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WHAT IS PDR?Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) is a craft that is more than 15 years old. Relatively unknown to many at the start, the craft evolved into a highly skilled and perfected art. It is now used by thousands of auto body specialists around the world.Because PDR works from behind the vehicle’s damage, it does not require sanding, painting, or body fillers.BENEFITS OF PDR Keeping the factory finish
Paintless Dent Repair
Paintless Dent Repair technicians use specialized tools to push the metal back into its original shape from behind the dent. Using the latest technology and tools, skilled technicians can quickly remove many dents on late-model vehicles—without repainting. With advances in PDR tools and techniques, large dents can be repaired without any body filler or repainting. The large dent is no longer visible once the Dent Wizard technician completes the PDR process. advertisement All new car owners dread that first dent. No matter how it happens, the first dent can make a person
feel that their car will never be the same again. Many dents and dings can now be repaired without a trace, when the work is performed by a skilled technician. And techniques have developed to the point that dings can be removed with the original paint in place. Consumer Awareness Increasing Specially fabricated tools and techniques for PDR have been developed to remove dents, often up to the size of a football, from almost any body panel of a vehicle. No sanding, body filler or repainting is necessary. In most cases, when the process is complete the dent is no longer visible.
"The general public is not aware that Paintless dent removal is even available, said Cmelik. After performing traditional auto body repair for 26 years, Cmelik's shop has focused exclusively on PDR for the past six years. Consumers are learning about the PDR process from local dealerships and insurance companies, according to Cmelik. "In the last four to five years, insurance companies have become more aware and accepting of the PDR process, particularly to repair hail damage," Cmelik told MSN Autos. Paintless Dent Repair on the Rise Bill Buckley, one of the founders of Dent Wizard, which now offers PDR services through franchises in all major U.S. cities, told MSN Autos: "We have developed techniques to repair a dent the size of a football, and just a few years ago we were only repairing dents the size of a tennis ball." The widespread use of high-strength metal and resilient paint finishes has allowed PDR to become a viable alternative to traditional body repair techniques. In fact, some insurance companies will even waive the deductible if PDR is chosen over more traditional techniques. What Can Be Fixed? from very small to large dents; Admittedly, not all damage to the body of a vehicle can be repaired with PDR techniques, but if a dent cannot be removed completely, often the repair will make the damage almost unnoticeable. Advantages of Paintless Dent
Repair no repainting or body filler needed; How Is It Done? Ryan Snider, who performs PDR for Barrier Motors in Bellevue, WA, told MSN Autos, "You need to be able to 'read the paint' to see where the dent ends and then you have to understand where the tip of the tool is. From that point it is 75 to 80 percent flat-out patience." In a typical dent removal, the metal around the outside edge of the dent in slowly massaged back into its original position. The dent becomes progressively smaller as the technician works from the outside edge; eventually the dent becomes so small it blends with the texture of the paint and disappears completely. Most repairs can be completed in one to two hours, and many PDR companies offer mobile service to save even more time. Prices vary depending on the location and complexity of the repair. A general range would be $75-100 for a single dent, up to several hundred dollars to repair numerous dents on various body panels. This compares with a cost of several hundred dollars to repair and repaint a single dent using traditional auto body repair techniques. Who Performs Paintless Dent Repair? As with any type of service, there can be a wide range of experience levels and work quality. So it's a good idea to check with reputable vehicle dealers—they'll know who does quality PDR work in the area. And don't be afraid to ask for references before you have the work done, to ensure you receive the quality work you expect. ** more info about Paintless dent repair , please visit autos msn What is Paintless Dent Removal?Paintless Dent Removal (PDR) is really an art form of metal shaping and shrinking. ABRA has some of today’s finest craftsmen in the technique of metal shaping. PDR removes many types of minor dent damage from hail, rocks or door dings. This is done without the use of conventional auto body methods like sanding, body filler or painting. Why should you choose Paintless Dent Removal over conventional methods when applicable? ** Continue to read more about Paintless dent repair, please visit abra auto Paintless Dent RepairPaintless Dent Repair (PDR) is a great way to remove small dents from your vehicle without having any paint work done. Those annoying door dings caused by other car doors, shopping carts and other objects that hit the sides of you car can be fixed. Hail damage, falling acorns, errant baseballs and other falling objects from the sky that dent your car can also be fixed.
