Terms of Use
While we make every effort to provide accurate information regarding
every site in the directory, errors will inevitably occur, and details
of products listed in this site may change. It is the responsibility of
the user to verify for themselves all information, such as prices and
features, for any product or service listed in this directory.
All material on this site is copyrighted. No material, in part or whole,
may be copied without our prior approval. Exceptions include any code,
HTML, or otherwise, that we have explicitly provided as an aid to webmasters.
The webmaster forum is designed to allow web designers to ask questions
and discuss webmaster related issues. No messages regarding hate, racism,
adult material, or any matter that may offend others may be used on any
section of the forum. Those who wish to advertise a product or service
should do so in the "Promote your site" forum only. |