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Chinook Salmon are also call the (King Salmon), (Tyee if over 30 lb. (Spring Salmon) in (France :Salmon Royale) (Germany Konigslachs) (Japan Masunosuke) (Spain Salmon Chinook) Ranging in size 3 to 60 pounds the chinook is the biggest and most sought after of the pacific salmon species.
The best time to fish the Chinook is June, July and Augest.
Possession 4 daily limit 2 per person, season open all year.

Coho Salmon are also called (Bluebacks)in(france saumon argente)(Germany - Silberlachs) (Japan - Ginzake Ginmasu) (Spain - Salmon) Ranging in size 3 lb to 28 lb.
The best time to fish Coho is April to early June.
Possession limit 4 daily 2 season open July 1 December 31.

Chum Salmon, also called in (France - Salmon Keta) (Germany - Hundslachs Ketalachs) (Japan - Sake Shake) (Spain - Salmon Chum) Ranging in size 8 lb. to 25 lb.
The best time to fish chums is August,September and October.
Possession limit 8 daily 4 season open all year.

Pink Salmon also called (France - Salmon Rose) (Germany - Buckellachs) (Japan - Sepparrimasu Masu Karafutomasu) (Spain - Salmop Rosado) Ranging in size 3 lb. to 12 lb.
The best time to fish Pink salmon is June to October.
Possession limit 8 daily 4 season open all year.

Sockeye Salmon are also called in (France - Salmon Rouge)(Germany - Rotlachs Blaurucken) (Japan - Benizake Benimasu Himemasu) (Spain - Salmon) Ranging in size 5 lb. to 15 lb.
The best time to fish sockeye is July and August.
Possession limit 8 daily 4 season open all year.

Last year it seemed to start late but the Chinooks came through in great numbers the largest, 50 lb. what a fish. It was a gentleman from England who had just got married the night before lucky guy ....twice. I am now kicking myself for not having a camera, that would have been a nice picture for the photo album!


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