia residents and Members of Childbirth Solutions. Our publication is displayed in doctor's offices, yoga centers, chiropractor's offices and pregnancy-related locations in Virginia. We print informative pregnancy and birth articles, monthly class schedules for our Resource Center and we provide advertising opportunities for our local childbirth businesses.
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