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about family childbirth time, wedding, family violence, healthy pregnancy, tips for parenting and children, family meetings, about like grooming shop, guinea pigs, cats, insects, hedgehogs.

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Tips For Busy Families

Try these shortcuts so you can spend less time in the kitchen and more time with your family which still serving healthy, tastyhome - make meal time family time meals.

Make Meal Time Family Time — No matter how simple the meal, make time for family meals at least a few days a week. Meals are great time to catch up with one another and make sure that kids' eating is on track, especially with busy school, extracurricular and sports schedules. If meal time doesn't work, sit down together for a nutritious dessert.

Combine What You Are Cooking — Save time by making boiling water do double duty. Throw vegetables in with pasta during the last few minutes of cooking, cook vegetables with precooked chicken or pork, or cook rice and pork strips in the same skillet.

Continue to read more about home, please visit Nutrition Explorations.

Top Ten Reasons To Hold Family Meetings

Create family value statements and operating principles.
Family meetings give you a chance to discuss what's important to you as a family and to create family value statements, which reflect your collective thoughts. Similarly, they give you a chance to talk about how you want to operate together as a family and treat one another, by developing family operating principles.

Share appreciations and give thanks for our many blessings.
This is a way to give children and adults permission to let one another know how much they are appreciated, and to share the many things they have to be thankful for. It is far too easy to take the blessings in our lives, and our loved ones, for granted if we do not form the habit of appreciating on a regular basis.

Provide leadership experience.
Everyone gets a turn at leading the family meetings. This is a great way for children to get early leadership experience. Be certain that their contributions in this regard are honored and respected. You will be building a confident future leader, who will experience the joy of positive leadership.

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Setting Examples for Children on Responsibility

How often have you found yourself saying: "How many times do I have to tell you to do something before you do it?" "Will you please look at me when I'm talking to you!" "This room is a mess!" How many times does the child see your project put on hold? Do you always focus on the other person who is speaking? How often are ‘things' just dropped rather than finding their rightful location?

Children are an extension of their parents by their thoughts, words, and actions. They learn as they see their parents responding to emotion, reacting to comments, handling circumstances, and making choices. They are sponges. They are like the molded clay of the potter's wheel.

When the parent accepts the responsibility of caring for their parent in a loving way, the child learns respect, love, and how to handle circumstances.

When the parent graciously handles a comment from an angry neighbor, the child learns patience and understanding as well as assertiveness. Speaking up for what is correct develops healthy self-worth.

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Tips on parenting

These few tips on parenting could perhaps make the job easier!home - tips on parenting

  1. Give your child the freedom to ask questions and allow him to
    disagree with you sometimes.
  2. Praising, if done rightly glorifies your child's good behavior
    (It will not spoil your child. Praise the act, not the child.)
  3. The discipline must fit the deed, not exceed it.
  4. Children don't learn from what you say, but they learn more from what you do.
  5. Demonstrate love and affection whenever necessary. Don't use love as a payment for good conduct.

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Communication Matters in Parent-Child Relationships

home - communication matters in parent-child relationshipsResearchers in the last two decades have produced volumes of material that suggest the interaction between parent and child is linked to peer relationships in other areas of life and relationships. Think about how you relate to your children. As you do, reflect on the following ideas and research findings.* Note that these suggestions generally are separate from the role parents play as disciplinarian, although how parents express themselves in disciplinary circumstances does have a significant role in child development.

  • Parents who respond positively, warmly and with affirmation in general help children develop positive relational skills. This in turn generally leads to more positive relationships among their peers in schools and influences how children relate to teachers and other authority figures. Parents who are more antagonistic, controlling and emotionally negative have children who tend to have greater difficulties with peer relationships and with teachers and leaders. This is especially true in the father-child relationship.
  • The Bible teaches that we are to bring up children with appropriate instruction and guidance. The value of this biblical admonition is validated in studies that suggest that children whose parents exerted appropriate instruction, discipline and supervision raised children who demonstrated greater interactive competence in social relationships. These children were better adjusted in group settings than children whose parents did not provide appropriate home and personal structure.

Read more article about home, contact Life Way.

Childbirth time

Pregnancy is a special time for every mom, then you ready to childbirth, what is must care?

