Fishing Through the Cracks
October 31, 2005 on 5:53 pm | In Fishing Resources | Comments Off
By: Terry Lee Higginbotham
Take Time to Fish Between the Cracks
The summer of 1972, my brother and I were filling cricket and bait buckets for Mr. K.C. Bray at the Sunset Marina on the Toledo Bend Reservoir just south of Many, Louisiana.
It was just another hot, humid, July in the southwest Louisiana. Each day the same as yesterday and with almost certainty the same as it would be tomorrow. The wind was so still that the Spanish moss barely rustled in the old cypress trees. But these were the type of days I liked, cause the fishing would be good. Good fishing meant good tips.
Lil’ Brother and I never did make a lot of money, but enough to keep us just short of even on our account at Mr. K.C.`s store. Our daily provisions consisted of two cokes, a moon pie, a Miss. Dailey’s fresh made sandwich, and all the crickets we needed to catch our supper. By 7:00 p.m., every evening we would have our 3 bream apiece. We would gut `em, stick `em, and cook `em over a little fire we would make on the bank near our tent.
Lil’ Brother and I had spent the last two summers camping on the banks of the Bend. We fancied ourselves as a modern day Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. We were accountable to no one and responsible for only our daily bread. Don’t get me wrong, we were not bad kids nor did we come from a broken home. We had loving parents, grandparents, and friends. We were just lucky enough to grow up in a part of the world and in a time that allowed us to live free, truly free.
Our parents would come to the Bend on the weekends and we would get a reprieve from our day-to-day attempts to “survive”. We didn’t know until years later that mom and dad gave Mr. K.C. money to cover our supper in the case fishing ever went bad. They would bring us fresh clothes, comic books, candy, and fresh tackle for our nightly fishing. They would stay for the weekend then head for real world late on Sunday Evening.
On Friday night we would all go down to the dock. We would sit for hours talking about the week’s events. Lil Brother and I would tell about our adventures. Dad would tell us stories about the jobs he was on. Dad was an ironworker and we were fascinated by his stories of “walking in the air”. To us he was a superhero. Saturday we would spend the day fishing, swimming, and skiing.
Sunday morning was spent at “church”. We would go down to the dock, bait a couple of hand lines. We would then lower the hand lines through the cracks in the dock. The really big fish would rest in the shade, just under the dock. The best way to get to them was to fish through the cracks where the two floating partitions of the dock joined. While Lil’ Brother and I would fish for the Big Ones, Daddy would read to us about becoming “Fishers of Men”. Some of the best times of my life were spent belly down on that old dock, coaxing those big bluegills out with worms and crickets. As I look back on it now, it wasn’t because of the fishing but because of the time spent with Dad and Lil’ Brother.
Recently my dad came to visit. I was in the midst of a major project and wasn’t spending much time with him. Maybe a few minutes in the morning and an hour or so at night, before I passed out from exhaustion. On his last night, I finally got to tell him about the new boat I just bought. About the rods and reels, tackle, and accessories just waiting until we got a chance to go fishing. I told him about the cabin on Toledo Bend that we were going to rent, as soon as I got enough time to go. I told him about how excited the kids were when I had brought home new rods and reels for them, last month. He seemed to enjoy the talk although he seemed very quiet and almost sad.
My dad left that next morning. As we shook hands, he drew me near and presented me with an old box. He whispered, “The secrets to a happy life are in here”. Dad was always a little strange when it came to good-byes, so I just smiled, waved and watched him slowly drive out of sight.
The small box was worn red with a small picture of a man battling a giant bass. Below the picture was the caption “Sunset Marina Toledo Bend Many, Louisiana”. I slowly opened the box and smiled as I became aware of its contents. Truly these were the “secrets of life”. In the box was a small bible with a bookmark with Matthew 4:19 printed on it. It had been a while but I did remember, “Follow Me and I will make you Fishers of Men”. Beside the Bible was a small hand line wrapped in a piece of paper with my dad’s handwriting scrawled on it. I unfolded the note and smiled as I read the simple key to a happy life.
