1776 - Russian Copper 5 Kopec Coins
Catherine II, was the Emperess of all the Russias. Here are the massive ( measuring approximately 41 mm in diameter and about 4 mm thick or 1 1/2 inches wide by about an 1/8 inch thick ) coins issued during her reign. They weigh nearly double what the Silver Dollar comes in at ( 1.8 ounces as compared to 1 ounce ). These copper 5 Kopek coins sho...
1779 - Authentic Journal De Paris Newspaper
The year of 1779 was
significant as the
Americans were
engaged in the
struggle for their
Independence, aided
by France. Benjamin
Franklin was
appointed minister in
that year too, this
turned out to be the
most successful help
to the fledgling
nation. Here is a
select group of
French newspapers all
dated in 1779 - ...
1797 El Tigre Deluxe Cannon
El Tigre 1797
fortress Cannon.
Historic Spanish Long
Gun with massive 13
ornate barrel,
mounted on a wood
carriage with
rotating metal wheels.
Features- Length:
13.5 Weight: 3.2 lbs.
17th Century Powder Flask
FLASK. Trapezoid
military style powder
flask. Features -
Size:7" x 8" x 2",
Weight: 1.6 lbs.
18th Century Naval Deluxe Cannon
Classic 18th Century
Naval Cannon.
Detailed cannon
features 10 elevating
barrel, wood trunk
carriage and rotating
wheels, with real
rope breeching.
Features - Size: 10.5
x 4.75 x 4 Weight:
2.5 lbs.
18th Century Sword with Leather Wrapped Handle
Leather wrapped grip with brass handguard. Carbon steel 32" straight blade. Nickel plated scabbard.
American Revolutionary War Indian Tomahawk
Tomahawk. Hand-forged, this replica Revolutionary War tomahawk carried by early American fighting men features a hefty hickory wood handle and a 3.5" steel blade. Overal length 18", weight: 1.9 lbs.
Austrian Armour
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Austrian Helmet
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Authentic American Revolution Lead Bullet
The town, originally
known as Pine Tree
Hill, was founded by
English settlers
along the Wateree
River in the early
1730’s. In 1768, the
name was changed in
honor of a colonial
supporter of high
British birth, known
as the 1st Earl of
Camden (Charles
Pratt). One of the hottest
battles of the
American Revolution
Axe Pistol - German 17th Century
German Flintlock
Combination. Late
17th C. unique
classic. Features -
Length: 21 Weight:
2.9 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and cannot be removed. These models cannot
Barbary Pirate Cutlass
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Batavia Museum Quality Replica Ship
Batavia was the
flagship of a convoy
under the command of
Francois Pelsaert,
bound for the United
Dutch East India
Company. On its
maiden voyage, it
wrecked in 1629 on
Morning Reef, off the
West Australian
coast. Most of the
ship's crew and
passengers were able
to reach the nearby
islands. Batavia was
also the old...
Bavarian Helmet
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Bavarian Sword
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Belgian Flintlock Pistol - Gold Engraved
This elegant 18th century Liege flintlock features engraved simulated ivory grips and exposed brass barrel. Length: 11.5", Weight: 1 lb. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and cannot be removed. These models c...
Belgian Flintlock Pistol - Gray Finish
This 18th century pistol measures 10.5" with wood stock and steel finish. Length:10.5", Weight: 1 lb. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and cannot be removed. These models cannot
withstand misuse or
Berlin Museum Quality Replica Ship
The frigate Berlin
was one of the first
charter frigates put
at the disposition of
Frederic William by
the Brandenburg Navy.
Built in Zeeland in
1674, the vessel
formed part of the
Brandenburg fleet
until 1688. 30" long x 11" Wide x
24" High (1:42 scale) Requires hundreds of
hours to build from
scratch (not from a
Blunderbuss with Bayonet - Rifle Brass Finish
18th Century classic
naval/pirate style
29" boarding rifle
with 18" bayonet.
Full length wood
stock. Length: 29"; Weight:
4.6 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and cannot be removed. These mo...
British Light Cavalry Sabre
Lenght:41" (Includes
British M-1831 General Officer Scimitar
Length:43” (Includes
Brown Bess Rifle with bayonet
Classic British rifle
used throughout the
Revolutionary war by
both sides. Full-
length wood stock,
overall length: 75",
Weight: 7 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into th...
