SlimFast information
SlimFast is a meal replacement diet that relies on two SlimFast
shakes for breakfast and lunch and a normal meal for dinner.
Each SlimFast shake has about 240 calories and with a normal
meal the diet should have a daily intake of 1000-1200 calories.
The Slim Fast shake contains added vitamins and minerals in
attempt to make up what would be eaten in the two missed meals.
The Slim fast diet will help you lose weight due to its low
calorie content.
SlimFast : Reasons for
- A good diet for the more overweight dieter
- One of the simplest diets on the market
- Fast weight loss
- Convenient
- You get to eat real food with this diet
SlimFast : Reasons against
- SlimFast shakes and snacks can become repetitive especially
if you don't have a sweet tooth
- Does not teach good eating habits
- Expensive
SlimFast : Verdict
The SlimFast diet is a good option for the seriously obese
dieter as it is an easy option that will lead to quick results.
It is not a good option for the average dieter as it doesn't
teach healthy eating habits and a meal replacement system
is not a viable long term diet. It is however a healthier
option than having a fast food meal or skipping and to be
fair it is very simple to follow.