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non-profit organisations who can provide information on all aspects of ... www.charitychoice.co.uk/ - Powered by Google
Global Impact Mission is to help people who suffer from hunger, poverty and disease or from
the ravages of war, oppression and natural disasters. www.charity.org/ - Powered by Google
Mind (National Association for Mental Health) Web pages of Mind, the mental health charity. Contains information on all aspects
of mental health. www.mind.org.uk/ - Powered by Google
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Charity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In its most extreme form charity can be self-sacrificial. Charity is one conventional
English translation of the Greek term agape. ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charity - Powered by Google
Give.org - Charity Reports National Charity Reports Index. This page lists the current BBB Wise ... If you
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The Prostate Cancer Charity - Front Page The Prostate Cancer Charity offers support and information to anyone concerned
with prostate cancer. The site has information on the prostate, ... www.prostate-cancer.org.uk/ - Powered by Google
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