The "puerperium" refers to both the period of time and the process that your body goes through after the birth of your baby. Technically, it begins with the delivery of the placenta. With the loss of that organ, so vital to your baby's intrauterine survival, you lose one of the largest hormone-producing glands your body will ever know. The sudden withdrawal of all those hormones initiates a cascade of profound bodily events. home - childbirth time

The slow inflation of your body to accommodate a growing pregnancy is now replaced by a process of deflation...that is, for every part of your body except your breasts. They're going to grow significantly if properly stimulated...that is, when you put the baby to breast to feed. Whether or not you breastfeed, your uterus begins its "involution" from the pregnant to the non-pregnant state. This will take about 4-6 weeks. The lining of the uterine cavity which helped nourish the placenta will slough off in the first few days after birth. The uterus, about the size of a large grapefruit in the hours after birth, will decrease to the size of a lime within the next 6 weeks.

The fluid that your body stored up in the last months of pregnancy will find its way back into your bloodstream. There the kidneys will remove the amount not needed. For most women, that means they will urinate huge amounts in the days after delivery. In fact, a complication of the puerperium, is the overdistention of a weakened bladder by the large volume of urine which is produced. If the bladder becomes significantly overdistended it may keep the uterus from contracting in the early postpartum period. This can result in the uterus filling up with blood, which most new mothers cannot afford to lose. If this happens, your bladder may need to be emptied with a catheter placed up through the urethra.

Your breasts will produce the first milk, colostrum, if they are not already doing so. The real milk will not come in until the second, third or fourth postpartum day. Sometimes the breasts fill so suddenly and with so much milk that the milk glands become "engorged". Engorgement can cause significant pain and discomfort. But it will pass. Engorgement can be managed with a proper fitting bra, ice (yes, ice), some pain medication, and expressing out some of the extra milk produced.

Continue to read more about home, please visit Child Birth Solutions.

Domestic violence

Are you trouble in violence? Some people didn't use their rights, like husband or wife rights, grandparents' rights, for parenting children rights. Some info about domestic violence below.

Domestic violence is not a simple thing, we must against violence, to protect our rights.

At least one woman is battered in Southeastern Massachusetts every day.

Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women 15-45, more than rapes, muggings and automobile accidents combined.

About 97 percent of domestic violence victims are women.

The average woman will leave an abuser seven or eight times before making the final break.

Seventy-five percent of women murdered by their abusive partners are killed in an attempt to leave the relationship or after they have left.

If you are in imminent danger, call police immediately. If you need someone to talk with, women's centers and shelters in the area offer a variety of services.

If you know someone who is being abused offer your help and empathy, assure her she's not alone, and that she does not deserve to be beaten.

Encourage an abused woman to imagine life without her batterer, help her picture the steps she must go through to cope with life on her own to increase her self-confidence.

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Easy Wedding Planning

Marriage is an important thing for your life, to begin your new household, so when you wedding, you must be busy for something.

Now available in its 5th Edition! Beautifully updated cover, dividers and inspirational new photos. This edition contains the most

current wedding etiquette, price ranges, and advice available today. The most informative and easy to use wedding planner!


Over 100 detailed worksheets and checklists to personalize your wedding planning about home easy wedding planning

Tabbed Sections to help make finding information & checklists easy

Complete descriptions and ideas for every aspect the wedding planning process

Things to consider and questions to ask service providers

Complete budget analysis, price ranges, and tips to save money

90 color photographs and detailed descriptions of the most popular wedding flowers

Timelines to keep your wedding party and service providers on schedule

6 full color pockets to store contracts, receipts, brochures, and more

Want to read more article about home, please visit Wedding Solutions.

Family Violence Prevention Services

Family Violence Prevention Services (FVPS) is a privately operated, non-profit, tax-exempt organization. It consists of nine separate components which combine to provide effective domestic violence treatment and prevention services to residents of several western North Carolina counties. These components are as follows: about home family violence prevention services

(1) victim intervention,
(2) court liaison,
(3) men's therapy groups,
(4) women's therapy groups,
(5) children's therapy groups,
(6) couple's therapy groups,
(7) violence prevention projects in the schools,
(8) information and referral telephone services, and
(9) community information and education.
The program is now in its eighteenth year of operation.

Family Violence Prevention Services (FVPS) provides effective prevention and treatment services to families where aggression or violence is a problem. Separate counseling groups for men, women, and children meet weekly for 21 weeks. All groups are led by experienced, professional counselors.

This approach is based on William Glasser's Reality Therapy. It emphasizes choice, consequences, and responsibility.

Each year, less than 5% of the court ordered clients who complete the FVPS counseling program return to court on domestic violence charges. This low recidivism rate is characteristic of the program over the nearly two decades it has been in operation.

FVPS is viewed by law enforcement agencies and the courts as a effective alternative sentencing program. The program has helped relieve overcrowding in the jails and keep men and women at home, on the job, continuing to do their part to support their families while they get the help that they need.

