Offer Credit
Card, Ecommerce, Electronic and Internet Payment Gateways. about Payment Gateway
payment gateway
What is a payment gateway?
1. A payment gateway is a separate service and acts as an intermediary between
the merchants' shopping cart and all the financial networks involved with the
transaction, including the customers' credit card issuer and your merchant account.
Think of it as a EFTPOS terminal in cyberspace. It checks for validity, encrypts
transaction details, ensures they are sent to the correct destination and then
decrypts the responses which are sent back to the shopping cart.
This is a seamless process and your customer does not directly interact with
the gateway; as data is forwarded to the gateway via your shopping cart and a
secure (SSL) connection. The shopping cart is configured via plugins to send information
in a format that is acceptable to the particular gateway.
The proper choice of payment gateway
is another vital element which will contribute to your success or failure as an
online business
Since the payment gateway is the secure connection and transmission
of the orders through to banking networks, it is independent of the interface
(point of sale software or catalog/cart) that you use to transmit the order information
through the payment gateway
How will I know when I have an order?
When using a payment gateway system in connection with the cart, you will
receive all of your orders via e-mail. As a merchant you will receive 2 e-mail
messages, the first is generated by the cart, and supplies you with the necessary
information to fulfill the order, such as names, addresses, and items ordered.
The second will come from your payment gateway, and will tell you the status of
the order approval. You should wait to ship a product until you have received
this order status message
What if the customer's payment method is declined?
If you receive a declined message from your gateway regarding an order, you
will need to contact the customer and ask for alternative payment. The customer
will not receive notification via e-mail of the approval status.
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What about the security of E-Mail?
All information pertaining to credit card payment is stripped from all e-mail
before being sent out.
What are the most popular payment gateways ?
Card Service International, Verisign payflow.
Cardservice international includes Linkpoint payment gateway
Payment gateways are necessary for online transactions to provide the secure
connection for the transaction to take place. It is the payment gateway that allows
you to submit a credit card and within a few seconds be told whether it was declined
or accepted. LinkPoint API is one the most sophisticated levels of this service,
enabling software companies, commerce service providers (CSPs), Internet service
providers (ISPs) or cyber-wise merchants to add secure sockets layer (SSL) payment
capabilities to their products, services or custom storefronts. Using the LinkPoint
APIs, the Miva storefront product line has developed modules to support a seamless
integration with their shopping carts. What this means to you the customer is
a simple to configure payment gateway that is both powerful and affordable.
For the merchant who wants to get online fast with limited startup expenses
and who currently does not have any form of online merchant account, then Cardservice
International (which includes LinkPoint API) is the best choice. Since LinkPoint
is already packaged in with the Cardservice International offering, it gives you
the best ability to have your online store accepting credit cards quickly and
affordably. If you already have your own online merchant account and only need
a payment gateway, then VeriSign PayFlow Pro is the way go.
Payment Gateway Issues 
As with any other ecommerce element, shop around, compare prices and read
the fine print. Here are some of the major points to consider when selecting a
payment gateway service .
- If you have already purchased a shopping cart package, ensure that the payment
gateway service is compatible. If a service is not listed, contact the shopping
cart vendor for clarification. Many vendors would be happy to support other payment
gateway services if there is a demand for it.
- If you haven't yet selected a shopping cart, get a list of supported applications
from the payment gateway service provider. A payment gateway may offer great pricing,
but if the range of shopping carts or storefront software it supports is limited,
the whole process of setting up for taking online payments may cost a lot more
than you think. I've noticed some gateways only support horribly expensive and
restrictive shopping cart software packages and services.
- Ensure the gateway at least offers AVS protection. The Address Verification
System (AVS) AVS decreases the incidence of accepting fraudulent transactions
by verifying the cardholder's billing address with the card issuer. Using AVS
on your transactions may also benefit you by a reduction in fees charged by your
Merchant Bank.
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- Check to see what other types of transaction protection are offered to you
as a merchant. These will probably be 'premium' services, the charges added to
the basic servicing fees, but dependent on your products may be absolutely necessary.
