Biography of Ray Novak
Ray Novak
was the original producer of Colorano cachets which were established in 1965.
He changed from his maxi-card configuration
in 1971 when the first "silk" fdc was produced. He continued producing Colorano
until his retirement in 1995. Click the picture or blue wording to go to his biography.
Ray Novak's Earliest First Day Covers
Ray Novak early covers
were originally engraved. These were done long before his Maxi-cards and Colorano "silk" first day covers.
you click on the picture or the blue words, it will take you to his first fdc and
some additional fdcs from his beginning.
Colorano Canada First Day Covers, little known facts. This link will take
you to some little known facts about the
Colorano Canada first day covers.
When you click on the picture or the blue words, it will take you to an article written by
Gordon Payne, a long time specialty collector and exhibitor of Colorano Canada covers. Gord has won several exhibit awards
for his Canada collection and has been a great help in illustrating our Canada catalog.
Colorano US 2544A produced in 1995 |
Biography of Paul Schmid
Paul Schmid
purchased Colorano "silk" cachets in 1995 from Ray Novak when Ray retired.
He continues to publish United
States, Colorano first day covers in the tradition of Ray Novak. Paul still produces fdc's
for every U.S. stamp issued. Click the picture or blue wording to go to his biography.
Collins Handpainted A101 Quiltmaking |
Biography of Fred Collins
Fred Collins
started producing Collins first day covers with his first issue A101 - Quiltmaking in 1978. Collins fdc's quickly became one of the most popular "handpainted" covers available.
His covers continue
to be produced in very small numbers and remains very popular with collectors worldwide. Click the picture or blue wording
to go to his biography.
Women's History Series - NOW 167 |
Biography of Judith "Judy" Kaplan
Judy Kaplan
was the force behind the Women's History Series. This popular and short lived collection (1977-1981) of fdc's still have many collectors looking for that one fdc
they are missing.
Only 750-1,000 were made for each fdc, some of the rarities,
only 50 were made. They remain very elusive but the hunt continues! Click the picture or blue wording to go to her biography.