General information about Prague - Czech republic
496 km2 Number
of citizens: 1 170 571 ( 2004 ) Time
zone: Central European ( GMT+1), Summer
time - Central European +1( GMT +2) Altitude:
235 m ( average) Climate:
average yearly temperature 9
°C; July: 19
°C, January: - 0,9 °C Bridges
across Vltava river : 19 in total Electric
current: 230V, 50 Hz Historic
centre: Hradčany, Malá Strana ( Lesser Town), Staré Město ( Old Town) including Josefov, Nové Město ( New Town) and Vyšehrad Number
of towers: approx. 500 Parks
and gardens: 870 ha Founding
of the city: 9th century Prague
offers its unique architecture and unique spirit of place and also the
constantly improving range and quality
of services. Tourism specialists agree that Prague is among the
most beautiful and romantic cities in the world. Its historic centre,
covering 866 hectares, was listed in the UNESCO Register of World
Heritage Sites in 1992. At the present time, Prague is the sixth most
visited city in Europe. The
Castle was founded around 880, from the 10th century onwards it was not
only the seat of country’s ruler, first princes and later kings, but
also of the highest representative of the Church, the bishop of Prague. Its walls conceal the
crown jewels , the remains of Czech kings, priceless Christian relicts,
precious arts of art and historic documents. You can find there e.g. the
Spanish hall and the Rudolph Gallery, the Cathedral of St. Vitus, the
Southern Gardens, the Royal Gardens, the Royal Summer Palace,
the Old Royal Palace, the Basilica and Convent of St George, The
Golden Lane, the Lobkovicz Palace, the Prague Castle Gallery etc. Josefov-
Jewish Town is the most preserved complex of Jewish historical monuments
in the Europe from the 13th century. The Old Jewish Cemetery, the Synagogues
and the Jewish Town Hall are all places that survived from the
original Jewish Quarter. The
Charles Bridge is the oldest of Prague’s
bridges and one of the most beautiful in the world. It is lined with 30
statues of the saints and the work of Baroque masters such as Braun and
the Brokoff family among others. The
Lesser Town is rich in splendid Baroque palaces and old houses with
attractive signs. The centre of the Lesser Town has always been
Malostranské square, dominated by the Church of St. Nicholas.
You must see the Nerudova Street- a picturesque narrow street
leading up to Prague Castle. In
the New Town is located the Wenceslas Square- an important commercial centre. Hotels,
restaurants, shops, clubs and cinemas occupy many of the buildings. The
dominant features of the square are the Statue of St Wenceslas and the
National Museum behind it.