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FXPilot - Currency and Measurement Converters for the Palm Pilot®

You can now download the OANDA Palm Pilot Converter, FXPilot, that gives you OANDA's 164 currency converter (FXConverter) and Travelers' Cheat Sheet (FXCheatSheet), and automatically downloads the most recent conversion rates everytime you hotsync your Palm Pilot. It also supports:

  • Download most up-to-date rates using the Palm Pilot modem
  • Metric versus Imperial conversions for Length, Volume, Area, Temperature, and mass
  • Clothing and shoe sizes

FXPilot Update

June 16, 2003: download the new cc.dll required for seamless FX updates.

How to get FXPilot

  1. Read FXPilot FAQ: to make sure you will be able to install and update the currencies using your current hardware/software settings.
  2. Register: if you are not a registered user of Web site, you need to register to download a copy of FXPilot. If you are a registered user of site (customized currency converter or travelers' cheat sheet), you can use the same username and password to download the FXPilot application.
  3. Download the application and follow the installation instructions.
  4. Use FXPilot's Instruction on how to use the application.

If you encounter problems with installation, using or updating of the currency exchange rates, please refer to FXPilot's Frequently Asked Questions where you can find answers to common questions on installation and automatic rate downloads.

Before you download

  • The current version of FXPilot runs only on Microsoft® Windows 95/98/2000 with Winsock 2 (or better) installed.
  • If you are connecting to the Internet through a Firewall or Proxy server, you may encounter problems downloading the rates during a HotSync® operation.

To Download


OANDA Corporation makes no claims concerning the validity or exactness of the information provided by this service through FXP, and will not be held liable for any use, interpretation, or other implementation of said information. OANDA Corporation makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the results to be obtained from use of such information, and make no express or implied warranties of condition, quality, performance, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use. Neither OANDA Corporation, nor any of its providers of information shall have any liability to the Subscriber or anyone else for the accuracy of the information contained in the Service, or for omissions therein. None of the foregoing parties shall be liable for any third party claims or losses of any nature, including, but not limited to, lost profits, punitive, consequential, special, incidental, indirect or similar damages even if advised of the possibility of such damages.

Please note that OANDA does not provide technical support for installing or debugging FXPilot. Please visit our FXPilot FAQ if you encounter any problems.

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Please contact us with any feedback or problems