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Healthy pregnancy

Congratulations! You're pregnant! Or you might be trying for or thinking about having a baby. It contains useful and practical information about preparing for pregnancy, what happens during each of the three trimesters of pregnancy, fertility, labor and more.

Pregnancy can be a thrilling and wonderful part of a woman's life. But, it can also be a little scary. Every woman has questions about what to do and what not to do, to make sure she has a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Some women have problem-free pregnancies, but many women encounter some discomforts along the way. Over the next nine months you will be going through many different and exciting changes, as well as some challenges. By educating yourself about pregnancy, you can learn what you need to do to keep both you and your precious baby healthy. Enjoy your new adventure!

Some hot links about family below, click one of them help you find some info: Townhome, Budget Living, Countertop, Birdhouse, Fountain, Wind Chimes.

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How Do I Home school

Whether you're new to how do i home schoolhomeschooling or just curious about it, the idea of teaching your kids at home probably seems overwhelming. There are so many questions to be answered, decisions to be made, and new ideas to grasp. My advice is to relax -- every homeschooling parent was once in your shoes and soon discovered that homeschooling is not as hard as it looks.

The first step to successful homeschooling is to read (or a least look through) a few good books.

Need more info about home, please visit Family Education.

Legal Immigration

home - legal immigration The United States admits between 700,000 and 900,000 legal immigrants each year. This number does not represent the actual number of people settling here lawfully — rather, it represents the total number of people who were granted permanent residence ("green cards"), half of whom are already living here, some illegally, some legally on temporary visas.

The mechanism for selecting legal immigrants is very complex, but all legal immigration flows have at least three components — family, employment, and humanitarian. Our family immigration program admits the spouses, parents, and minor children of U.S. citizens without numerical limits, and has limited categories for the adult sons and daughter of citizens, the siblings of citizens, and the spouses and children of non-citizens. The employment-based categories are a complicated collection of preferences ranging from "priority workers" to unskilled and religious workers and investors. The humanitarian categories include refugees, asylees, and those receiving "cancellation of removal," i.e., longtime illegal aliens whose deportation would cause hardship for American family members. In addition, there is a visa lottery for people from countries other than the primary sources of current immigration.

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Tips for Choosing Child Care

home - tips for choosing child care Finding good childcare requires patience, persistence and a few detective skills. Here's what to look for in a qualified day-care center.
For most of us, returning to work and finding alternative care for our child is a fact of life. For many, licensed day-care centers offer the answer. The question is, what makes a good day-care center?

Every day-care center provides, as the name implies, all day care including snacks, lunch and naptime. Generally the caregivers at licensed day-care centers must be fully trained in Early Childhood Education, or its equivalent. Beyond that, the signs of a good day-care center is how adult caregivers interact with children, says Nadia Hall of Mothercraft. "Look at the way care-giving routines are handled such as eating. Is it a time to socialize, to have a warm conversation so as to develop language skills and to allow the child to feel special? Look to see that children's self esteem is being built and that each child is known intimately well by the care-giver."

If you want to know more about home, please visit The Parent Report.

Foster Care

Over 500,000 children in the U.S. currently reside in some form of foster care. Placements in foster care have dramatically increased over the past 10 years. Despite the increasing numbers, children in foster care and foster parents are mostly "invisible" in communities and often lack many needed supports and resources. In situations of abuse and neglect, children may be removed from their parents' home by a child welfare agency and placed in foster care. Other reasons for foster placement include severe behavioral problems in the child and/or a variety of parental problems, such as abandonment, illness (physical or emotional), incarceration, AIDS, alcohol/substance abuse, and death.

African-American children make up approximately two thirds of the foster care population and remain in care longer. Two out of three children who enter foster care are reunited with their birth parents within two years. A significant number, however, can spend long periods of time in care awaiting adoption or other permanent arrangement. Making decisions about the future for a child in foster care is called "permanency planning." Options include: returning the child to his/her birth parents; termination of parental rights (a formal legal procedure) to be followed, hopefully, by adoption; or long-term care with foster parents or relatives. Most states encourage efforts to provide the birth parents with support and needed services (e.g. mental health or drug/alcohol treatment, parent skills, training and assistance with child care and/or adequate housing) so their child can be returned to them. When parental rights have been terminated by the court, most states will try to place children with relatives ("kinship foster care" or "relative placement") which may lead to adoption by the relative.

Being removed from their home and placed in foster care is a difficult and stressful experience for any child. Many of these children have suffered some form of serious abuse or neglect. About 30% of children in foster care have severe emotional, behavioral, or developmental problems. Physical health problems are also common. Most children, however, show remarkable resiliency and determination to go on with their lives.