There are several myths about the PDR process. Some of these Myths include using heat or dry ice to "pop" the dent out or using suction cups to pull the dent out. The PDR process is done by using many different tools to work the dent back out. **Dents are removed and generally you cannot notice where the original dent was. This process requires a lot of training, practice, patience and skill, as well as a keen eye. There are certain parameters that govern the effectiveness of this process. The best results come from dents generally not larger than 2-3 inches across and no creases or sharp indentations. The dent can not be on a body line and the paint cannot already be cracked. Please feel free to come by our shop or call and speak to one of our tech's if you have any questions. Repair Your Damaged Vehicle Without Bodywork, Fillers, Grinding, or PaintingPDR FAQ Q. What is Paintless Dent Repair? Q. What are the benefits of Paintless Dent Repair? Q. Does this method damage my paint? Q. Is this a new process? Q. Will the dents come back? ** want to read more about Paintless dent repair , please visit wax my car Paintless Dent RemovalWhat is PDR Material?
The Power of Paintless Dent Removal Some advantages for considering adding Paintless dent repair to a carwash include: added profit center; same-day service, giving an opportunity for cross selling, no additional overhead, just net profits, give customers another reason to return for repeat business A vehicle with the original finish retains a higher value than a repainted vehicle. "Buyers these days are very saavy..most people can tell when a car has been repainted, and deduct value as such", says Brian Jump. Even if it is just a door or a fender, it is always preferable to maintain the original finish on a vehicle. How Is the Process Done? PDR technicians use specialized tools to massage the metal back into its original form from behind the dent. Depending on the location of the damage, the panel is accessed through window openings or through other access openings. Rarely is an interior panel removed for access, which aides the speed of the process. Paul Turton, who performs PDR for Dent Devils of London, England, explains, "You need to be able to 'read the reflection' to see where the dent ends and then you have to comprehend where the tip of the tool is. From there it is skill and patience." In a typical dent removal, the metal is slowly massaged back into its original position slowly with minute sections being worked at a time. The dent becomes progressively smaller as the technician works to shrink it down bit by bit; eventually the dent becomes so small it blends with the surface texture of the paint and disappears completely. Most repairs can be completed in under an hour, and many PDR companies offer mobile service to save even more time. Pricing varies depending on the vehicle model, location and complexity of the repair. A general range would be $85-125 for a single dent, up to several hundred dollars to remove numerous dents on various body panels. This compares with a cost of $300+ to repair and repaint a single dent using traditional auto body repair practices. ** Continue to read more about Paintless dent repair , please visit auto care forum Dent Repair Companies Come to North DakotaKFYR Local News for Tuesday, September 13, 2005 Michael George They come from all across the country, zooming in whenever there's a storm. Dent repair specialists are all over North Dakota since last month's hailstorm. You might call David Monk a storm-chaser. After he heard about last month's hail, he came to Bismarck all the way from Texas to perform dent repairs. Like many others in his line of work, Monk will probably be in Bismarck for several weeks. Monk, an employee of Payless Dent Repair, says, "depending on the size of the storm, 3 weeks to 3 months, sometimes we've stayed as long as 6 months." With so many dent repair companies out there, it's tough to figure out who to go with. Monk added, "You need to ask the right questions, you need to make sure and get references from them, for local people that you can talk to, see some work that they've done, see before and after." But experience isn't the only thing consumers need to know about their dent repair company. There are many unlicensed repairmen operating in the state as well. The state's consumer protection division has been doing compliance checks lately, temporarily closing any illegal operations. Parrell Grossman with Consumer Protection says, "we're not suggesting that those Paintless dent repair facilities don't do good work or don't do proper work, what we're saying is they are transient merchants from outside the area, with no local established reputation here in Bismarck or North Dakota. so we need to take some extra precautions and consumers need to take some precautions." The advantage of getting a quick fix from a service that isn't licensed or bonded is that you might save as much as a few hundred dollars. But if you have problems with your service later, your repair company might already be out of town, and you won't have any legal options to get your money back. Even though it might be worth the risk to save some money, it's important that consumers are aware of the dangers of going with a questionable repair service. Experts also say you might have better luck sticking with a local dent repair service. Visit kfyrtv.com for more