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Manage small or large projects; up to 1000 tasks "Software to Easily Track and Manage a Project" - ZDNet "Easy-to-use software to manage and schedule a project" - Tucows Source from: minuteman-systems.com Daytrading FAQ, Banner Advertising, Logo Creation, Payment Gateway Site, Trimspa Site, Intellisys Project Management SoftwareIntellisys Project Management Software provides powerful concurrent, multi-user solutions for planning and tracking projects/programs spanning multiple functional/business units. ...find out how you benefit... Intellisys Project Enterprise is a cross-platform project management and collaboration system that empowers your project teams regardless of location. Project Enterprise enhances the productivity and effectiveness of your most valuable asset - your people. Project Enterprise is invaluable for teams separated by distance, work cultures, or administrative structures. Each project team member can access, update, and use critical information quickly and easily. Improve team communication and facilitate management's decision-making capabilities to increase revenue and reduce costs - and get returns on your investment in no time. ...product details... Intellisys Project Desktop is suitable for individuals as well as for businesses who want an uncomplicated and effective project management tool. Small companies have succesfully run all their projects on a single-user installation of Desktop, and the affordable price puts it within the reach of the individual who needs more than just a to-do list. Source from: webintellisys.com Web Project Management SoftwareProject Insight is 100% web based project management software that permits teams to collaborate on projects in real-time whether team members are traveling employees, outside subcontractors, vendors or even customers. A web browser is the only client software that is required for your team, regardless of their location or the distance between team members, allowing the team to connect and work together using the same project management tool. Project Insight Advantages: If you need to bridge the needs of savvy project managers with team Our Project Management Software is an intuitive, easy to use, mid-range web based solution that offers many strategic benefits such as: Seamless import and export of MS Project files If what you need is project management software that can be deployed quickly, covers all of your fundamental management needs, and can be used with ease by every team member, then our software is for you. Project Insight software is a mid-range project management software solution that has all of the features you will need, is customizable, is able to integrate with other enterprise management software, and is reasonably priced. You need Project-Insight!TM Take a product tour to learn more about our Project Management Software. Source from: projectinsight.net/ Craft Arts By Mortgage Banking Service Look Faq Antique Way Home Live Child HealthsProject KickStart
Project Planning & Management Software This easy-to-use project management program will help you design, organize and schedule your project in only 30 minutes. Find out more about Project KickStart: Planning and Management Software. It's Fast and Easy. Get Your Plan Ready in Minutes. Project KickStart's Wizard-like interface not only stimulates project brainstorming, but provides "built-in" expertise through smart questioning, a context-sensitive project advisor, expandable libraries of project-related knowledge and sample projects. It boosts productivity by helping to quickly generate effective strategies for projects. Project KickStart does not require project management training to use. It is easy to learn and use, guiding you to generate tasks, consider, goals, anticipate obstacles, allocate resources, and organize all aspects of the project. Product Reviews Since its release, Project KickStart has received the highest praise for its ease-of-use, efficiency, capabilities, and cost-effectiveness. "If you have projects to organize, you owe it to yourself to check out Project KickStart" - PC Magazine "Project KickStart is to Project Management Software what Quicken is to accounting software; it takes the best that project management software has to offer and makes it easy to use." - Executive Computing Read more reviews from top industry professionals Plan with Confidence Project KickStart is for anyone who is planning a project. In today's business environment, people are taking on new types of projects, and they don't necessarily have the know-how to create a project management plan. Project KickStart not only gives them the chance to organize their projects, its built-in expertise can help ensure business success. Project KickStart is a high quality management and planning software tool that handles up to 1,000 tasks and 100 resources per project. Users benefit from having all the details worked out, listed and accounted for within minutes. It is one of the best project management software tools on the market today. Source from: projectkickstart.com QuickGantt Project Management Software
Source from: nwbuildnet.com Project Management SoftwarePROJECTS WEB BASED SOFTWARE INC.- SOFTWARE REVIEW March 12, 2004. @task is a surprising Project Management Software solution: while flexible enough to use with complex projects, it is still adaptable to more simple, smaller-scale endeavours. The system can be as simple or as complex as needed. First, there are two things one notices when using @task : it is easy to use and it's fast. Once we start using the system, we are amazed at the flexibility of this robust system. @task designers have spent a long time in the designing stage of their project management solution, and it shows. This java-based system sports a clean interface. The system is incredibly fast to load screens and changes are implemented instantly, no logout necessary. The tree-view collapsible menu doesn't even lag when nodes are open or closed! Another neat feature is the ability to collapse and expand part of the main screen, a practical tool to hide data a user wouldn't need. All through the system, attention has been paid to making the important stuff noticed easily, for example color-coding in calendars and schedules to indicate leads and lags. User-specific customization is extensive: everything can be adapted from the items in the tree-view menu to the screen colors and the contents of the user's home page. User rights are just as