Bunker Hill Sword
This Revolutionary War sword features a 24" carbon steel blade, brass hand guard and pommel. Complete with leather scabbard with brass fittings. Overall length: 30" Weight: 2.5 lbs.
Captain Morgan English Flintlock Blunderbuss
This early
blunderbuss is
stamped 1671 and has
a grenade cup on the
end of the barrel,
inscribed 'Henry John
Morgan' with the
skull and cross
bones. The polished
wood stock features a
short squared off
buttstock. English
Grenade Pistol.
Weight:2 lbs. These deluxe non-
firing models we have
faithfully r...
Catalonian Flintlock Pistol
Replica flintlock firing system, constructed by Marcos de Ayala, circa 1711. Length: 17", Weight:1.7 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and cannot be removed. These models cannot
withstand misuse or
Charleville Carbine - American Revolutionary War
Shortened version of the French 1763 musket this carbine was used extensively throughout the American Revolution. Full length wood stock measures 45", Weight: 4.1 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and can...
Charleville Rifle with Bayonet - American Revolutionary War
Modeled after the French 1763 musket this famous rifle was used extensively throughout the American Revolution. Stamped St. Etienne on the lock plate this impressive piece measures over 72" with bayonet attached. Note: bayonet does not lock in place. Full length wood stock measures 55", Weight: 6 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are ...
Chasseurs Helmet
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Circular Powder Flask
Deluxe Circular
Powder Flask.
Simulated ivory
construction with
engraved bathing
ladies design. Size:
5"; Weight: 8 ozs.
Classic Brass Buccaneer Sword
Buccaneer sword. Brass grip and handguard. Carbon steel 23" Saber blade. Leather scabbard with brass trim.
Classic Pirate Style Scimitar
This boarding sword
features a 26" metal
decorator blade with
a sea serpent
engraved on both
sides of the blade.
The full bowl, sim.
brass hand guard is
embossed with a
galleon. Length: 31.5" Weight:
4 lbs.
Colonial American Money
During America's Colonial & Continental periods ( roughly 1750 - 1795 ), the paper money ( first denominated in pounds/pence and later in dollars/cents ) was often carried in " folded " fashion for convenience. As the paper used in these early currencies was often brittle it would, in a short time, begin to ' split ' along the fold lines.
Confederate Saber
Length: 42” (Includes
Constitution Replica Ship (1797)
The U.S.S. Constitution: Made of timbers felled from Maine to Georgia and armed with cannons cast in Rhode Island and copper fastenings provided by Paul Revere, the U.S.S. Constitution is truly a national landmark. Launched in Boston on October 21, 1797, she first put to sea in 1798. In 1812 she met and defeated the British ship H.M.S. Guerriere...
Dagger Flintlock Pistol - French
French Flintlock
Pistol Dagger.
Flintlock firing
system, 18th Century.
Unique pistol-dagger
combination. Length: 15"; Weight:
1.2 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and cannot be removed. These...
Dagger-Pistol - Horsehead British 19th Century
Unique dagger with
flintlock pistol
features 11" metal
blade, embossed
handguard, horsehead
pommel and engraved
sim. ivory handle.
Features - Length:
16", Weight: 1 lb. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the...
Deluxe Tomahawk Peacepipe
This functional reproduction features a 15" wood handle, and 9" solid brass hatchet with classic Indian designs.
Double Barrel Flintlock Pistol - French
Manufactured (1806) in Saint Etienne by Gribeauval, the original was in Napoleon's private collection. Length: 14", Weight: 2.5 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and cannot be removed. These models cannot...
Double Barrel Flintlock Shotgun - English
Used throughout the 18th century this shotgun was the classic bird gun of its day. Model features deluxe engraved wood stock and engraved metal furniture. Length: 44", Weight: 3 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the ...
Dragoon Model Pistol - Blued Finish
M-1869 Dragoon Cap &
Ball Pistol. One of
the first percussion
revolvers developed.
This six-shot massive
framed horse pistol
was designed by
Samuel Colt in .44
caliber. Authentic
working action,
wooden grips. Length: 13.5";
Weight: 4 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
Dragoon Model Pistol - Nickel Finish
M-1869 Dragoon Cap &
Ball Pistol. One of
the first percussion
revolvers developed.
This six-shot massive
framed horse pistol
was designed by
Samuel Colt in .44
caliber. Authentic
working action,
wooden grips. Length: 13.5";
Weight: 4 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
Dragoon Model Pistol - Steel Finish
M-1869 Dragoon Cap &
Ball Pistol. One of
the first percussion
revolvers developed.
This six-shot massive
framed horse pistol
was designed by
Samuel Colt in .44
caliber. Authentic
working action,
wooden grips. Length: 13.5";
Weight: 4 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
Dress Sword
Length:34” (Includes
English 1750 Deluxe Double Barrel Flintlock Pistol
This unique pistol features a revolving barrel allowing two shots. Simulated ivory stock and gold fittings with two ramrods. Length: 14"; Weight: 2lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and cannot be removed. ...
English BlunderBuss Flintlock Pistol
Features wood stock
and simulated brass
embossed barrel and
butt cap. Length: 17"; Weight:
2.5 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and cannot be removed. These models cannot
withstand misuse or
English Flintlock Pistol
1700's style
flintlock with wood
stock. Decorator
model antique gray
blunderbuss barrel
and engraved
Length:14.5", Weight:
12.5 oz. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded ...
Engraved Gray Flintlock Pistol - Double Barrel
18th century box-lock flintlock pistol with wood grips. Length: 11.5", Weight: 1 lb. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and cannot be removed. These models cannot
withstand misuse or
excessive dry-firing
Flintlock Pistol - 3 Barrels
Unique three barrel design made by Lorezoni circa 1680 and carrying the Medici Arms seal. Simulated engraved ivory grips and engraved simulated brass furniture. Length: 11.5", Weight: 2 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded i...
Flintlock Sword Pistol - French
French Flintlock
Sword. Flintlock
firing system
combined with hunting
sword, 18th Century. Length: 29"; Weight:
2.7 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and cannot be removed. The...
Frederick Wilhelm Museum Quality Replica Ship
Built in 1660, the
Fredrich Wilhelm zu
Pferde was a
formidable German
vessel of 900 tons.
Sailing to Africa and
teh Shetland Islands,
she carried a crew of
250 men and 50 to 60
cannons. 29" long x 11" Wide x
25" High (1:88 scale) Requires hundreds of
hours to build from
scratch (not from a
model kit) by our
master a...
French 17th Century Flintlock
This handsome
flintlock pistol
features a simulated
steel embossed butt
plate and heavily
engraved 10.5" barrel
and trigger guard.
The wood stock is
highly polished with
a very elaborate
Miquelet lock
Weight:3 lbs. These deluxe non-
firing models we have
faithfully reproduced
have the same ...
French Cadet Sword
Length:30" (Includes
French Chippewa Peacepipe Tomahawk
This 5.5" x 2.5" metal hatchet has a bowl head and 13.5" wood handle,and is a functional reproduction. Weight: 2 lbs.
French Dueling Percussion Pistol
This handsome 19th
century piece
features 3/4 polished
wood stock and an
elaborate percussion
lock with an engraved
brass barrel.
Weight:3.5 lbs. These deluxe non-
firing models we have
faithfully reproduced
have the same weight,
feel, and handling
characteristic of the
rare and expensive
originals. These...
French Louis XIV Deluxe Cannon
STOCK Deluxe
Louis XIV
Cannon. 17.7 x 8.7
with 7 metal-rimmed
rotating wheels, wood
carriage and a 13
ornate barrel with
brass patina. Comes
with detachable
rammer and powder rod.
Features - Weight:
3.8 lbs
French Marine Cutlass
This classic pirate
cutlass features a
26.5" slightly curved
antiqued steel blade
and a black steel
bowl hilt. Black
leather scabbard has
brass fittings. Overall length: 35.5"
Weight: 4 lbs.
French Napoleon Briquet Short Sword - Anix
Length:29” (Includes
French Napoleon Infantry Sword
Length: 25.5”;
Includes Scabbard.
French Revolution Sword
(Includes Scabbard)
French Revolutionary Sword
(Includes Scabbard)
French Revolutionary Sword
(Includes Scabbard)
French Revolutionary Sword III
(Includes Scabbard)
French Revolutionary War Era Cannon
classic 1700's style
field piece features
embossed simulated
brass barrel with
lifting handles and
studded 6 metal
rimmed wheels.
Features - 1/14
scale. Lgth: 15 Wt :3
French Valmy Cavalier Sword
Length:30” (Includes
General Officer Sword, Pattern 1831
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George Washington Collection Framed Set
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George Washington Framed Gift Set
Features famous engraving of General George Washington crossing the Delaware River, miniature flintlock pistol (you can cock the hammer and pull the trigger) and identification plaque.
George Washington's Flintlock Pistol
This decorative, 18th century, flintlock pistol was a favorite of George Washington. Embossed wood and metal grips. Length: 13.5", Weight: 1.2 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and cannot be removed. Thes...
German 17th Century Flintlock
This handsome
flintlock pistol
features a simulated
brass warrior bust
butt cap, heavily
engraved 10.5" barrel
and trigger guard,
with a highly
polished wood stock
and elaborate
Miquelet flintlock
Weight:3 lbs. These deluxe non-
firing models we have
faithfully reproduced
have the same weig...
German Flintlock Pistol
Early 1700's
flintlock features
engraved brass
barrel, trigger guard
and antique gray lock. Length: 14"; Weight:
1 lb. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and cannot be removed. These models cannot
German Flintlock Pistol - 18th Century
handsome pistol has
an elaborate engraved
barrel and butt cap
featuring the mask of
a sea dog with
lanyard ring. Length:
16.5", Weight:2 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into t...
German Wheel Lock Blunderbuss - 17th Century
Early revolving flintlock firing mechanism pistol with full length wood stock. Length: 18", Weight: 2 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and cannot be removed.
These models cannot
withstand misuse or
German Wheel Lock Pistol - 17th Century
Early revolving flintlock firing mechanism pistol with full length wood stock. Length: 17", Weight: 1.5 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and cannot be removed. These models cannot
withstand misuse or
HMS Bounty - Museum Quality Replica Ship
In 1787 the HMS
Bounty was purchased
by the Admiralty and
recommissioned to
sail halfway around
the world to Tahiti
to collect sapling
breadfuit trees and
transport them to the
West Indies. Owners
of the burgeoning
British plantations
there needed a cheap
source of food for
the workers. To lead mission on
the HMS B...
HMS Endeavor - Museum Quality Replica Ship
In 1768 Lieutenant
James Cook, Royal
Navy, set sail on HMS
Endeavour on a voyage
of exploration and
investigation and
through his journeys,
Cook is considered to
be one of the
greatest explorers. In 1770 Cook reached
New Zealand where he
circumnavigated and
completely charted
the north and south
islands ...
HMS Sovereign of The Seas - Museum Quality Replica Ship
This truly opulent
ship, built for the
king of England in
1637 was a massive
undertaking by
shipbuilders of
Britain. Not only did
this ship have
colossal firepower of
over 100 guns, but it
was also overlaid in
bronze ornamentation
of well over 600
pieces, causing
sailing difficulties
under certain
conditions due t...
HMS Sovereign Of The Seas Model Ship - 1634 (Museum Quality)
At the time of her construction, The Sovereign of the Seas was considered to be a masterpiece. With a keel length of 127 feet, a height of 75 feet, and an overall length of 215 feet, she was by far the largest and most powerful ship in the world. Charles I of England gave the order to build her in 1634. Her completion required the labors of a th...
HMS Surprise - Museum Quality Replica Ship
The HMS Surprise was
made famous by
Patrick O’Brian, in
his books on the
adventures of Captain
Aubrey and the
surgeon Maturin, and
in the movie Master
and Commander. This
frigate was built as
L’Unite in 1794. It
was a 24-gun
corvette, armed with
8lb long guns. The
British captured her
in April 1796 in the
HMS Victory - Museum Quality Replica Ship
On October 21, 1805,
one of the most
momentous battles in
European history
began off Cape
Trafalgar, Spain. The
HMS Victory, led by
Lord Horatio Nelson,
defeated the Napoleon-
led armada of French
and Spanish ships as
they attempted to
invade England. At
the head of the
British column,
Nelson's flagship,
the HMS Vi...
HMS Victory Replica Ship (1805)
The ultimate British fighting vessel, she was 227 feet in length with 104 guns and carried 850 men when at full capacity. Captained by the famous Admiral Horatio Nelson, who was shot and killed aboard the H.M.S. Victory during the Battle of Trafalgar. The H.M.S. Victory is now restored and resting in dry-docks at Portsmouth, England. This beauti...
India Flintlock Pistol
Engraved India
Flintlock, Decorator.
This classic
flintlock from
Lucknow, India
features 8" engraved
barrel in steel
finish, engraved
fittings and wood
stock. Length: 13.25"
Weight: 1.7 lbs.
Infantry Officer Helmet (shako- bugle)
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Italian Percussion Dueling Pistol
This handsome and
accurate dueling
pistol from the 19th
century features a
polished ribbed wood
stock, an elaborate
simulated brass
barrel, and trigger
guard. The decorative
percussion mechanism
with two fighting
dragons is very
unusual. Length:16";
Weight:3 lbs. These deluxe non-
firing models we have
faithfully rep...
Italian Percussion Dueling Pistol - 1825
handsome testament to
bygone days when men
defended their honor
by dueling. Deluxe
simulated brass
engraved barrel and
furniture. Length:
15", Weight: 1.5 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads ar...
Japanese Flintlock Pistol
This unique flintlock
features a 6.5"
simulated brass
dragon shaped barrel.
The rich wood stock
is polished to a high
luster. Length:12.5";
Weight:2 lbs. These deluxe non-
firing models we have
faithfully reproduced
have the same weight,
feel, and handling
characteristic of the
rare and expensive
originals. These
Jolly Roger 3x5' Nylon Flag
3' x 5' 100% nylon skull and crossbones banner creates nautical decor.
Kentucky Flintlock Pistol
This flintlock pistol is one of the first produced in the United States in the 18th Century. It features a full wood stock and brass patina fittings. Length: 15.25", Weight: 1.4 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the ...
Kentucky Flintlock Rifle - US 18th Century
Classic rifle of the
Revolutionary war.
Length: 45", Weight:
4.75 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and cannot be removed. These models cannot
Lancers helmet
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Large El Tigre Cannon
An impressive 17.5" long, 7" in width and 9" tall with an ornate 17" metal barrel with an antique brass patina finish and metal furniture. Weight: 7.3 lbs. 1/5 scale die-cast
non-firing models.
Large Louis XIV Cannon
This magnificent reproduction of the famous French cannon from the 18th century features an elaborate 17" barrel, 11" rotating metal rimmed wheels, metal furniture, chain and water bucket. 27" x 12.5" x 11". Weight: 13 lbs. 1/5 scale die-cast
non-firing models.
M1801 Napoleonic Cavalry Pistol
Manufactured by the Arsenal at St. Etienner, this classic cavalry flintlock model features full length wood stock, and simulated brass furniture. Length:13.5", Weigth: 2 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
Map of the Original 13 Colonies of the U.S.A
This map highlights the origins of the present states by early grants made to commercial companies and individual proprietors along the Atlantic seaboard.
Mayflower - Museum Quality Replica Ship
The Mayflower
transported the
Pilgrim Fathers from
Plymouth, England
to "North Virginia"
(in what was later to
become the United
States of America) in
1620, leaving
Plymouth on September
6 and weighing anchor
near Cape Cod on
November 21. 31" long x 11" Wide x
26 " High Requires hundreds of
hours to build from
Men's Pocket Gray Flintlock Pistol
Flintlock pistol by Bunney of London, circa 1770-1780 has embossed dark wood grip. Length: 6", Weight: 14 oz. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and cannot be removed. These models cannot
withstand misuse or ...
Miniature El Tigre Cannon
Miniature el tigre
cannon. Classic
fortress cannon, all
metal construction
with 6 simulated
brass barrel. Features
Length: 6 Weight: 1 lb
Miniature French Guillotine
Metal working replica with metal (not sharp) blade, movable head restraint, wood base. 3"x4"x5.5"; Weight: 12 oz.
Miniature Napoleon Cannon
CANNON. Features all
metal construction
with 2.75 revolving
side wheels,
removable ammunition
box and Napoleonic
seal embossed on
barrel. Features -
Overall Length: 7
Weight: 1.1 lbs.
Miniature Revolutionary War Cannon
Revolutionary War
style field piece
features embossed
sim. brass barrel
with dolphin handles.
1/14 scale, decorator
non-firing cannon.
Features - Length:
13.5 Weight: 2.75 lbs.
Napoleon Bonaparte's Gold Dagger
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Napoleon Flintlock Pistol - 1806
Manufactured by the famed Gribeauval, features wood stock, embossed simulated brass butt cap and Napoleonic seal. Length: 13.5", Weight: 1.75 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and cannot be removed. These...
Napoleonic Helmet
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Napoleonic Muscat Armour
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Pirate Blunderbuss - Brass Finish
Circa 18th Century this small sized scattergun was ideal for repelling boarders. Length: 19", Weight: 1.7 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and cannot be removed. These models cannot
withstand misuse or...
