STAT-USA/Internet, a service of the U.S. Department of Commerce, is a single point of access to authoritative business, trade, and economic information from across the Federal Government.
Gulf Relief: Through the Hurricane Contracting Information Center (HCIC), the Commerce Department is helping U.S. businesses, especially minority, women, and small businesses, participate in the Gulf Coast rebuilding efforts. Businesses interested in better understanding federal contract opportunities and/or receiving notices about opportunities in these areas should contact the HCIC for more information. The Center can be reached on the web at http://www.rebuildingthegulfcoast.gov or toll free on 888-4USADOC.
STAT-USA is making FedBizOpps and Defense Logistics Agency procurement leads freely available to help speed the recovery process. Updated daily, these official sources announce when new contracts are out for bid.
State of the Nation -- Access this area for current and historical economic and financial releases and economic data. Stay informed with direct access to the Federal Government's wealth of information on the U.S. Economy. Access to files for subscribers only.
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GLOBUS & NTDB -- Access this area for current and historical trade-related releases, international market research, trade opportunities, country analysis, and our trade library...the National Trade Data Bank (NTDB). Access to files for subscribers only.
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Economics & Statistics Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce