Cheap property in Spain for sale
The place to start searching for a cheap property in Spain.
Hundreds of bargain Spanish properties from the Costa
del Sol to the north Costa Blanca and inland.
Investment properties in Spain, cheap Spanish properties
and low commission Spanish properties. All of the
Spanish properties on this website are low commission and
you will have to look long and hard to find a real estate
company with the same property cheaper! Now with some excellent
investment properties in the Granada area.
This site was designed to help the fellow Brit find
property in Spain which is at the right price, as for many
of the property agents in Spain are charging over the amount
that the property price should be. Having known friends and
meeting people that have been in the situation of paying too
much for the property in Spain that they have bought this
site will hopefully cut some of the British being ripped off by
the greedy Real Estate Agents in Spain.
We are NOT Estate agents...
We are not estate agents, what we offer is a free advertising
portal for private people to freely advertise their property
in Spain for sale and get the price that their property is
worth without the real estate companies pricing their
property out of the chance of selling their property. So what
you will find on my site are private sales of Spanish
properties and real estate companies in Spain that I
know who ARE low commission agents.
What you pay for
We do not spend one penny or one cent on advertising,
- we do not
have printed company cars
- any wage bills
- any overheads
- free inspection tours
- you will not find us at any fares or market stands.
We do not
even have company cards or headed paper, but that is just some of
the things that you would pay for if you bought from a big
Spanish Real estate company.
Where do you make your money?
I just get a very small fee from the companies that I use,
but I also work full time, so you know that you can search for a
property in Spain without paying over the odds. Good luck and
have fun!
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