what's link popularity, spamdexing, about link popularity techniques, keywordswhat's Link popularity?Internet Epoch | Home Live | Look Faq |link popularity ("link pop") is a measure of the quantity and quality of other web sites that link to a specific site on the World Wide Web. It is an example of the move by search engines towards off-the-page-criteria to determine quality content. In theory, off-the-page-criteria adds the aspect of impartiality to search engine rankings. Link popularity plays an important role in the visibility of a web site among the top of the search results. Indeed, some search engines require at least one or more links coming to a web site, otherwise they will drop it from their index.Search engines such as Google use a special link analysis system to rank web pages. Citations from other WWW authors help to define a site's reputation. The philosophy of link popularity is that important sites will attract many links. Content-poor sites will have difficulty attracting any links. link popularity assumes that not all incoming links are equal, as an inbound link from a major directory carries more weight than an inbound link from an obscure personal home page. In other words, the quality of incoming links counts more than sheer numbers of them. Incoming linkAn incoming link usually means a hyperlink coming from another resource to the current one, especially on the World Wide Web. |
Craft Arts By Mortgage Banking Service Look Faq Antique Way Home Live Child Healths Analysis of incoming links is useful to determine where visitors to a particular resource (such a web page) may 'arrive' from. The Google search engine has a facility to search for incoming links. The quantity and source of incoming links to a particular page is a major feature of Google's PageRank algorithm. Here are some strategies that are generally considered to be important to increase link popularity:
To increase link popularity, many webmasters interlink multiple domains that they own, but often search engines will filter out these links, as such links are not independent votes for a page and are only created to trick the search engines. See Spamdexing. In this context, closed circles are often used, but these should be avoided, as they hoard PageRank. Other links:Chongqing Hotels | Slitters | Telemarketing Help | Hedge Fund Network | Sleep Wear List SpamdexingSpamdexing or search engine spamming is the practice of deliberately and dishonestly modifying HTML pages to increase the chance of them being placed close to the beginning of search engine results, or to influence the category to which the page is assigned in a dishonest manner. Many designers of web pages try to get a good ranking in search engines and design their pages accordingly. Spamdexing refers exclusively to practices that are dishonest and mislead search and indexing programs to give a page a ranking it does not deserve. People who do this are called search engine spammers. The word is a portmanteau of spamming and indexing (as well as a pun on spandex.) Search engines use a variety of algorithms to determine relevancy ranking. Some of these include determining whether the search term appears in the META keywords tag, others whether the search term appears in the body text of a web page. A variety of techniques are used to spamdex, including listing chosen keywords on a page in small-point font face the same colour as the page background (rendering it invisible to humans but not search engine web crawlers). Search engine spammers are generally aware that the content that they promote is not very useful or relevant to the ordinary internet surfer. They try to use methods that will make the website appear above more relevant websites in the search engine listings. TechniquesHere are some common spamdexing techniques: Hidden or invisible text Disguising keywords and phrases by making them the same (or almost the same) colour as the background, using a tiny font size or hiding them within the HTML code such as no frame sections, ALT attributes and no script sections. This is useful to make a page appear to be relevant in a way that makes it more likely to be found. Example: A promoter of a Ponzi scheme wants to attract web surfers to a site where he advertises his scam. He places hidden text appropriate for a fan page of a popular music group on his page hoping that the page will be listed as a fan site and receive many visits from music lovers. Keyword stuffing (also known as keyword spamming) Repeated use of a word to increase its frequency on a page. Older versions of indexing programs simply counted how often a keyword appeared, and used that to determine relevance levels. Most modern search engines have the ability to analyze a page for Keyword stuffing and determine whether the frequency is above a "normal" level. Meta tag stuffing Repeating keywords in the Meta tags more than once, and using keywords that are unrelated to the site's content. Hidden links Putting links where visitors will not see them in order to increase link popularity. Mirror websites Hosting of multiple websites all with the same content but using different URL's. Some search engines give higher rank to results where the keyword searched for appears in the URL. Gateway or doorway pages Creating low-quality web pages that contain very little content but are instead stuffed with very similar key words and phrases. They are designed to rank highly within the search results. A doorway page will generally have "click here to enter" in the middle of it. Page redirects Taking the user to another page without his or her intervention, e.g. using META refresh tags, CGI scripts, Java, JavaScript, Server side redirects or server side techniques. Cloaking Sending to a search engine a version of a web page different from what web surfers see. Code swapping Optimizing a page for top ranking, then swapping another page in its place once a top ranking is achieved. Link spamming Link spam takes advantage