“Son, Make time to fish through the cracks”.
Today isn’t just another hot, humid, July day in southwest Louisiana. Not quite the same as yesterday and with almost certainty the same as it will be tomorrow.
“Hey Jon, throw dad another moon pie”.
“Just a minute dad, I think Erin’s got another one”.
“Be careful not to lose him, it’s a little tricky getting ‘em back through the cracks”.
“Hey dad”.
“Yeah, Jon”.
“Was fishing this good when you were a kid?”
About The Author
Terry Lee Higginbotham - Owner of HuntStats.com and The OuachitaGroup, Terry Higginbotham, is an avid hunter, fisherman, and outdoorsman. He runs a research project studying the Whitetail Deer and the American Wild Turkey. He delivers the findings of this study through articles and data published on HuntStats.com. Visit http://www.HuntStats.com or email him at: articles@HuntStats.com.
Fishing Kayak
October 23, 2005 on 9:18 am | In Fishing Resources | Comments Off
Fishing Kayak
By: Peter Lenkefi
There’s a good chance that if you’re reading this article then you are already a fan of kayak fishing, or if not you are keen to learn and already know the basics of kayak fishing. The advent of the Internet has brought with it the biggest resource in the world on any topic you might be trying to research and the fishing kayak or the sport of kayak fishing is by no means an exception to this rule.
Don’t throw away your fishing gear.
The first important thing to point out is that if you are already a keen fisher or you have fishing gear in your house, don’t throw it away; virtually any fishing gear can be quite easily adapted to work in a fishing kayak. Obviously, though, you will need to buy a fishing kayak and one of the first things you’ll learn on your travel through the Internet is that fishing kayak owners are very proud of their respective fishing kayak.
Pick your specialty.
Just because you’re looking for a fishing kayak doesn’t mean you are the same as every other kayak fisherman out there and one of the first things you will need to decide is whether you are going to sit on or sit in your fishing kayak. My personal preference is to sit on the kayak; this way you can add or carry accessories or equipment and you can easily hop out to wade the shallower waters.
Give it a go.
There’s more than likely a shop somewhere in your area that sells kayaks and you should take this opportunity to get down to those shops and give the different types of kayak a go. You won’t necessarily know exactly what you want from your fishing kayak immediately and by sitting in (or on) your next fishing kayak you will get a much better idea for the feel of it and whether it is indeed the kayak for you.
Also, this gives you the opportunity to talk to someone who should know quite a lot about the sport and while kayak fishing is a relatively new sport there are already some intensively keen advocates of the kayak fishing pastime. If you’re a beginner, tell them; like I say it’s a new sport so there’s no shame in admitting you don’t really have a clue about what you’re looking for. If you tell them your skill level and what you are looking for they should be able to point you in the right direction and more than likely give you some good advice not only about the fishing kayak you are interested in but they may even give you some useful gems on the actual sport.
About The Author
Peter Lenkefi
For more more information about fishing kayaks please visit http://www.buy-sea-kayaks.com
Tips for a Fishing Vacation
October 18, 2005 on 4:55 am | In Fishing Resources | Comments Off
When you are going on a fishing vacation, instead of packing all of your fishing gear to haul around the world, use a guide service that provides all necessary equipment in the price of their service. When booking a guide service, ask about years of experience, licensing, insurance and if they are bonded. Ask for references from people who have used their services. Be sure to check these references carefully. If a guide service hesitates when asked for services, run the other way as fast as you can.
Ask the guide service to provide necessary fishing licenses, permits and information on exporting your catch if you wish to do so. If this is the case, check with your Customs Office to see if you are allowed to import your fish from other countries. Ask the guide service the best time of year to book a fishing expedition for success in catching your targeted fish species.
If you have trouble choosing a destination for your fishing vacation, ask someone you know where they have enjoyed the ultimate fishing experience. Research your local library and Internet to find the perfect fishing vacation for you.
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