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Individual Voluntary Arrangements - IVA, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Advice.

UK debt consolidation services
IVA Insolvency Practitioner

  • Individual Voluntary Arrangement (or IVA).
  • A legal process for UK residents (excluding Scotland - see trust deeds)with a significant debt problem (normally over £25,000).
  • On agreement your creditors accept a reduced offer of repayment in full and final settlement of the debt.
  • Payments are normally made over a 5 year period, following which the remainder of your debt is written off.
  • All interest and charges on your account are frozen.
  • Your account is administered by a fully qualified, licensed insolvency practitioner, who takes responsibility for liasing with your creditors and distributing funds on your behalf.
  • If you own your own home you maybe required to release any
    equity in your home. This is normally by way of a mortgage
    or loan secured on it.
  • We can perform a confidential review of your circumstances to
    see whether you are eligible.

Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) definition: An IVA is a formal legally binding agreement between an individual who is unable to pay their creditors and a licensed Insolvency Practitioner. The Insolvency Practitioner will put together a form of proposals to the Creditors for approval and administer the IVA. The individual must be resident in England, Wales or Northern Ireland.
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Harrington Brooks Debt Consolidation and Debt Management Company. Debt Management UK for a debt management plan, an Individual Voluntary Arrangement - IVA, Scottish Trust Deed, UK Bankruptcy or Insolvency Advice. Debt Help for people with a debt problem. Harrington Brooks debt management and debt consolidation solutions.

© Harrington Brooks 2003 Terms and Conditions

AllClear Finance is a Trading Name of Harrington Brooks.

Debt Management and Debt Consolidation Misspellings: Debt Management - Debt Managment,
Dbet Managment, Debt Managmnet, Dept Management Debt Consolidation
- Debt Consolodation, Debt Consilidation, Debt Consoladation

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