wedding favors |
wedding favors |
How to Have a Dream Wedding on a Budget Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Rachel Greenberg No one wants to pay more than they have to for anything, especially something as costly as a wedding. And if you’re like me, and you had to foot your own bill, then you certainly want to keep costs down. I was afraid it couldn’t be done, especially... How to Make Personalized Candle Gifts from Ordinary Candles Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Criss White If you are looking for a fun gift to make for any occasion, then personalized candle making may be something you would like to consider. There are many ways to make personalized candles, depending on how much time and money you are willing to... How to Make Your Own Printable Invitations for Any Occasion Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Criss White Even with modern technology like email and cell phones, printed invitations have remained the most common way to let people know about your upcoming party and will continue to remain popular due to the timeless rules of party etiquette. ... How to Plan a Cheap Wedding Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Claire Bowes There’s no doubt about it, weddings can be expensive. The average cost of a wedding today is $20,000 – $25,000, and weddings are estimated to be a $25.3 billion industry. But don’t worry if your budget cannot stretch for the most expensive... It’s one thing for people to buy your product or service, but it’s another for them to tattoo your logo on their biceps. Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Prof. Josef Schinwald Case study: Harley Davidson Is there any another company in the world that works harder to build genuine relationships with their customers than the Harley-Davidson Motor Company? Harley-Davidson is an outstanding example of a company that has... Jamaican Honeymoon Resorts Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Randy Wilson Described by Christopher Columbus as 'the fairest isle eyes have seen', Jamaica is the ultimate honeymoon destination for honeymooners. True to its name, Jamaican Honeymoon resorts offer pure bliss with full spa facilities and professional... Kauai Honeymoon Vacations Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Randy Wilson Kauai, which is one of Hawaii's oldest and westernmost islands, is the ideal example of true paradise. Approximately circular in shape, Kauai is 550 square miles in area and 32 miles in diameter. Fringed by swaying palms, Kauai is decorated with... Let Them Eat Cake – Just Not at Your Wedding Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Blake Kritzberg It's a fact, however odd it seems, that some brides don't like cake -- and don't want one at their wedding reception. Others like cake just fine, but prefer to serve something a little more distinctive for dessert. On the whole, brides pass up... Lighting the Way when Two Become One Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : M J Plaster Whether you want to add a little extra romance to an evening reception or a little glow to your house of worship, candles are a natural, effortless addition to your wedding theme. You'll have no trouble finding a role for candles at the wedding... Low Budget Wedding Reception Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Cheryl Johnson The reception alone will bust your wedding budget if you're not careful. Of course, the most obvious way to save money on the reception is to keep it small. Where you host this grand occasion could make or break you. Your low budget wedding... Maid Of Honor: The Bride's First Lieutenant Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Ron King What Does A Maid Of Honor Do? The scope of the maid of honor's role in the wedding depends upon (1) how much responsibility she is willing to take on, and (2) how much responsibility the bride is willing to delegate. Usually the maid of honor... Maid of Honor Duties Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Samantha Taylor Being chosen as a maid of honor is a great privilege, but it also requires a large number of responsibilities in the wedding planning process. The maid of honor will likely be spending a great deal of time with the best man, since their duties are... Make Your Own Sweets With a Candy Mold! Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Mike Yeager Candy molds make candy making easy! With only a few basic tools, you can make candy that looks professional and exquisite, as if they came from any of the finest specialty shops. For chocolate lovers, you can find a chocolate candy mold of... Marking Togetherness: Beyond the Unity Candle Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Blake Kritzberg By now, surely everyone's familiar with the unity candle, but did you know there are other unification ceremonies to choose from when planning your wedding? Although the unity candle seems to have been with us forever, it's only about ten years... New Trends In Wedding Favors Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Shirley Tan Wedding favors have evolved over time. Wedding favors today combine the traditional with the modern and elegant design with great functionality. Here are some of the hot new trends in wedding favors: 1. Wedding favors that reflect the wedding... Niagara Falls Honeymoon Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Randy Wilson Niagara Falls is famous for its natural beauty as well as an important source of hydroelectric power. Horseshoe Falls, sometimes known as the Canadian Falls, the American Falls, and the smaller Bridal Veil Falls are the three separate waterfalls... Oldies Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Wayne and Tamara Direct Answers - Column for the week of January 5, 2004 I am a captain in the Marine Corps. A year ago my wife cheated on me with another Marine. He lived in an apartment facing ours, which I passed every day on my way to work. She was my... Online Gourmet Chocolate Gifts Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Jane Roseen Online Gourmet Chocolate Gifts People give gifts to strengthen bonds, to remind friends, family, and colleagues that they are an important part of their lives. Fine chocolates are just about everyone's favorite. And as the food industry has... Online Pests: Free Sample Trolls Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Lisa Maliga Bobbi of Montreal, Canada was known in certain online crafting forums as the ultimate free sample troll. You were a crafting nonentity if you hadn’t received a sample request from Bobbi. In March 2004, I became an honorary member as the notorious... Personalized Wedding Favors Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Kevin Stith Personalized wedding favors are among the most popular of gift selections made by brides and grooms to show appreciation to the guests sharing in their wedding day. Traditional ceremonies have made wedding favors a part of the celebration since the... Picking Best Beach Wedding Favors For Your Wedding Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Shaunta Pleasant Theme weddings have been all the rage for quite some time now, and the increased popularity of beach weddings has led to increased interest in beach wedding favors. It is of course important to fit the wedding favors you choose to the theme of... Picking The Most Delicious Chocolate Wedding Favors Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Shaunta Pleasant When it comes to choosing wedding favors, it is hard to beat the appeal of good old chocolate. After all, it is the rare person who does not love this sweet treat, and who wouldn't enjoy a basket, vase or champagne flute filled with luscious rich... Planning Events Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Sarah Williams Whether you are planning a wedding, a picnic, or just a get together, there are solutions that you need to consider to make your event a success. These guidelines will provide a basis for any type of event you may wish to undertake. Firstly, your... Planning a Couples Shower Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Trish Burrell Thinking of hosting a party for the bride and groom, and don't know where to start? Lets break it down, and make it simple, by answering these questions. What is a couples bridal shower? Instead of the traditional party for the bride to be,... Planning a Special Wedding Shower Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:38:42 PM Source : Mike Yeager The wedding shower is a traditional party of the marriage process. Often times the bridal party, or the people who have been asked to be in the wedding, will through the party for the couple. Or, other times, friends or family members will hold it... Total Results : 123 More Pages : 1 2 3 [4] 5 Previous Next Page |