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Choosing a Grooming Shop

The shop should be clean and well-ventilated.

for home choosing a grooming shop Most dogs spend at least half a day there and should be comfortable and safe.

Find out exactly which services are included in the fee.

Most places include a bath, brushing, ear and eye cleaning, nail trimming and complete drying service. Teeth cleanings are not usually included, but may be available for an additional charge.

If your dog has special needs, make the staff aware of them. You may be able to bring preferred shampoos or ear treatments, for example.

Ask if certain vaccinations are required before a dog is accepted for grooming.

If there is a requirement, ask how compliance is documented. For example, on the first visit, does the owner need to present written proof of current vaccination?

Also ask if the grooming facility has a policy on dealing with sick dogs that are presented for grooming.

How long does a grooming session last and how quickly you can pick up your dog.

In some cases, you may leave your pet at the grooming location during the day. What kind of arrangements are made in these situations and are additional charges incurred?

How far in advance must I make an appointment?

Most groomers can see your dog with only a few days notice, but make sure that they can accommodate you before you go.


Ask about emergency services (dogs can be sprayed by skunks or roll in noxious substances).

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Excited with Moulting

There are some pets in our life, for example: Birds, Fish, Horse, Collie, Greyhound, and so on, you will love them day by day, beacuse you will find some exciting in them.

Observing moulting of tarantulas is surely one of the most exciting experience in keeping them. My sub-adult Chilean Common home - excited with moulting (Phrixotrichus spatulata Grammostola rosea), "Kana", moulted in November 1996, and I, for the first time observing it, got really excited. Around 10 o'clock, on her silk bed thicker than usual, she was up-side-down slowly folding and stretching the legs. I was observing with excitement, knowing this should be the sign of beginning of her moult (, otherwise people usually get upset doubting if it were dead with this posture). Tarantulas often go to long fasting before moulting, which make us more anxious.

After two hours, the new body emerged from the slit in the back. It's mysterious how she gets new legs out of old skin as if she were "taking off" socks. may rather feel like watching "duplicating" spiders for it looks like two spiders tangled each other.

The newly moulted tarantula has white soft fangs and renewed shining "fur" over its body. She is quite vulnerable before her new exoskeleton hardens, there shouldn't any possible harm around her, for example, live crickets left in the cage. You shall quietly observe with no disturbance.

After the spider became active, take out shed skin. This can be the key to identify species and sex of the spider.

Arboreal species moult inside silk retreat, which would not be as dramatic as terrestrials'. My Avicularia sp., Tsumabeni, was one day found to be "two", and his last moult was already complete.

Read more article about home, contact Geo Cities.

Feeding - Guinea pigs

When we have pets, like Lizard, Tortoises, Ferrets, Cats, Snake, Dog, we must buy some food for them, and cooking to them.

home about feeding - guinea pigsGenerally guinea pigs are reasonably easy to feed, remembering two main things. Number one - they can't make their own vitamin C. Number two - they need to be made to work at their food as if they are in the wild, by grinding down roughage in order to get sufficient nourishment. This will also help to keep the front teeth short, preventing further problems.

Guinea pigs should always have a good daily supply of grass or hay. They also need to have guinea pig mix, mash or guinea pig pellets. If they don't eat something in the mix, don't leave it out of their next feed because it is not kind to allow them to develop lazy eating habits.

You need to feed them plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables in order to supply their need for vitamin C. They will generally eat the same things that we do but don't give them a lot of lettuce or spinach because it has little food value and is toxic to a guinea pig. Their favourites are: apples, carrots, celery, melons (including the skin), cabbage and cauliflower stalks and tomatoes.

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Info about family childbirth time, family violence,  wedding, tips for parenting and children, healthy pregnancy, about guinea pigs, insects, hedgehogs cats.
Hedgehogs - Hibernation

Hedgehogs, (Erinaceus europaeus), occur in almost all areas of the UK, except some of the Scottish islands. They tend to be scarce in wetland areas, pine forests and the highlands, where suitable food and nesting sites are harder to find. They have adapted well to life in cities, and are common in many suburban areas.

Beetles, caterpillars, earthworms, slugs and snails are the hedgehog's favourite food, but the diet is varied and they will also eat cereals, pet foods, and fresh meat. They can weigh up to 1.5kg. A male hedgehog heavier than this is overweight and needs to diet! Before hibernation, a hedgehog should weigh at least 0.5kg to survive the winter. home about hedgehogs hibernation

Hedgehogs are mostly nocturnal, and can travel long distances in their nightly forages for food, but they may remain in one nest for several days before moving on. The young are born between May and September, in litters of four or five. Hogs have been known to live for up to 14 years, but in the wild, most will die after two years.

