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         Alaska flyfishing articles  Icy Bay lodge Alaska Trophy Adventures Lodge & Alaska Peninsula top water flyfishing, coho Salmon Dry fly Fishing and Rainbow Trout flyfishing as well as recent Flyfishing Articles On  Guides Charles Summerville & George Davis top water flyfishing.   Featured in the Top flyfishing magazines and TV shows around the World

 Alaska's Premier Dry fly fishing top water fishing for Coho Silver Salmon and Trout since 1985 Icy Bay lodge on the lost Coast

          Alaska fly fishing, Alaska fly fishing lodges,Alaska salmon fishing Alaska Bear viewing, Alaska fly fishing at Alaska's premier fly in fishing Lodge on the Alagnak river with Alaska Trophy Adventures lodge.Alaska hunting and fishing for all 5 salmon species plus Rainbow trout, Char, Grayling. Worldclass duck - Goose huntingon Bristolbay and Alagnak River

Alaska Fly Fishing lodge ~ Alaska Halibut Fishing ~Alaska Trout Fishing ~ Alaska Salmon fishing~ Alaska Duck hunting~

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Alaska Trophy Adventures Flyfishing Lodge and guide Press Releases Below

Fish Alaska Magazine            August 2004                       article & cover shot Alaska's hottest new silver salmon Fly fishing on dry flies at Volcano Bay for top water coho, Guide Tyson Occonnel and Guide Charles Summerville showing off on the alaska peninsula with Coho's up to 18 lbs 50 yds from the ocean in another secret hot spot all caught on dry fly woggs
New Gander Mountain TV  on Outdoor Life Network  filmed Sept 15,2003   volcano bay,AK Alaska Peninsula's finest , Silver Salmon top water fishing        Dates aired Jan 2004 OLN Host Lance Irving of Gander Mountain and Guides Charlie Summerville and Tyson O'Connel have the Hottest Dry Fly Fishing ever filmed for Silver Salmon over 80 fish landed on Top water in 4 hours of action packed Flyfishing at Volcano Bay
The Hunt for BIG FISH TV ESPN2 -TV              filmed July 12, 2003-Yakutat,AK Trophy Halibut & Lingcod in Yakutat   with  Larry Dahlberg dates to be announced 04   Join larry Dahlberg and long time friend George Davis for a couple of days of awesome Halibut and ling cod fishing off the lost coast, based out of Alaska Trophy's Yakutat Saltwater floating lodge with host's George & Jill Davis .
New Gander Mountain TV  on Outdoor Life Network  filmed Sept 18,2003   Coldbay,AK Alaska Peninsula's finest Arctic Char fishing and Ptarmigan hunting Dates aired Jan 2004 OLN Host Lance Irving of Gander Mountain and Guides  Tyson O'Connel of Alaska Trophy Adventures go in search of the best Arctic Char fishing and Ptarmigan hunting, Hot fly rod action and wing shooting at  the Sandy River camp.
Sport Fishing Magazune    Dec 2002  fish with Lost Coast Silvers      by Tony Weaver Join Tony Weaver and Jake Jordan in search of Alaska' top Coho Salmon Fishing with guide George Davis on the lost Coast. Hot Top water action for fish to 20 lbs of Kamikazi Flies.
Fish Alaska Magazine

        June 2002

Red Rendezvous             By  LLance Irving,  Alagnak River Sockeye Salmon fishery is incredible.  Over 1 Million Salmon enter the river each Summer, this offers anglers world-Class flyfishing for all 5 species of Salmon & Trout in True Wilderness.
Fish Alaska Magazine       Sept 2002

Top Water Coho             Tony Weaver            

In depth explanation of the top Silver Salmon producing rivers, Top water dry fly fishing in Alaska  pioneered by top Alaska Guides George Davis and Charlie Summerville of Alaska Trophy Adventures 
Fly Fish America  Cast-N-Blast Aleutians           Bill Battles In depth Article on the quality of flyfishing and wing shooting on the Alaska Peninsula with Alaska Trophy Adventures and Guide Charles Summerville for Steelhead, Salmon

Northwest Flyfishing

Winter 2001-No web  article

Alagnak River, AK

Sore Muscles &Big Grins          b Jack Berryman

June through September, anglers from throughout the world converge on the Alagnak River for some of the most spectacular Fly fishing in all of North America, one can catch all 5 species of Pacific Salmon well as giant Rainbow Trout, Grayling, and Dolly Varden.
Fly fishermen Magazine

May 2000-No web article article

Silver Salmon                            John Randolph. Coastal Streams that offer spectacular Coho Salmon Fishing on top water flies, Guide George Davis is leading the charge in Pioneering a new wave of flyfishing for the Chrome Coho's in tidal estuaries.
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Icy Bay lodge George Davis fly fishing guide for top water coho salmon fishing in icy bay near Yakutat