article about dent repair. Task force to check contractor’s licensesThe Forum BISMARCK – North Dakota agencies have assembled a task force to make sure contractors who are repairing storm damage are licensed and carry the needed insurance, state officials said. One check Tuesday resulted in the arrest of six illegal immigrants who were working for an unlicensed contractor, said Mark Armstrong, a spokesman for North Dakota’s workers compensation agency. North Dakota contractors must be licensed by the secretary of state and carry workers compensation and unemployment insurance. Workers compensation provides medical treatment and other assistance if an employee is injured on the job. A hail and wind storm caused extensive damage in parts of western North Dakota on July 21., including home and vehicle damage in the cities of Hettinger, Bismarck and Mandan. As a result, a number of roofing companies and auto dent repair operations have shown up to try to get some repair work, state officials say. Sandy Blunt, director of North Dakota’s Workforce Safety and Insurance agency, and Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem said contractors who pay for licenses and insurance should not lose business to those who do not. “The purpose of this task force is not to badger or pester people who are trying to do business,” Stenehjem said. “But fair is fair.” Visit in forum for more news about dent repair. Car Care Website Expands Site to Include Aircraft, Detailing and Boat DetailingDetailing Directory, a site for consumers to locate auto detailing, dent repair and glass repair services has been expanded to include aircraft and boat detailing services. Dan Ekenberg, President says “Our visitors own a variety of vehicles and with the recent enhancements, site visitors can locate services for virtually any type of vehicle they may own.” (PRWEB) August 21, 2005 -- Detailing Directory currently has listings for detailing businesses in 32 states as well as Canada and Austrailia. Detailing Directory offers affordable marketing opportunities for auto appearance service businesses and a “one stop shop” for consumers to research and contact businesses in their area. Businesses can add their listings to the Directory for as little as $69.99 per year. Listings can also include direct links to the business website. If a consumer is unable to locate a service company in their area or does not wish to search the Directory listings, there is an option to complete an online service request form. We then post those requests on our forum for service operators to view and respond to. If a listed business is able to provide the service requested, they complete a response form and their contact information is forwarded to the party requesting service. This feature has been very popular with consumers and business owners alike. Need more news about dent repair, please visit prweb.com. Fuelish follyMove to suspend state gas tax unwise Sept. 9, 2005 12:00 AM Consumers and businesses are reeling from the price of gas. Everyone wants relief. But one proposed remedy, suspending the state gas tax, is more quack medicine than a cure. The idea is getting serious consideration around the country. In Georgia, the governor ordered a monthlong moratorium. Arizona Sen. Thayer Verschoor, a Gilbert Republican, is floating the idea of putting our own state tax, 18 cents a gallon, on hold for a while. You don't need a degree in accounting to see that the cost-benefit analysis makes this a losing proposition for Arizonans. Benefit: About 37 cents a day for the average driver. Cost: $2 million a day in funding for state road construction and repair. So, forgoing the state gas tax, you could afford a couple of extra cups of coffee a week - regular, no fancy drinks like cappuccino - while driving rough highways and waiting longer for desperately needed improvements, like adding lanes. Verschoor, who chairs the Senate Transportation Committee, says he would tap the state General Fund to make sure that roadwork continues. But which areas would be drained for the resources: health programs, children's services, prisons? Here's another interesting twist of math. Arizona's tax is fixed at 18 cents a gallon. As prices skyrocket at the pump, taxes are a smaller and smaller part of the total cost. So a tax moratorium would make a relatively small dent in your overall bill. Back when prices hovered at a buck a gallon, Arizona taxes accounted for almost a fifth of the cost. At $3.13 a gallon, Wednesday's average price in Arizona, the state bite is less than 6 percent. The gasoline tax burden in Arizona, by the way, is at the low end of the scale. We rank 42nd among the states and District of Columbia. Gas prices are a hot-button issue for consumers and businesses. And politicians. With cars and trucks as our principal means of transportation, we can't just refuse to buy gas because of the price. Meanwhile, gigantic signs at service stations keep the pain fresh. Elected officials are tempted to concoct some kind of immediate response. Instead of counterproductive Band-Aids, however, they should deal with long-term issues of supply and demand. Those measures include improving fuel efficiency and developing other fuels. Fortunately, there's also some short-term hope: Gas prices are starting to ease. Visit azcentral.com for more article about dent repair. |
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