Vitamin A, sources and symptoms of deficiency
The word vitamin A, like all vitamins, initially means "life-giving", from the latin word "vita" (life). This substance, normally eaten in minute quantities, is essential for healthy living. Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency are susceptibility to infections, poor vision in twilight, rough, dry, scaly skin, loss of smell and appetite, defective teeth and gums' retarded growth. Sources of vitamin A are milk, butter, eggs, liver, margarine, tomatoes, carrots, fish liver oils.
Like other vitamins, vitamin A does not replace food and in fact, it cannot be assimilated without food. That is why it should be taken with a meal, to help your body regulate metabolism, convert fat and carbohydrates into energy and assist in forming bone and tissue.
Food, one assumes, provides nourishment; but Americans eat it fully aware that small amounts of poison have been added to improve its appearance and delay its putrefaction. (John Cage)
Vitamin A is just one of the food constituents necessary for the energy healthy families need for all activities and because we are unfortunately a fast food nation, it is highly recommended to absorb vitamin A and other vitamins in the form of top quality, all-inclusive nutritional supplements.
Vitamin A and the other vitamins assist you in healthy living
Increasing environmental pollution, the soil's depletion of many essential minerals, the lack of easily available healthy food, poor fast food nutritional values and our constant strive for finding easy ways to lose weight intensify the need for healthy diets, optimum nutrition and the absorption of correct doses of vitamin A and of all nutrients required. |