Published in
Countryside Vacations Newsletter Winter 2003 Vol 1.5
A Select Few Service and specialization make Drawbridge to Europe a contender despite its small size. Internet-based Drawbridge to Europe is a small company just the husband-and-wife owners, John Spillman and Karin Volpert, and one other staff member - that offers rentals in five European Countries: Italy, France, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, including major cities in those countries. While the total number of properties featured on its web site - barely more than 600 - is modest, its selection in the much-sought-after regions of Italy and France should prove more than adequate for most travelers, and its particular forte in city centers and the three German-speaking countries sets it apart from other villa-rental companies, making it a must-see for anyone seeking a rental property in those areas. Of course, Italy and France are requisites for any European rental company, and Drawbridge to Europe offers a good selection in the hot spots of both. "Most of our places in Italy are in Tuscany or in city centers, and in France we have a great selection in Paris and Provence," Volpert says. "Outside of those areas, our selection is a little sketchy. We need to work on getting more properties in other parts of Italy and France." Indeed, Drawbridge to Europe lists 164 properties in Tuscany. Florence, Rome, and Venice are also well represented, and there are 11 properties in Siena and 22 on the Amalfi Coast. But there are just a handful in Umbria, the Lake District, Piedmont, and Lake Bolsena in northern Lazio. In France, the company has 54 properties in Paris, 58 in Provence, another 9 on the Cote d'Azur, and 4 or fewer in each of the Dordogne, Loire Valley, Normandy, Burgundy, the Alps, and Languedoc- Roussillon regions. And the company offers 55 properties in Switzerland; 38 in Austria, including Vienna and Salzburg; and 40 in southern Germany, including Berlin and Munich. Drawbridge to Europe also offers the entire catalog of properties from Cuendet and Interhome, two enormous European companies that cover virtually every corner of Europe; browsers can click a link to those web sites, but if you choose to book one of their properties, all your dealings will be with Drawbridge to Europe. Of course, the Drawbridge to Europe staff will in all likelihood be unfamiliar with the property you choose, and you will have to deal with the quirks of those sites (few photos, number of bathrooms not given, etc.) as you search for your property. Drawbridge to Europe's specialization in German-speaking countries arose from the fact that Volpert is a native of Germany. "That's where we've explored, that's where we have our contacts," she explains, adding that these areas are hidden gems that Americans have not yet discovered. "It always surprises me that there isn't more demand for German proper- ties. We were just in Garmisch-Partenkirchen this summer - we have some great places there - and there is a lot to do in the area. There's great hiking, lots of outdoor activities, and a beautiful environment - and we hardly ever get young people going there." The selection of properties in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria is a great boon to vacationers looking for some- thing in those countries who also insist on the personal service of a smaller company, or who feel more comfortable working with a company based in the United States. Switzerland and Austria in particular can prove challenging for Americans; beyond tourist-board sites that offer skimpy descriptions and few - if any - photos, there are not many options beyond Zurich-based Interhome. Volpert is well aware of these challenges. "When European companies do have a web site in English, it's marketed toward the European crowd, so the descriptions are really short and they don't have any pictures," she points out. "Americans need details and lots of interior photos. That's made it quite difficult to come up with properties. But that's why everything we have in Switzerland is on our web site I've seen myself. That was the only way to guarantee that the place is something that we want to offer and has the right kind of standard." While it may be a huge amount of work, Volpert says this kind of particularity is essential to Drawbridge to Europe. "We've put a lot of effort into personally seeing lots of places. It's important to us not only to have a lot of places but to handpick them and be able to talk to people about a specific property. Every year we go on an inspection trip, sometimes twice a year. What makes the difference is not just having hundreds and hundreds of properties, but knowing details about them." Its web site is Drawbridge to Europe's main point of entry, and it is certainly easy enough to navigate. While not the most elegantly designed site on the Internet, it offers numerous advantages. Browsers can pull up a list of every property available in a region or, if they choose, whittle down the list according to budget, number of people a property sleeps, and type of accommodation. That list offers decent-sized property descriptions that include a photo; price range; town; and the number of people the property sleeps, bedrooms, and baths (we appreciate this last, as many companies still force you to read a description and count for yourself). You can, of course, search by town name or key word if you choose. Main property pages include good descriptions, a clear explanation of all extra charges (heat, cleaning, linens, etc.), and occasionally a button that links to a page of client comments about the property. These will include the bad along with the good, and any company that isn't afraid to reveal drawbacks always impresses us - but we wish these comments were available more frequently. Many properties are low-priced ($100-299 per person per week), though this does not hold true for Provence rentals, which tend to run high every- where. If you wish to book a property, clear instructions are offered from the home page. Throughout the