Pirate Boarding Blunderbuss - Gray Finish
Circa 18th Century this small sized scattergun was ideal for repelling boarders. Length: 19", Weight: 1.7 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and cannot be removed. These models cannot
withstand misuse or...
Pirate Cutlass
Many a bloody-handed
pirate of the 17th
Century clambered
over the side of a
gold laden galleon
armed with a cutlass
such as this. Known
by many names -
hanger, cuttoe, and
short saber by
infantry or cutlass
by sailors - this was
an exceedingly
popular short weapon.
The steel basket
protected the hand
and could be...
Pirate Cutlass Pistol - Antique Blade
Pirate Boarding
Cutlass/Pistol: Mid
to Late 17th Century,
this unique sword
features a flintlock
pistol mounted on the
side of the 14.5"
decorator metal
blade. Length: 28";
Weight: 2.6 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw he...
Pirate Cutlass sword with scabbard
Similar to the U.S.
Marine cutlass, this
Napoleonic era
cutlass was used by
Pirates roaming the
Spanish Main.
Features 24.5" curved
metal blade,
simulated brass
handle, leather
scabbard w/brass
fittings. Length: 29.5" Weight:
3.2 lbs
Pirate Cutlass with Scabbard
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Pirate Cutlass with scabbard Brass Finish
This Classic Pirate Cutlass decorator model features a galleon engraved on the simulated brass, full bowl hand guard and skull-crossed sabers and crossed flintlocks embossed on the scabbard, 22.5" curved blade with 34" blood groove. Length: 30.5", Weight: 3.25 lbs.
Pirate Cutlass with scabbard Silver Finish
This Classic Pirate Cutlass decorator model features a galleon engraved on the simulated brass, full bowl hand guard and skull-crossed sabers and crossed flintlocks embossed on the scabbard, 22.5" curved blade with 34" blood groove. Length: 30.5", Weight: 3.25 lbs.
Pirate Cutlass without Scabbard
CUTLASS. This short
sword with an overall
length of 32" was the
favorite. The 26.5"
blade is forged of
carbon steel, with a
3/4 length blood
grove and measures 1
3/4" at its widest.
The handguard is a
single piece of steel
that flares out to
over 4" , with 5.5"
stained hardwood
Pirate Flintlock Pistol - 18th Century
This rugged flintlock
features wood stock
adorned with skull &
cross bones and steel
finish barrel.
Features - Length:
13.5", Weight: 1.5
lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and cannot be remo...
Pirate Flintlock Pistol - Antique Gray
Circa 1800's
blunderbuss pistol
features heavily
decorative engraved
barrel, lock, and
pirate's head butt
cap. Length: 15",
Weight: 1.5 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
Pirate Flintlock Pistol - Brass Finish
This small but
handsome pistol
features full-length
wood stock, brass
blunderbuss barrel
and brass furniture.
Length: 12", Weight:
1lb. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal ...
Pirate Framed Set
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Pirate Hanger Sword
Overall length:
30.5"; Blade Length:
24.75"; Blade
Width:1.25" wide;
Blade Thickness:
3/16"; Weight: 2 lbs
2 oz
Pirate/Medieval Sword Hanger - one size fits all
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Pirate's Companion Sword
Where would the
seafaring rogue be
without his trusty
cutlass? This stout
sword is made to be
as rugged as the
originals. High
carbon steel blade.
Gorgeous brass basket
and nice hardwood
grip. No need to sail
the high seas in
search of ill-gotten
riches. Overall length 32";
Blade Length: 26";
Pirate's Hat
Rayon with a
velveteen finish this
swashbuckling hat
features gold trim,
realistic pirate
crest and adjustable
red hat band. 17" x
9". One size fits all.
Powder Flask - Wooden Horn Design
Napoleonic Powder
Horn. Classic early
18th Century. French
wood powder flask.
Features - Length:
11", Weight: 1 lb
Priediestinacja Museum Quality Replica Ship
Built in 1700,
Priediestinacja was
the first battleship
of Russian navy with
a length of 36
meters, a breadth of
9.5 meters and 58
cannons. King Peter
revised her draft
himself. As soon as
she was built, she
became the flagship
of Russian fleet. 33" long x 14" Wide x
28" High (1:40 scale) Requires hundreds of
Revolutionary War Bayonet
French bayonet for
1763 carbine. Features
Revolutionary War Style Antiqued 13 Star Flag
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Royal Cavalry Sabre
Length:40” (Includes
Russian 18th Century Flintlock Pistol
This beautiful pistol measures 11" in length, has an octagonal to round metal barrel, elaborately engraved receiver, simulated ivory grips and eagle head handle. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
finished zinc cast
metal and polished
European hardwoods.