If you are engaged in the sale of anything that is youth or technology oriented,
it's probably a wise move to pay for the extra service as chargeback rates on
fraudulent transactions can cost you around US$30 per incident! For a rather disturbing
report and some strategies regarding this issue, view:
- No Application Fees!
- No Monthly, Statement or Gateway fees!
- No Leases or term contracts to tie you down
- Low Account Setup Fee
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- 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
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- Great for Simple or Complex Sites
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What kinds of payment alternatives exist?
While credit cards are the leading method of payment for online purchases,
offering multiple payment alternatives will bring improved convenience to your
customers and increased confidence in your online business.
The kinds of payment methods you provide will depend on your web site, your customers
and your markets. For instance, in some countries, credit cards are not a common
way to purchase online. Therefore, it is important to consider different payment
alternatives for your international clients.
There are a number of alternative payment methods that exist, including the
Person-to-Person (P-to-P)
This transaction method enables payments to be made to an individual’s
e-mail address without any need to send cash, cheque or use a credit card or chequing
account. If you wanted to pay back a friend, that friend would only need an e-mail
account to accept the payment. On the other hand, as a merchant, you require software
that accepts P-to-P payments in order to receive funds. For instance, your customer
has a P-to-P account, where he or she has deposited a certain amount of funds.
The customer buys a product from your site and uses funds from his or her P-to-P
account to pay for the purchase. Your web site will provide the customer with
an option to pay through this method.
Electronic Cash/Digital Cash
E-cash is money that is converted to an electronic equivalent, and present
either on a smart card, or on a consumer’s personal computer. The cash is
normally used for making small purchases over the Internet.
Smart Cards
The smart card looks like a credit card, the biggest difference being it holds
a chip that enables applications and data to be downloaded. Since it can store
and process information, the card has the capacity to collect customer information
as well as E-cash.
To use the card, the cardholder needs a PIN. To read the information on the
card, a smart card reader is required. The reader is connected to the Internet,
and enables the cardholder to transfer information from his or her computer to
an online merchant’s site or from a point-of-sale terminal at retail stores.
It also enables the card to capture data from other sources, such as the cardholder’s
bank account. As a merchant, you require a smart card reader on your site to access
payments from customers.

Digital Wallets
A digital wallet enables consumers to store their personal information online
such as credit card and shipping details so they can carry their identity with
them as they browse between sites.
A digital wallet comes in two forms - client-based or server-based. A client-based
wallet requires that consumers download and install software on their computer.
They input personal information into the wallet, which is secured and protected
locally on their computer’s hard drive. When using a digital wallet, consumers
will not be required to fill out order forms on each site they purchase from as
the information required is readily available from their hard drive and automatically
entered into the order fields of the online site.
A server-based wallet is acquired from a merchant’s site. When consumers
complete a merchant’s Web form to make a purchase they are invited to sign
up for a free wallet where they provide a username and password. The information
they add to the Web form, including credit card number and shipping information,
is stored on the merchant’s server or the merchant’s payment processor’s
server. When consumers go to the same site to make a purchase in the future, their
personal information is easily extracted for the purchase. The servers will have
encryption security. As well, since certificates are used to verify the identity
of all parties, the merchant is protected against fraud.
An E-cheque is essentially an electronic version of the paper cheque, except
it is created on a computer and processed via the Internet. To issue a cheque,
a consumer uses an electronic chequebook issued by his or her bank, which displays
all the same fields as a paper cheque. Before it is sent to the merchant, the
consumer enters a PIN in addition to other required information and signs the
E-cheque with his or her digital signature. The digital signature is stored with
a bank so that the E-cheque can be verified as it moves through the payment process.
What types of payment gateways are there?
Payment gateways can be implemented through two methods. As a merchant, you
can either house the gateway on your server, which requires installation of software,
or you can choose to implement the payment gateway on your payment processing
company’s server i.e. financial institution.
Housing the payment gateway on your site requires you to have appropriate security
measures in place to encrypt and protect customer information. If you implement
a payment gateway separate from the rest of your shopping cart solution, all the
components will require configuration to ensure they work properly together, which
can require high level technical capabilities. The advantage of housing your own
gateway is that customer information can be collected in your database, enabling
you to better manage your customers and site.
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If a payment processing company houses your payment gateway, then customer
information will not be at your easy disposal. As well, since you do not gain
access to customers’ credit card information, it is more difficult to track
charge backs.
However, since the gateway is out of your hands, problems that occur are the
responsibility of the payment gateway provider.
Continue to learn more info about payment gateway, please visit
Vp Source.
Online Merchant Accounts: Listings
Below is the 'demo' version of the relevant page in our e-book.
Payment Gateways: Directories
Merchantworkz is no longer what it was, but you'll find good listings of payment
gateways and credit card processing services in the directories below. Both are
now very numerous, so first make a shortlist of shopping cart programs.
1. site. Some 100 payment gateways listed in this useful business database.
2. site. Over 120 payment gateways listed: search the database with 'payment
3. site. Extensive listings but only broad searches seem possible with this
Payment Gateways
All merchant account providers require some payment gateway for their services
to be operational, and the lists that follow are far from exhaustive. They do
list the payment gateways most widely used by both shopping carts and MAPs, however,
and that therefore offer the greatest choice in setups.
Payment gateways come in two styles. 1. The simplest is code (usually a secure
order form) that takes the customer to a third-party site for credit card processing
and payment into the merchant's individual merchant account. 2. A merchant-side
API is code integrated into the server hosting your site: more difficult to set
up, but providing greater feed-back. Some companies also supply software to allow
manual (offline) processing of orders taken on the website.
Remember that costs of payment gateways are usually additional to merchant
account charges, and are levied in some combination of: license fee, setup fee,
monthly charge (which may vary with volume of sales) and/or individual transaction
Costs may also (and confusingly) vary with the merchant account provider, the
country where your merchant account is held, and even the shopping cart (some
shopping cart programs offer special deals). The figures given below are therefore
only a rough guide: you must with your particular setup before making a final
Continue to learn more about online merchant accounts, please
visit Ecommerce Digest.
Reliability, Security, and Speed
100% Uptime Reliability - The only credit card processing payment gateway service
in the industry to achieve 100% uptime reliability.
How is this done? The answer lies in something that the designing engineers
call "failover". There is no single point of failure in the system;
processors are geographically distributed throughout the US, and client software
automatically "fails over" between these processing nodes. Failover
happens automatically, transparently, and instantly. Although individual nodes
rarely go down (largely thanks to the incredible stability of open source software),
the Internet itself is prone to instabilities and outages. But you'll never notice
because your transactions will be processing.
Super Fast Speed - The fastest payment gateway in the Industry. Top names in
the industry take 3 - 7 seconds to authorize a payment. This is practically eons
in Internet time. Don't you think your organization should expect more?
Transactions are processed at an average of 1.2 seconds, including credit card
authorizations and captures, ACH payments, and credits. An average of 1.2 seconds
per transaction translates to "satisfied customers, fewer errors, and higher
sales conversion rates for your business.
Serious Security - Last holiday season there was a record number of "cracked"
credit card payment gateways,
resulting in blackmail, fraud, and embarrassment
for the merchants involved. Merchants who want to do business online would be
wise to give proper weight to the importance of security.
Proper security is difficult and time consuming, which is why many gateways
shirk in their responsibility and take the "easy way out". We believe
in doing things right, and that means proper precautions must be taken. All communication
(between your servers, TrustCommerce, the acquiring bank, and the issuing bank)
are encrypted end-to-end with 2048-bit RSA public/private keypairs assuring server
authenticity and invulnerability to man-in-the-middle attacks.
But that's just the beginning. Your customer's credit card or ACH account numbers
are never stored in plain text, but instead encrypted before they ever hit the
disk. We insist on using proven, open source software for all of our server software,
from the OS to the database to the webserver. We realize the fallacy of security
through obscurity, which is why we trust code that is subject to peer review and
direct auditing.
More information about reliability, security, and speed, please
visit OS Payments.
3-tier Payment Services
3-tier Payment Services: Secure Payment Gateway
Delivered using Microsoft .NET
and XML Web Services
Using Microsoft .NET and XML Web services, 3-tier Payment Service delivers
a secure, reliable and robust payment gateway to help New Zealand businesses manage
payments and other interactions with their banks. The Web service can be used
from the desktop or from a mobile device. Today, New Zealand businesses can license
the use of this XML Web service through their banks. 
Eliminating the Banking Integration Pain
Businesses hoping to link enterprise applications with their banks have historically
faced a long, expensive and painful learning curve before they could integrate
banks' proprietary interfaces. This pain is today being reduced for businesses
taking advantage of a new Web service being offered by 3-tier Payment Services.
Tim Muhundan, of 3-tier Payment Services, recalls how complex payment solutions
used to be: "Our first complex integration took more than two weeks to complete
and another month before it was certified. Further, the interfaces in the market
were primarily developed for Web based eCommerce sites - so they did not provide
sufficient robustness and security demanded by enterprise applications.
.NET Delivers, Reducing User Complexity made the strategic decision to develop its own XML based payment
gateway, in consultation with Microsoft New Zealand and ETSL (which is part owned
by four of the country's leading banks). The services are aimed at enterprises
wanting to access banking services from their call centre or CRM systems.
"Using the Microsoft .NET Framework and Visual Studio .NET, we reduced
the complexity and developed an XML Web service payment gateway that is simple
to integrate with, but retains the desired security, reliability and robustness
demanded by the bank," he said.
In 2001, ETSL certified the Web service, making it the first Paymark-certified
XML Web service in New Zealand for use by four main banks for payments.
Darryl Roots, Business Development Manager at ETSL says "3-tier's offering
is available to business customers of ASB BANK, Bank of New Zealand, The National
Bank and Westpac."
Kiwi Businesses Share Business Benefits
Muhandan says that since the company launched the service, businesses of all
sizes are using the XML Web service, reducing costs and increasing productivity.
"Many of our large customers want to integrate their back-end call centre
or CRM system to the bank via our XML Web service."
Mark Holmes, IT manager at Millennium Institute of Sport and Health, says,
"We process every single credit card transaction (including Point of Sale
and recurrent payments) through the XML Web service. And because the XML Web service
is totally integrated with our CRM system we get a unified view of our customers
and their transactions from a single interface. The banks are very happy because
the credit card numbers of one off transactions are not cached in the database
- as they are processed instantly."
Richard Elliot, Head of Learning Technologies at UNITEC, adds how UNITEC used
the 3-tier XML Web service to enable registration for the 19th International ASCILITE
conference at UNITEC in Auckland.
"We considered this payment solution a critical element in the successful
registration of over 150 delegates. The registration interface was integrated
with the Bank and has operated successfully for the past four months. We are now
rolling this out to other departments at UNITEC."
Luigi Cappel from the NZ Smartphone and PDA Academy accesses the payment services
from his PDA. Cappel is very enthusiastic about the value of the XML Web service
for his business. "I was wasting so much time before: Ringing the bank for
authorisation with every credit card order, then queuing up the next day with
deposit slips and reconciling the transaction report back from the bank. Now I
save so much time and money."
"The beautiful thing about using the XML Web service interface is that
I can access it A3 (anywhere, at any time and from any device)" says Luigi.
Want to read more about 3-tier payment services, please visit
Cyphermint Introduces New Payment Gateway
August 17, 2004, Marlborough, Massachusetts - Cyphermint introduces the "PayCash™
System Payment Gateway", a new easy to install electronic payment solution
for the online merchant that wants to accept cash payments and attract the un-banked
customer. This innovative payment gateway, utilizing PayCash System technology,
will enable merchants to integrate PayCash System on their eCommerce website quickly
and effortlessly. In a matter of hours, online merchants can accept electronic
cash transactions securely using the payment gateway. The payment gateway information
is available for download at
The Cyphermint Payment Gateway provides
an easy-to-use merchant payment solution
over the Internet. The PayCash System Payment Gateway offers 1,024-bit encryption,
does not require an investment in hardware or software, and easily integrates
into existing eCommerce payment structures. The Cyphermint PayCash System provides
the most complete Internet payment system for B2B and B2C eCommerce and is designed
to fight the high incident of fraud and identity theft.
"Our Payment Gateway provides PayCash System security, eliminates charge
backs and is ideal for virtually any size merchant. The payment gateway handles
cash payments ranging from micro-payments to multimillion-dollar transactions,"
said Joseph Barboza, President and CEO of Cyphermint. "Merchants using our
PayCash System can now get all our security and sell to consumers without a bank
account, simply and quickly".