process, almost all your dealings with the company will be over the Internet. "Most of our communications - invoices, reservation forms, key information, and vouchers - are sent by e-mail," Volpert says. "That's been working out quite well." She observes that although the company does not offer printed catalogs, that has not been a problem for her increasingly Internet-savvy clients. "With a catalog, you have to go through page after page and read the summaries of every property to see if it has your specific requirements. It helps to weed out a lot of properties if you have the kind of search mechanism that the web site allows." Additional information - such as a "What to Expect" page, which spells out what renters will encounter on their vacation - helps educate vacationers about the process. Furthermore, the company has just started an e-mail newsletter, which can offer helpful tips on renting or purchasing a phone, as well as things you can do or see in a particular area. All in all, Drawbridge to Europe is a very good company. The selection of properties that the company knows well may be limited, but it is certainly sufficient for most travelers to these particular areas. And the advantages of working with a small company - and the kind of personalized customer service that it offers - are a definite plus. In our book, bigger is not necessarily better, and Drawbridge to Europe certainly proves the point. REVIEWS Drawbridge to Europe has a lot of different properties available in Tuscany. The villa we found looked perfect on their web site, and it was. In November they sign year-long contracts with new properties and renew old con-tracts. We knew we wanted to go in June, but they said they wouldn't know for a few weeks if the property owners were going to renew with them again. So we had to wait a few weeks to find out if we could get it, but that wasn't a big deal. MELINDA SALTER BURNSVILLE, MINN. They give very good, accurate descriptions of what is available. Once we made an agreement with them, we got plenty of information to travel competently and not be too worried about what was on the other side. When we arrived at the apartment, one phone call and they were there and got us in the door. It couldn't have been smoother. As for the apartment itself, we were holding our breath as we first walked through the front door, but we were relieved to find that it was beautifully deco-rated and surprisingly comfort-able. The small things are always a challenge-they had a coffee maker we'd never seen before- but there was a drawer with instructions for all the appliances. The surprises were all good. ROBERT MCBRIDE WOODBRIDGE, VA. We were very pleased. We had been looking for a while. They asked what we were interested in and found us exactly the right place. They were thorough; they sent us all kinds of information ahead of time, just about every-thing we needed to know-how we would check in, where the apartment was located. When we sent the check, they immediately faxed back that everything was in order. They gave us a map and clear, written directions, and the property owners were waiting for us when we got there. I wouldn't hesitate to use them again. Everything was perfect. CHARLENE HATTON CINCINNATI, OHIO They were quite pleasant to work with. Their web site is very useful, one of the best that I found. I like the ability to sort properties, and they give you a number of pictures and client comments. The information I got from them regarding how to get the key to the property was very good, as were the directions. I found their descriptions of the properties to be right on. In fact, I was pleasantly surprised; the property was as nice as or nicer than we expected. I had occasion to talk with them because I had a couple of places picked out and I was seeking some input. The one place I really wanted was a two-week mini-mum, so they checked with the owners to see if they would accept a one-week rental, and they did. But mostly I corresponded with them by e-mail, and they are very responsive. In the two times I have used them, there has been no deficiency. They are quite capable. ED YOUNG BARRINGTON, ILL. We used Drawbridge to Europe a year ago to rent an apartment in Paris for a couple of weeks. My overall impression of the company was extremely favorable. They have an excellent web site-it's one of their stronger points-and it was easy for me to hone in on what we were looking for. The apartment we rented was even better than the pictures they showed on the web site. One of the company's co-owners had actually been to the apartment, so he was able to affirm and confirm several things. They offered to have someone meet us at the airport, but we know how to get around Paris, so they gave me the phone number of the person to call, and we met her at the front door. Financially everything was exactly as advertised. Our security deposit came back within two weeks. I couldn't think of any-thing that could be improved. Everything they did was handled efficiently, courteously, expeditiously, and correctly. LES REID TACOMA, WASH. Details Countries: Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria Concentrations: City centers, Tuscany, Provence, southern Germany Pricing: Many low-($ 100-299 per person per week) and mid-range ($300-499) Additional offerings: Car rentals, train passes, trip-cancellation insurance Credit Cards: Not accepted
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Published in
Travel Smart News October 2001 Vol XXVI, No. 7 Tel 1-800-FARE-OFF (1-800-327-3633)
TOPIC: Renting Chateaux, Castles, and Apartments Abroad.
Want to do more than just check in to an expensive hotel? The
accommodations listed on this site make it possible to really get
to know the places you visit. As president, John Spillman told
us: "The drawbridge of the old world enabled one to enter the
fabulous castles and fortresses in the old world. Our company
enables today's travelers to enter the locals' world by staying in a
home, shopping in the area, meeting the neighbors, being part of
the scene."
