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the ABC's of Real Estate


February Real Estate Report

The pace of home sales declined for the third month in a row, and it is definitely taking longer to sell homes than in the past.  Has this affected appreciation?  Well, yes and no.


Interest Rate Outlook

Tidal waves are really tsunamis, but what do they have to do with interest rates?  We explain and by explaining, hope to predict the future.



Upgrade Your Fireplace

Upgrading your fireplace, whether you live in a house or condo, could help revitalize a tired room.  Perhaps it will also help sell your home or add value.


The End of Irrational Exuberance?

After countless articles about the Housing Bubble, an overheated housing market, it being a seller's market, are things about to change in real estate?


The Internet is "Cool" for Real Estate

You can look up anything on the web, including things only Realtors could do in the past -- see homes for sale on the computer.  How "cool" is it?  Read our article.


Why the MLS is Important in Real Estate

The listing agent markets your house, but they don't usually sell it.  If they did, then owners could just "copy" what listing agents do and they would be successful.  Most aren't.  The MLS is one difference and we explain why.


RealEstate ABC and Internet Brands

RealEstate ABC is now part of Internet Brands, Inc.  Don't worry though, we have the same writers, and everything will remain the same, a site loaded with LOTS of "real" information about real estate and the best place to find your local real estate agent.




Last modified: January 27, 2006

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