of Google's PageRank algorithm, which gives a higher ranking to a website the more other websites link to it. A spammer may create multiple web sites at different domain names that all link to each other. Another technique is to take advantage of web applications such as weblogs and wikis that display hyperlinks submitted by anonymous or pseudonymous users. Link farms are another technique. Referrer log spamming When someone accesses a web page, i.e. the referee, by following a link from another web page, i.e. the referrer, the referee is given the address of the referrer by the person's internet browser. Some websites have a referrer log which shows which pages link to that site. By having a robot randomly access many sites enough times, with a message or specific address given as the referrer, that message or internet address then appears in the referrer log of those sites that have referrer logs. Since some search engines base the importance of sites by the number of different sites linking to them, referrer log spam may be used to increase the search engine rankings of the spammer's sites, by getting the referrer logs of many sites to link to them. Spamdexing often gets confused with legitimate search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, which do not involve deceit. Spamming involves getting web sites more exposure than they deserve for their keywords, leading to unsatisfactory search results. Optimization involves getting web sites the rank they deserve on the most targeted keywords, leading to satisfactory search experiences. To be sure, there is much gray area between the two extremes. The root problem is that search engine administrators and web site builders have different agendas: the search engine wants to present valuable search results, the webmaster just wants to come up first, particularly if he/she runs a commercial website and needs visitor Traffic from search engines and directories. For that reason, many search engine administrators say that any form of search engine optimization used to improve a website's page rank is nothing else than spamdexing. Many search engines check for instances of spamdexing and will remove suspect pages from their indexes. In 2002, search engine manipulator SearchKing filed suit in an Oklahoma court against the search engine Google. SearchKing's claim was that Google's tactics to prevent spamdexing constituted an unfair business practice. This may be compared to lawsuits which email spammers have filed against spam-fighters, as in various cases against MAPS and other DNSBLs. In January of 2003, the court pronounced a summary judgment in Google's favor. Continue more about honolulu information, please visit wikipedia site.{top} targeted traffic, branding, link popularity. only text link ads offers all three.We specialize in placing text link ads on high quality, high traffic Web sites. Text Link Ads Inc. currently places ads for a wide range of clients, from Fortune 500 companies to individual Web site owners. The ads we offer are unlike any other online advertising. This is because our text link ads have three distinct benefits for the advertiser:
If you are interested in selling ad space off your Web site, please sign up to be a publishing partner. Link Popularity
To understand Link Popularity easily consider below example: Suppose you are looking for a Web Development / Scripts directory and have asked few of your friends to recommend some options. Lets say there are 10 friends that recommends Need Scripts (www.needscripts.com) while 2 other recommends some other company. It is more likely that you will have already positive view about our company and work, and if you were to make your decision solely on recommendations then you are surely going to choose us as your SEO Consultants. Hot links: Credit Card FAQ | By Hosting | Phone Cards Info | Sales Force Automation Web | Smoking Cessation Info Link Popularity works almost in same manner. From search engines point of view if other web sites are linking to your web site, then it is considered that they are in a way recommending your web site to their users and generally people tend to recommend their best experience. Search engines in their desire of producing best quality results in all aspects, do take into consideration the link recommendations (Link Popularity) and give web sites with higher link popularity a potential boost in search engine ranking. So ranking web sites based on link popularity seems a wonderful way for search engines to rank websites, however there is a problem. Like cloaking, link popularity is also being misused by many web masters and is also considered questionable method. However, talking about present case scenario - Link Popularity makes a big difference and it is very important to improve link popularity of your web site in ethical manners. One should never:
Link popularity is here to stay - and that is final truth. However, it is also very true that it is highly important that link popularity techniques are used only ethically - because link popularity work without proper study can also get your web site banned from search engines. KeywordsTo be successful at anything in life a proper direction is required. Said this, it can also be said that in search engine positioning work, choosing the right keywords is the most important decision towards achieving successful search engine ranking. Any good SEO Consultant knows that keyword research is very important and time consuming. What you think or I think does not matter. What matters is what your customer think and what they type it in at major search engines and directories - as only based on they type it in at search engines, the results will be produced. For example, you may say that your primary keyword is "Personal Injury Lawyer in California", while average John Doe types in "California Personal Injury Lawyer", you may say that this key phrase is same your primary key phrase and your should be ranked # 1, but search