This site provides detailed information on apartments, houses,
villas, chalets and castles available for rent in Italy, France,
Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
HOW IT WORKS: Select one of the five countries and then pick a
region {Paris or Provence, for example) and indicate the type of
accommodation you want, the number of people in your group
and your maximum weekly budget. You'll get a list of properties
matching your input. Each house or apartment, its furnishings
and its neighborhood is described in great detail and is accompanied
by large-sized photos of the grounds or street and each
room. Amenities, such as washing machine, cable TV; pool, patio,
maid service are listed. You'll also find out if it's a walkup or
elevator building. Many write-ups include info on local
transportation and the neighborhood.
BEST FEATURES: (1) Client comments, when available for a
property, are useful in spotting a home's unique advantages
{well-stocked kitchen, good water pressure, charming antiques)
as well as its disadvantages (located on top of a hill with parking
only at the bottom). (2) The "What To Expect" page {bar at top of
home page), especially helpful for first-time renters. It reviews
the basics such as: kitchen staples, linens, lawn and pool care,
heat and utility charges, etc.
DRAWBACK: Requesting a unit's availability involves another
step - sending an email or calling the Ashland, OR-based
company. However, email is generally answered the next business
day and the call is toll free, Tel 888-268-1148.
INTERESTING LINKS: The site has a handful of useful links. The
two best: (I) Car rental information and availability, including a
complete guide to Renault's program for short-term leases if you
will be driving over 17 days in Europe. (2) Full descriptions and
maps for metro transit throughout Europe.
Note: In business since 1996, Drawbridge to Europe is a member
of the Better Business Bureau's very thorough Online Reliability
Program -which means it's been in business at least one year,
has a proven physical address, responds to all complaints and
agrees to participate in dispute resolution.
TRAVEL SMART -10/15/01- 15
Travel Smart News
It's the popular newsletter mailed monthly with advance news on best-value tours, cruises, packages
-- and insider tips on how to travel better for less. Free trial issue available. Tel 1-800-FARE-OFF (1-800-327-3633)
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Published in Vacation Rentals in Europe, by Michael and Laura Murphy, 2001
Of the many companies offering rentals in Italy, the following were selected
because they represent a broad and varied spectrum of properties in terms of
geography, style, price, and historical character. Among them well over 3,500
rentals are offered, from some of the most elegant palaces and villas in Italy (and
Europe) to ancient stone farmhouses and rare apartments in Venice, Florence,
and Rome. Inflation in Italy in the early '90s has lifted hotel room prices to
astronomical heights and, along with them, prices of rentals. However,
beginning in 1992, rental costs began to moderate, partly because of the
increased number of properties available as more and more conversions were
completed, and partly to beat the hotel competition as renting became more and
more popular. Thus, rentals prices have actually dropped across the board for
many companies and properties and certainly remain the best accommodation
bargains in the country.
Drawbridge to Europe
98 Granite Street
Ashland OR 97520
Tel: 888~268-1148 Fax: 541-482-7779
(Italy section of the book)
This small company founded in
1997 does a good job representing
several major Italian rental
rental agencies, and does so without
adding an exorbitant commission.
In addition to Italy, it has ferreted
out privately owned
chalets and apartments in
Germany, and represents a good selection in France. The two owners travel
often to Europe to look at properties and the areas in which they are located, so
can offer personal advice. We see the prices as very fair, and the service as
personable. Catalogs are available for the asking, but a good approach is to
telephone, explain what you are looking for and where, and leave the rest to
them. Details on a choice of rentals will be proposed.
(Germany section of the book)
This small company, founded in 1997 seems to do an excellent Job of ferreting out hard-to-find privately-owned chalets and apartments, especially in Germany and Austria, an also in Switzerland and France. The owner lived in Germany for many years, is fluent in the language, and has close personal contacts there. Most of the properties are found through these contacts. We see the prices as very fair, and though possibly a bit higher than through the dirg/tibs operation, but the service and personal contact are worth the small difference. This is especially true for first-time visitors to Germany, or travelers wanting to get away from the more touristy areas. The best approach is to telephone, explain what you are looking for and where, and leave the rest to them. There will likely be a discussion of different areas and properties, and details on a choice of rentals will ultimately be proposed. The service is accessible and personable.
Vacation Rentals in Europe by Michael and Laura Murphy.
If you have ever dreamed of staying in a villa in Tuscany or in a Tyrolian
chalet, but thought it was beyond your budget, this book will show you
how you can make your vacation dreams come true.
Click here to visit their web site.
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