Hedgehogs avoid the coldest times of winter by hibernating, usually between November and early April, depending on the weather. If it is warm enough and there is enough food, hedgehogs do not hibernate at all. During hibernation, the animal's body functions slow down, almost to a standstill. Heartbeat decreases from 1 90bpm to 20bpm and body temperature drops from 35°C to 1 0°C. This helps them conserve energy.

Hedgehogs build nests called hibernacula in which to overwinter. Favourite sites for these are under timber buildings, in piles of brushwood or leaves, or in compost heaps. If the weather changes during hibernation, or the animal is disturbed, it will wake and may move on to build a new nest.

Want to read more article about home, please visit Wild Life Trust.

Insects as Pets

The advantages of having insects as pets are that they are not difficult to find, don't require great pet care except for feeding, and they can be kept in relatively little space. The following are the most practical of insect pets:

Field Crickets. These insects have no wing beneath their wing covers and are therefore not able to fly. As musicians, they make wonderful pets, and can be kept in a large glass bowl or aquarium. The container should have several inches of soil or loam and be covered with a piece of cheesecloth or wire screening to prevent the crickets from escaping. They eat lettuce, fruit and moist bread. Dried dog food also is a reasonable food for crickets.

Ant-Lions. As immatures, ant-lions are known as "Doodle-bugs," and are generally familiar to most people. Doodle-bugs form cone-like pits in sandy soil, and then await at the bottom of the pit until a passing insect, often an ant, falls into the pit where it is captured and eaten. Sometimes insects don't fall into the pit for weeks, but the doodle-bug is able to survive between meals. It may be two or three years before doodle-bugs become adult ant-lions. Doodle-bugs should be kept in a shallow box or dish of sand where they will build pits to entrap live prey.

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Mice as Pets

about home mice as petsWhen people think about pet mice they inevitably think about "white mice", but in fact there are well over 40 varieties. Exhibition quality mice, which are the "thorough-breds" of the mouse world, can be found in exotic shades such as Sable or Pearl, Cinnamon or Himalayan, Blue or Silver. They are as far removed from the common house mouse as a racehorse is from a Dartmoor pony. Pet shop mice are somewhere in the middle - often they are white, or piebald, or "brown". (By the way, the word "Fancy" in "Fancy Mice" is an old word meaning "hobby", particularly when applied to animals.)

These days you may be lucky to find mice in a pet shop at all, since mice are not as popular as rabbits or guinea pigs. This is a shame, because the beauty of the pet mouse is that it requires very little space, can be kept indoors, and is extremely cheap to feed. Mice will sit on your hand, wash themselves, and generally explore. They make excellent pets.

Female mice make the best pets, because their urine does not smell like that of the male - if you are keeping pet mice then it is sensible to keep two female mice (does) together, to provide company for each other. Two males will fight bitterly, as well as smelling pretty rough, and a male and a female will keep producing babies.

You should keep your pet mice in a wooden box or cage, but ensure that there is adequate ventilation to prevent condensation. If the cage has a glass front then make sure that there is a gap to let air in, or drill little holes in the roof of the cage. If there are no cats about you can keep mice in a fishtank (or plastic washing-up bowl), putting a metal grill over the top.

They need sawdust for the cage bottom, and hay or paper to nest in. Shredded paper isn't very warm - newspapers are thick and cosy.

You should clean your mice out at least once a week, and it is a good idea to have two cages so that you can alternate.

They love fun, and an old toilet roll tube or kitchen towel tube can amuse them for ages. The old mouse wheel is also popular, but make sure it is big enough. And remember to wash it now and again.

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Have You Heard The Mews? Cats Need Protection, Too

Parasites aren't just a canine pet peeve. Felines are also at risk.

Dog owners have been getting the message about parasite protection for years. Now, cat owner awareness of the need for similar feline protection is growing, too.

Parasites are more than just a nuisance to cats. They can cause serious illness, which can become life-threatening conditions. For instance, as few as one or two heartworms can be fatal to cats. Yet, over 98 percent of cats do not receive any form of heartworm protection.

Dr. Bob Cunningham from Veterinary Associates in Hattiesburg, Mississippi says that even indoor pets are susceptible. "It's estimated 27 percent of heartworm-infected cats live exclusively indoors. The mosquitoes that spread them can fly right into your home. Roundworm infections occur when cats ingest prey or through contact with immature parasites in the soil. Kittens can even get roundworms through their mother's milk. And, fleas can hitchhike into your home on another pet, or even you."

Need more info about home, please visit Doit Yourself.


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