Sailing vacations prices, catamaran booking & last minute vacations
- Sailing vacations times & prices
In 2005 Neverland offers sailing vacations in the Caribbean and the Pacific. In this table you get all the information about the individual sailing vacation cruises with Neverland with the corresponding prices and if the cruises are booked or if there is still a time for your sailing vacation available.
- Last minute vacations
Last minute vacations with Neverland is sometimes available, when a customer has to cancel a contract or when there is a real vacancy. Last minute sailing vacations are good bargains. Look here if there is a vacancy for a sailing vacation at the moment for you.
- Catamaran booking
If you are interested in sailing vacations on Neverland some paperwork has to be done. We have to sign an agreement letter and there is a payment plan. Klick here and you get some information.
- Sail boat charters FAQ
Sailing vacation is quite different from resort holidays and guests ask in their emails about sailing vacations , like "can I charter the yacht without a captain because I have all the licenses to sail a yacht" or others ask about what they need to bring with them for their sailing vacation. Here are some of the frequently asked questions.