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Public Policy

The goal of the Disability Policy Collaboration is to impact national public policy for people with mental retardation, cerebral palsy and related disabilities and their families.

February 9, 2006
UCP AffNet Entrance [password required]
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Health Insurance Info

Each year millions of Americans face life events, varying from the birth of a baby, the onset of a chronic condition or disabling disease, divorce, changing jobs, a business closing, cutting back on staff or reducing the number of hours you work.

You need to know how these and other life events affect your health insurance coverage. Your ability to get and keep health insurance coverage may be of special concern if you or your family members have a history of medical problems. Understanding recent changes in federal law, as well as existing state laws, can help you and your family members when you buy, change or continue health insurance, and informa you of legal health coverage protections.

Using the following information as a general guideline, it is important to remember that health insurance laws in your State may provide even greater protections to buy, change, or continue health coverage. Please direct questions about coverage guidelines and protections in your State to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Web site to search for the appropriate State health insurance department.

Essential HIPAA information sources:

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