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Winesofnz.comLast updated October, 2005 Winesofnz.com is an independent guide to New Zealand's eight wine regions and amongst the very best of our wines and wineries.The site is organised around eight important wine regions:To learn more about a wine region, and for recommendations and links to some of New Zealand's best wines, wineries and wine related events click on the links above.The wines, wineries and events listed on this site have been personally selected. Most have a proven track record for quality, as evidenced by favorable reviews and/or success in local and international wine competitions. If you would like your winery or wine related event considered for inclusion please contact winesofnz.com .New Zealand Grape Varieties Although best known for high quality Sauvignon Blanc, New Zealand produces a range of other quality wines and especially Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. New Zealand's most common wine varieties are listed below.
Source: New Zealand Winegrowers Vineyard Survey (2004). New Zealand Wine Tourism New Zealand is a small, green and beautiful country. It's safe and a great place to visit, and caters especially well to those with a love of fine wine, food, breathtaking scenery and adventure.
Located in the South Pacific to the east of Australia, New Zealand consists of two main islands, the north and the south islands. Most of its 4 million population live in the north island, and a large proportion reside in Auckland city. Other major urban centres are Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. To find your way around use our map of New Zealand. Award Winning WinesNew Zealand has a big reputation for wine. New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir wines are considered amongst the best in the world. For information on the success of New Zealand wines in local and international wine competitions visit our wine awards page. Books About New Zealand And WineTo learn more about New Zealand, New Zealand wines and food visit our on line bookstore. Is your site listed on winesofnz.com? With over 10,000 page views per month can you afford not to be? |
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Copyright (C) Michael Mills, WinesofNZ.com, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 Wellington, New Zealand. No part of this website, its source code, or graphical images may be reproduced in any form, electronic or printed, without the permission of Michael Mills and WinesofNZ.com. For more information contact winesofnz.com.