Cincinnati, OH

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Departing Thu, Feb 9
 Returning Sun, Feb 12 from $239 per person
 Returning Mon, Feb 13 from $269 per person
 Returning Tue, Feb 14 from $299 per person
Departing Fri, Feb 10
 Returning Sun, Feb 12 from $254 per person
 Returning Mon, Feb 13 from $265 per person
 Returning Tue, Feb 14 from $269 per person
Departing Sat, Feb 11
 Returning Mon, Feb 13 from $209 per person
 Returning Tue, Feb 14 from $239 per person
Departing Wed, Feb 15
 Returning Sun, Feb 19 from $269 per person
 Returning Mon, Feb 20 from $299 per person
 Returning Tue, Feb 21 from $329 per person
Departing Thu, Feb 16
 Returning Sun, Feb 19 from $230 per person
 Returning Mon, Feb 20 from $258 per person
 Returning Tue, Feb 21 from $287 per person
Departing Fri, Feb 17
 Returning Sun, Feb 19 from $367 per person
 Returning Mon, Feb 20 from $276 per person
 Returning Tue, Feb 21 from $305 per person
Departing Sat, Feb 18
 Returning Mon, Feb 20 from $357 per person
 Returning Tue, Feb 21 from $385 per person
Departing Thu, Feb 23
 Returning Sun, Feb 26 from $385 per person
 Returning Mon, Feb 27 from $258 per person
 Returning Tue, Feb 28 from $287 per person
Departing Fri, Feb 24
 Returning Sun, Feb 26 from $357 per person
 Returning Mon, Feb 27 from $230 per person
 Returning Tue, Feb 28 from $258 per person
Departing Sat, Feb 25
 Returning Mon, Feb 27 from $201 per person
 Returning Tue, Feb 28 from $230 per person
Why Go: Trip Ideas

Cincinnati, OH: The Original Three Way
As the reigning Queen of the Midwest, Cincinnati boasts casinos that ride the river tide, amazing views that span three states, and the highest number of chili restaurants per capita in the country.

The real deal: Although Skyline Chili is the most popular and prominent place to eat real Cincinnati chili, avoid the crowds and the tourists and head to Blue Ash Chili, a no-nonsense restaurant known for its huge sandwiches and authentic, brown sugar chili.

Local tipple: Cincinnatians are notorious for their love of beer. Most locals would say their favorite would be Christian Moerlein, a premium beer that sells at a premium price.

Editor’s favorite watering hole: Arnold's is the oldest bar in Cincinnati, dating back to the 1860s, with a unique atmosphere that cannot be matched (check out the bathtub where they made gin during Prohibition).

Did we mention it’s free? Explore centuries of art and artifacts at no cost when you visit the Cincinnati Art Museum. The museum was started in 1876 and has everything from one of the country’s finest ancient Egyptian art collections (including a mummy from 300 B.C.) to the modern marvels of Warhol.

Chill-out spot: For terrific views of Cincinnati, Kentucky, and Indiana, make your way atop Carew Tower Observatory way up on the 49th floor.

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Recommendations & Suggestions:

Carew Tower Observatory
441 Vine Street
Move on up to the 49th floor and check out the east side, the west side, and 360 degrees of the Queen City in all its glory. At 574-feet high, the city's tallest building is the best place to get the lay of the land. See how the river meets the hills, and where the Midwest ends and the South begins. From atop this lofty perch, you'll also be able to see Kentucky, Indiana, and the art deco twin-domed towers of the Procter & Gamble building. Built in the '20s, the building's construction survived the decade's infamous stock market crash.
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Graeter's Ice Cream
41 East Fourth Street
Phone: 513.381.0653
Life's a cream at Graeter's. Since 1870, this family-run chain has been churning out ice cream made from old, family recipes. This ice cream is the real deal, made two gallons at a time with fresh ingredients, ensuring that the final product is dense, rich, and oh-so delicious. Be a purist and try one of the original flavors, like the black cherry or strawberry containing large pieces of fruit, or try the butter pecan, declared by Oprah Winfrey to be the best ice cream she has ever tasted. Have at the sorbets, too, in flavors ranging from lemon to raspberry. There's also a whole line of chip flavors, including toffee chip, mocha chocolate chip, and a black raspberry chip that comes in a shade of purple that would put Barney to shame. Look out for weekly specials too.
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Roebling Suspension Bridge
Entrance at Vine & Walnut Street
Arching across the river since 1866, the Roebling Suspension Bridge provides a link between Ohio and Kentucky. Cars, trucks, and busses pass back and forth between the two states, making the transition across an invisible boundary separating the Midwest from the South. Built to withstand storms, floods, and barge collisions, it's a fixture on the Cincinnati skyline. It's also a great place for a walk or a jog. It once held the distinction of being the world's longest suspension span, until the Brooklyn Bridge came along later and stole its thunder.
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Showboat Majestic
Public Landing
Phone: 513.241.6550
A designated National Historic Landmark, the Showboat Majestic has been in operation for over 80 years. When it launched in 1923, it was actually a traveling stage for musicals and comedies, plowing through the river and its tributaries until the Second World War. The ship made its eventual way to rest at the Cincy riverfront, adding a touch of nostalgia to its summer productions. As riverboats go, it is the last of its kind, and even if you're unable to see a show here, it's worth a look.
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The Esquire
320 Ludlow Avenue
Phone: 513.281.8750
Just north of the Cincinnati city center, The Esquire is where to go to see independent and art films. You'll find several screens, a neighborhood vibe, local art, and alternative 'zines. There's free parking, comfy seats, and a great concession stand. Put on your black eyeliner, paint your lips red, and catch a midnight screening of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, or come as you are to see a documentary. This theatre sparked some controversy when it edited out a racy scene from one its featured movies, but for the most part, it's a great place to catch films that you won't find elsewhere in this Midwestern town.
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