Cyphermint provides the industry's most secure global electronic cash payment
and eCommerce infrastructure solutions on the market. Our global solutions focus
on kiosks, Internet cash payment, and next-generation stored value cards. The
heart of Cyphermint's solutions is the Cyphermint PayCash System. The PayCash
System provides unparalleled security and anonymity between parties as well as
lower transaction costs. Most important, Cyphermint's PayCash System provides
immediate clearing of payments without the risk of chargebacks or fraud and substantially
reduces the cost of doing business, therefore increasing the Return on Investment
If you need more info about payment gateway, please visit
Cypher Mint.
Shift4 Corporation Leads Payment Gateway Industry in Reliability
Leading Hotel, Restaurant, Retail and eCommerce Organizations Rely on $$$
ON THE NET® to Process Credit, Debit and Gift Card Transactions
Las Vegas, NV (PRWEB) July 29, 2004 -- Shift4 Corporation’s $$$ ON THE
NET solution, the leading web-based e-payment gateway solution with real-time
electronic payment authorization, settlement, reporting and fraud control capabilities,
reported over 99.99% system availability in the first and second quarter of 2004.
This is also in line with the system reliability and availability for the whole
of 2003.
Payment processing gateways such as $$$ ON THE NET connect merchants’
point-of-sale and property management systems to the banks and processors. Should
a gateway be down, customers are unable to receive immediate authorizations through
their point-of-sale. Either information has to be kept and run at a later date
– leaving the organization open to fraud – or voice referrals must
be received. Voice referrals, where the clerk calls into the processor and reads
the credit card data over the phone, are time consuming and costly, both in customer
satisfaction and transaction costs.
“We work with a lot of establishments - hotel, restaurants, order processing
companies, even retail stores – that are open around the clock. Their customers
perform transactions every minute of every day, so it is important that their
payment processing solution is available 24 hours a day. We understand that and
take every precaution possible – complete redundancy, load balancing, testing
and so forth – to ensure that our system is there whenever they need us,”
stated J. David Oder, President & CEO, Shift4.
“We're quite pleased with $$$ ON THE NET. With our old bank system, we
had days when we had to manually find and process 300 transactions lost over the
weekend. Now we don't have to worry about it. Our transactions are in the system
every morning at 8:30 when we come in and they're still there in the evening when
we audit and settle,” stated Michael Fink, Assistant Controller for the
Wheeling Park Commission.
The only system downtime that occurred in 2004 was a pre-scheduled 3-hour window
during which Shift4 brought live its new state-of-the-art data center. A second
data center, with an even larger load capacity, will be brought online later this
year, though no downtime will be associated with that go live date. Together,
these two, completely redundant data centers will bring Shift4’s system
availability close to its ultimate goal of five-nines (99.999% availability),
or in layman's terms, less than five and a half minutes of downtime per year.
About Shift4 Corporation
Shift4, a leading developer of financial transaction processing software and
services, provides web-based, real-time enterprise payment solutions for leaders
in the hospitality, retail, foodservices and e-commerce markets. Through connectivity
to most of the major processors, including Vital Processing Services, Global Payment
Services, Fifth Third Bank, NDC Canada, First Data Corporation, American Express,
Paymentech, Nova Information Systems, Chase Merchant Services, Bank of America,
First Horizon Merchant Services and Heartland, $$$ ON THE NET provides both high
speed and low cost authorizations and settlements for credit, debit, check, private
label and gift card transactions. $$$ ON THE NET also includes the ability to
access, review and edit transactions prior to settlement, as well as a searchable,
24-month archive of transactions for reporting and charge back defense. Shift4’s
solutions are designed to integrate with virtually any POS/PMS system and interface
partners include MICROS, RunIT, Aloha, Retail Pro, Smyth Systems, Digital Dining,
Spa Soft and InnQuest. Shift4’s $$$ ON THE NET application and data center
are acknowledged by Visa USA as compliant with their Cardholder Information Security
Program (CISP), and are also compliant with MasterCard’s SDP and American
Express’s DSOP.
Please visit
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