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Fishing Report

At FinTalk Fishing one of our goals is to bring our angler's a fishing report for their area no matter what region they may be fishing in. We want to provide a fishing report for the entire U.S. coastline so if you are fishing in Florida or doing some NC fishing you can get an up-to-date fishing report. Novice fishermen and professional sport fishing Captains alike may use our fishing report page or post a report in the fishing forum.

We also accept fishing articles which may be posted thru our article submission form or by sending it via email to FinTalk Contact FinTalk

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Fish Species Identification at Fin Talk Fishing
Species identification database.

Fish Species Identification

    Research saltwater fish species and freshwater fish species by common name or scientific name. We have species identification information on everything from Striped Bass to Blue Marlin to Chinook Salmon. Get fast facts on fish like habitat, fish feeding habits, description, food value, and sport fishing quality for fishermen. Check out over 300 individual species from the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Including some select North American freshwater fish too.

fishing books and magazines. fishing books and magazines. fishing books and magazines.
     For a much more in depth fish species guide you may consider purchasing one of the fish species identification guides listed above. Just Click to Buy!
Fish encyclopedia, fish statistics, feeding habits, ocean ranges, fish database

   Have you ever caught a fish you just couldn't identify? Here you can identify that unknown fish or simply learn more facts about the fish you do recognize. Learn feeding habits, swim range, ideal temperature and other fast facts about the fish that roam the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and the Gulf of Mexico too. And we didn't forget our rivers, streams, and lakes as we have species ID for freshwater fish too!
Search by Common Name or Scientific Name
   Currently Adding Fish Species - Over 400 when the database is complete  
Search fish species by common fishing name
North American Fishes

    Select a fish species from the drop down menu and hit the "Go Fishin" button to learn many facts about the selected fish. Your search will display a clear picture of the species along with other species facts including Ocean Range, Habitat, Description, Size, Game Qualities, Food Value, Fishing Styles and other important facts and information.

Please enjoy the FinTalk Fish Species Database!

Search fish species by scientific fish name.

We will be updating and completing the fish species identification database very soon. With almost 500 freshwater and saltwater fish species it has taken so time to put together the fish id database. In the mean time please enjoy whats here and the rest of the site as we have many other fishing resources.

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