engines does not work that way. So before deciding on your main keywords and phrases, it is highly recommend that someone with good knowledge of search engines does research. Keyword research is the first step in search engine optimization campaign. One should be well aware that just because some keyword is being used million time, that does not mean that keyword is important for your business. For example, if you are a injury lawyer, then it would be practically useless for your web site to be found for the "car rentals". One can say that "car rental" is more popular keyword, but I am sure you will agree it is useless keyword for your business. So for finding highly targeted leads from search engines, it is recommended that proper keywords are chosen. Also, SEO consultant needs to be aware of your business. For example, if you are a injury lawyer in California, we both know that you cannot accept cases in Oregon, even though it is close to California. So before doing any keyword study, it is important that SEO consultant takes a good interest in knowing about your business - because if your SEO Consultant is unaware of what you do and your business rules and regulations - it is more likely that he/she will get your web site or worst your business in trouble. Link Building For Website Marketing
1) People will find your website link on other websites and visit your site (makes up the bulk of your traffic). 2) Search engines find these links pointing to your website and reward your website more and more with better search engine placements. As you can see, without a link building campaign, you will have nothing and no one coming to your site. Bottom line is, if you want to market your website, get more related websites linking back to you. Be Aware of This NO-GOOD Style of Linking: You will probably hear of, or have already hear of "link exchanging with other websites" will bring you more traffic and increase your SEM (Search engine marketing). This is ONLY true if you link to specifically related websites as yours & vice versa. If you provide "website marketing" services and you link to "online casinos", your website will get less and less search engine rankings worth while. On the flip side, if you link to "SEO Search engine marketing" companies and they link back to you, not only will search engines reward you for that, you will also get targeted traffic from them as well. Search engines are getting a lot smarter. In the old days, we used to link to as many websites as possible. This doesn't work anymore. Think reality for a second. In print marketing, you wouldn't blast off 1000's of your expensive flyers to homeless people would you? Same goes for linking. You don't want to have 1000 casinos linking to you because the traffic they will bring you won't need your service at all. Submitting Your Website To Local Business Directories: Local search results is the biggest thing online now. More and more, search engines (in their efforts to provide better results) have figured out that the secret to better results, is local results. This is why areas like "Google Local Search" is the next big thing. Why would you search for a "dentist" in general when you would only get "dentists" in the other side of the world. Instead, people want to support local companies and to do that, they are now searching more local. Like so: "Dentists in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada". This searching method helps to target more local. Adding your company within local directories online will help to target more local search results. --here have about link popularity info, please visit smartads.{top} Everything You Need to Know About Link PopularityThe number of websites that link to your website is one of the factors that help search engines determine your relevancy for a search term. Link popularity and gaining new links from outside websites to your website have proven to be a popular concept for people seeking to improve their search engine rankings. What is link popularity and how exactly does it work? Search engines don't just look at the content of your website to determine if you are a match for a search. They also look at the number of outside websites that can validate, by linking, that you are a good match. Search engines have also begun to rank the importance of the sites that link to you. This means if the New York Times links to your site, your credibility is higher than if Joe's Online Newspaper provides a link to your website. Search engines also consider the text contained in the link that is pointing to your website. If the text in the links contains keywords you are trying to compete for, the search engines consider your site to have even greater credibility. Since link popularity has become a factor that people feel like they have some influence over in determining their search engine positioning, many solutions have been proposed for growing your online link popularity. One of the more popular ways is also one of the least effective. Several software programs have been written that help you create lists of websites in your space that might be willing to link to you. These programs also help you gather the email addresses for these sites and even help you craft an email requesting that the site add a link to yours. The concept sounds good but the results are often mixed. If you use one of these tools and simply follow the templates they give you, your email will read like a spam message that won't be taken seriously. The best way to build long-term link popularity is to offer good content and features that provide real value to your audience. As people discover your website and realize its benefits, the likelihood of them linking to your website naturally increases. There are several critical targets if you want to build up your link popularity without appearing to be a spammer. The first is good links from Yahoo and the Open Directory Project. Both of these sites are human based directories that have