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Search Engine Results Page

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What is SERP?

As the title announces SERP means "Search Engine Results Page" this is where you are in the returned lists for a search engine.

The ultimate position is #1 Page 1, and is the position we all try to obtain.

So how do you increase your SERP for your favourite search term or phrase?

Each engine is different and each keeps its algorithms secret. So nobody can/will tell you. But many will try to convince you they can magically raise your position to the magic #1P1 if you will just hand over your hard earned cash.

Caution is required on your behalf.

But that is not to say it is impossible...

The golden rule is "Content is King" if your site provides good content then the chances are you will be indexed (added) to a search engines SERP.

Once you have your content straight, you must provide good site navigation. Such as the simple menu on this page. If you have a more complex site you may also consider adding a "site map". a central page which leads to all the important sections on your site.

With good navigation the search engines and your customers can easily find their way around your site.

Enter The Managed Links System™...

You also need incoming links to your site, without incoming links you will rank poorly in the SERPs that is because Google and increasingly other search engines use a method of calculating your 'Importance' called PageRank.

Pagerank works by counting how many links are coming into your site, the more you have the more important your site must be.

The more important your site the higher in the SERPs

By adding your site to Managed Links you can very quickly increase your incoming link count.

The more people that join the more the incoming link count will increase. And the quicker and higher you will go up in the SERPs.

Spread the word around after you join, We are building a community of websites, the more websites in the community the more important YOUR site becomes.


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