flexible: every and any action can be granted or forbidden individually for each user or for a whole group of users. Of course, like all other project management systems, @task offers multiple-project management, file attachments and a variety or detailed information to be input by the user. What is different about @task is how it ties in its time sheet functionalities with the financial data. These two modules are as flexible as the rest of the system, and allow a tracking of revenues and expenses that is on par with accounting systems. Companies can even make invoices and bill their clients straight from the system. Reports, often seen as the heart of a project management system, are very easy to read. Information is sorted in a natural, visual way. Gantt charts are amazingly clean and display task dependencies clearly. @task's java programming enables it to work anywhere, on any platform, through any browser. Being database-independent, the system can be deployed on any corporate server or used online through any web browser, a step apart from most project management systems, which are often tied by their database format. The system's flexibility extends to its integration capabilities, from web services to API and many others. If you have very specific needs and could never find just the project management solution that is right for you, you should take a look at @task. If you think your needs are pretty basic and you want a no-hassle system you won't need to spend ages setting up, you should try out @task. By Karine Simard @task? is project management software at it's best! Click here to view a flash demo on @task's project management software, or to speak to an @task? expert call 866-441-0001 (U.S.) More Information on @task's Project Management functionality Screenshots of Ad-Hoc Reporting Source from: attask.com Look Passive Income, Bedwetting Faq, Ultimate Hgh List, Paintless Dent Repair, Order Fulfillment, Project ManagementKnow exactly where you stand. With all the facts in one central database, and inquiries and reports that are easy to customize, you're able to quickly get to the details that will identify issues before they grow into problems. Stay on top of subcontracts and performance. Effectively manage change orders. Compare actual costs against budgets. Streamline your RFIs, submittals, and other project documentation. And improve workflow between accounting and operations. Timberline's Project Management Software puts an end to shuffling data and entering the same information twice. Give project managers live, up-to-the-minute cost and project detail for aid in solid decision-making. For more information about the specific applications, see links on the left. Source from: timberline.com Choosing Project Management SoftwareGood software won't do the job for you, but it can make you more efficient By: Don Cameron Source: TechSoup.org This article is drawn in part from the Techsoup Community discussion on Project Management Software found at the end of this article. Ask the executive director of a nonprofit what projects the organization is working on, and you'd best get comfortable -- you're in for a long conversation. Most NPOs have multiple project running at any particular time. Managing all the associated tasks, resources, and schedules can be tricky. That's where project management software can help. These programs are designed to ease the burden by promoting logical management processes that can take a project from concept to completion. Choosing the right project management (PM) software is a combination of matching needs to features, and balancing training and support considerations, budget, and software and hardware requirements. Sometimes the best solution may not be a program designed for project management at all. Many NPOs manage projects quite effectively using nothing more than the collaboration and scheduling features of Microsoft Outlook, Visio, or Sharepoint. Still others use Access, MySQL, or some other database to track tasks and resources. Determining whether or not you need a dedicated PM application largely depends on the scope of your projects and the effectiveness of your current management systems. If you manage large projects and are finding it difficult to track project resources or schedules, chances are PM software can help. A good place to start an assessment of PM products is to consider the features generally offered by these programs, and see if they match your needs. The following list summarizes features available in Microsoft Project (heavily discounted for qualified nonprofits through TechSoup Stock) and is comparable to the features offered by most leading PM programs. Source from: techsoup.org Top-rated web project management softwareYou get great features with powerful reports in an easy-to-use package. All-inclusive pricing means you get unlimited projects in a web based project tracking tool along with the training, consulting, on-going Project Management Software support and five-star customer service to make your implementation a success. Vertabase Pro gives you the best approach to project management. Check out the tour of our project management solution and read the success stories under Why Vertabase to learn what thousands of users know, that Vertabase Pro is the best approach to project management. Do what you do, only better Centralized project tracking software helps avoid confusion. On-demand, web based project management software that works, gives you clarity on your projects. Automatic email notification keeps tasks moving forward and people in the loop at all times. Source from: vertabase.com Project Management Software For Managing Creative BusinessesSometimes you spend so much time managing a project that you don't get to do the creative work you love. Infowit Creative Manager? takes care of keeping your team on schedule, your projects under budget and your clients happy. It's a complete foundation that streamlines project management overhead to make everyone on your team more productive – and to improve your bottom line. Create competitive estimates fast Business Performance & Project Management12th - 13th October, NEC Birmingham "bPPm (formerly ProjectWorld) is a highly focused event for all business professionals seeking to optimise their business performance through more effective use of project and programme management. "Dedicated to providing real solutions for today's economy and tomorrow's challenges Business Performance & Project Management is a FREE