a lot of influence over search results. If your site is listed in the correct category and has a good description, links from these two websites are seen as validating you are the real thing. The second place it's important to have a link from is topic specific or niche directories. These are websites that are dedicated to news and information that is an exact match for what you provide online. If you have a website that deals with tractor parts, being listed on sites that focus on tractors is very important. In the case where a niche website doesn't know about your website, it's okay to ask them to link to your website. But your message should be personalized to them and also tell them the benefit or feature their users will get from linking to you. Another part of the web that helps build your link popularity is resource sites. Resource sites are lists of links that people put up on their own. These pages are often spread amongst friends and readers who find good information available from the resource. In order to reach this audience, a good PR campaign and press releases can ensure that these individuals know you exist and have a link to your website that they can easily include. One of the most overlooked spots for building link popularity is links from partners and vendors for your business. Because you already have a business relationship with these companies or individuals, you are more likely to be able to request and receive a link from their website. These websites help validate your place online and also establish you within a community of websites online. If you are visible to the community, you are more visible to the search engines. Link popularity also starts at home. You must make sure your link architecture is solid and easily followed by search engines. That's the first way that search engines see you. It's also the way that visitors find information within your website. The easier you make it on your audience to find good information, the more likely they are to link to it. The final way you can work to increase your link popularity is to participate in newsletters and online forums that relate to your website. You don't want to just jump in and give a plug for your URL. You must participate in the discussion as an expert or authority who gives good advice. When you sign your name at the bottom of your posting, be sure to include a signature that includes a link to your website. If these forums and newsletters are archived and remain online, search engines continue to see them and the links they contain. If your website doesn't have a lot of content and you are wondering how you can build your link popularity you should think about building a tool or feature on your website that will be valuable to your online audience. Marketleap's Search Engine Marketing tools are a good example of a feature built to generate link popularity. Marketleap's free tools provide unique data for search engine marketers that they can't find other places. We've also made it possible for people to place our tools on their sites easily by cutting and pasting a piece of HTML code into their web page. Because the tools are valuable to our community, many websites have linked to the tools or added the tool to their own website. Consequently, if you search for "link popularity" at Google, Marketleap will usually appear in the top 3 results on the first page. Link popularity will continue to be an essential factor in successful search engine marketing initiatives for the foreseeable future. Links are a helpful tool for search engines trying to wade through billions of documents and find ones that are relevant to their users. If you want to get more about the link popularity info, please visit marketleap web. {top} |
A successful web site must have high link popularity! All major search engines rank web pages based on the number of links that point to them. Google uses link popularity as the most important factor when ranking sites. Yahoo, HotBot, AltaVista, MSN and others also use link popularity in their formulas. If you want to have a successful web site, you must have high link popularity. High link popularity is important for high rankings on search engines. The higher your web site ranks on search engines, the more customers you'll get. Here's a free link popularity check software for you! link popularity Check is completely safe to install on your system. It will not change the system registry and it will not make any unauthorized connections from your system. The software also includes an uninstaller. Link ExchangeLink Exchange ("Reciprocal Link Exchange") is the practice of exchanging links with other websites. The simplest way of doing it is to email another website owner and ask to do a link exchange. You place their link on your site, usually on a links page and the other site in return will place a link back to you. Link exchange has been a long time practice by the website owners since the beginning of the WWW. In the last few years (after year 2000), this practice has gained more popularity as search engines such as Google started favoring sites that had more links in the rankings. Link farmOn the World Wide Web, a link farm is a large group of web pages created that contain hyperlinks to one another or a specific other page. Link farms are normally created by programs, rather than by human beings. The main purpose of a link farm is to deceive the indexing programs of Internet search engines that assign rankings according to the number of pages that link to a specific page. If the link farm works as planned, the search engine will believe that the promoted page is hugely popular because of all the pages that link to it and give it a high ranking. Search engine operators consider link farms an abuse and attempt to detect them, to remove them from their indices or penalize their content rank. Free For All link pages are a particular type of link farm...{top} |
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