exhibition giving you the opportunity to meet about 60 companies who can deliver real solutions to your organisational and project challenges. "NEW FOR SPRING 2005! "FREE Vendor Seminars "The programme of FREE Vendor Seminars will comprise of case studies and product demonstrations. You will be spoilt for choice at the range of vendor sessions on offer. "Complementary Buyers Guide "Register in advance of the event and collect your complimentary copy of the all encompassing Buyers' Guide (RRP £195) now featuring the bPPm exhibitors in addition to the leading accounting/finance and HR/Payroll solution providers." Source from: comp.glam.ac.uk Web Project Management SoftwareProject Insight is 100% web based project management software that permits teams to collaborate on projects in real-time whether team members are traveling employees, outside subcontractors, vendors or even customers. A web browser is the only client software that is required, enabling project collaboration regardless of team member location or the distance between them, the team can connect and work together using the same project management tool. Project Insight Advantages: If you need to bridge the needs of savvy project managers with team Our Project Management Software is an intuitive, easy to use, mid-range web based solution that offers many strategic benefits such as: Seamless import and export of MS Project files If what you need is Project Management Software that can be deployed quickly, covers all of your fundamental management needs, and can be used with ease by every team member, then our software is for you. Project Insight software is a mid-range project management software solution that has all of the features you will need, is customizable, is able to integrate with other enterprise management software, and is reasonably priced. Source from: projectinsight.net Selecting Project Management SoftwareProject management software comes in many different levels of sophistication and at prices ranging from $50 to $20,000 or more. Software itself does not make project managers more effective; it just makes them more efficient. PM software does not teach you how to define scope, communicate to the project sponsor or make clear assignments to your team members. It just let's you accomplish these and many other PM tasks more efficiently. So, before we look at the different kinds of PM software let's talk about the kinds of projects you manage and the levels of PM skills. This will enable you to pick a PM software tool appropriate for you and the organizational setting in which you operate. The following three categories of project managers divide the world up pretty well. Types of Projects and PMs In this situation, your range of choices is very broad and many packages will meet these limited needs of Gantt and PERT charts. If this is all you want, there is not much sense in spending more than $25 nor investing in a long learning curve that covers a lot of features you will never use. On the other hand, if you or your organization intend to move toward the greater precision of work estimate based project plans and portfolio management then learning the basic packages will prove to be a dead end and you are better off buying and learning a more sophisticated tool into which you and the organization can grow. At this level, project managers who want to automate the process of laying out plans, prepare occasional status reports and produce some simple Gantt and PERT charts, the low end PM software tools are just fine. Without investing the time to master the more sophisticated tools, there are plenty of packages that will automate the basics for you. There are also a host of web-based products that operate at this capability level. For under $100 there are products like: TurboProject, Milestone Simplicity, Project Vision, Quick Gantt. Most computer and business supply stores carry these less expensive products. With a bit more of an eye to enhancing your tool use in the future, Microsoft Project 2003 and Primavera's SureTrak may also be appropriate tools for this level. Source from: 4pm.com Project KickStartProject KickStart is an easy-to-use project management program for small to medium-sized projects. The software focuses on both planning a project and creating a project schedule for easier management. Project Planning & Management Software This easy-to-use project management program will help you design, organize and schedule your project in only 30 minutes. Find out more about Project KickStart: Planning and Management Software. It's Fast and Easy. Get Your Plan Ready in Minutes. Project KickStart's Wizard-like interface not only stimulates project brainstorming, but provides "built-in" expertise through smart questioning, a context-sensitive project advisor, expandable libraries of project-related knowledge and sample projects. It boosts productivity by helping to quickly generate effective strategies for projects. Project KickStart does not require project management training to use. It is easy to learn and use, guiding you to generate tasks, consider, goals, anticipate obstacles, allocate resources, and organize all aspects of the project. Product Reviews Since its release, Project KickStart has received the highest praise for its ease-of-use, efficiency, capabilities, and cost-effectiveness. "If you have projects to organize, you owe it to yourself to check out Project KickStart" - PC Magazine "Project KickStart is to project management software what Quicken is to accounting software; it takes the best that project management software has to offer and makes it easy to use." - Executive Computing Source from: projectkickstart.com Project Estimating, Planning, Scheduling and Management SolutionsInterPlan Systems offers effective solutions for estimating, planning, scheduling and managing projects and oil refinery and petrochemical plant maintenance shutdowns / turnarounds: Project Planning Software - eTaskMaker? eTaskMaker can model the thought process for planning any repetitive project scope. It is a project planning platform that replaces the manual editing of project templates in any industry. eTaskMaker is an effective solution for standardizing and improving the estimating, planning and scheduling best practices across the enterprise. Project Management Software - ATC Professional? Shutdown / Turnaround Management System Estimating Software - Conceptual Cost Estimator? Source from: interplansystems.com |
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