The screw heads are
molded into the metal
and cannot be...
San Felipe Museum Quality Replica Ship
The San Felipe
Launched in 1690, was
one of the most
beautiful Spanish
ships of the 17th
century. She was the
lead ship of the
Spanish Armada and
displaced more than
1000 tons and was
armed with 96
cannons, enabling her
to take on the most
formidable ships in
the French and
British navies. San
Felipe's role in the...
Scottish M1760 Flintlock Pistol - Gold
This beautiful all metal flintlock is heavily engraved and embossed. It has a belt hook for securing to waistband. It is believed to be the pistol that "fired the shot heard 'round the world' at Lexington, Massachussetts starting the American Revolution. Length: 12", Weight: 2 lbs. These handsome
collector model guns
are made of antique
Soleil Royal Museum Quality Replica Ship
Named in honor of the
Sun King, Louis XIV,
Le Soleil Royal was
one of the most
powerful ships of her
day. As flagship of
the revitalized
French Navy brought
into being by
Minister of Marine
Colbert, she was
sumptuously decorated
with wooden carvings
depicting a variety
of motifs emblematic
of the Fre...
Spanish 17th Century Flintlock
This handsome
flintlock pistol
features a beautiful
simulated ivory butt
plate and heavily
engraved simulated
brass 10.5" barrel
and blued hammer,
trigger and fittings.
The wood stock is
highly polished and
the miquelet lock
mechanism is very
Weight:3 lbs. These deluxe non-
firing models we...
Spanish Galleon Museum Quality Replica Ship
The galleon was an
armed merchant ship
during the era of
Spanish exploration
and trade (1565 to
1815). 37" long x 12" Wide x
28" High Requires hundreds of
hours to build from
scratch (not from a
model kit) by our
master artisans.
Hollow hull/plank on
frame construction (a
painstaking process
where each individual
Sword - Napoleon with scabbard Decorator
Classic Napoleon
Sword. The famous
original sword was
manufactured in 1809
by Martin Biennais.
This handsome
reproduction features
an elaborate handle,
27" polished cast
blade, and maroon
scabbard with
embossed gold patina
fittings. Overall
Length: 35"; Weight:
2.4 lbs. This blade is not
battle worthy and
cannot b...
The HMS Bounty Model Ship - 1787 (Gift Line)
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The HMS Bounty Replica Ship - 1787 (Collector Line)
Length: 36"; Width: 12"; Height: 34";
The HMS Victory Replica Ship - 1805 (Collector Line)
Length: 28"; Width: 8"; Height: 24";
The Mayflower Model Ship - 1620 (Museum Quality)
On August 15, 1620, The Mayflower, a British cargo ship Captained by Christopher Jones, set sail from Plymouth, England with a Pilgrim colony of 102 people aboard. The Mayflower was 95 feet in length and displaced 180 tons. Her voyage across the Atlantic took 67 days to cross 3000 miles of stormy ocean at an average speed of two knots. Due to pr...
The Mayflower Model Ship - 1621 (Gift Line)
Mayflower - On August
15, 1620 The
Mayflower, a British
cargo ship, Captained
by Christopher Jones
set sail from
Plymouth, England.
She set sail with a
Pilgrim colony of 102
people aboard. The
Mayflower was 95 feet
in length and
displaced 180 tons.
Her voyage across the
Atlantic took 67 days
and 3000 miles of
The Mayflower Replica Ship - 1620 (Collector Line)
Length: 25"; Width: 9"; Height: 23";
The San Felipe Model Ship - 1690 (Museum Quality)
The San Felipe, launched in 1690, was one of the most beautiful Spanish galleons of the XVII century. She was the lead ship of the famous Spanish Armada. The San Felipe displaced more than 1000 tons and was armed with 96 cannons, enabling her to take on the most formidable ships in the French and British navies. The San Felipe's role in the war ...
The Wasa Model Ship - 1628 (Gift Line: 90 cm)
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USS Constellation - Museum Quality Replica Ship
The Constellation was
the first US Navy
ship to bear the
Constellation name
the “Constellation of
Stars” on the new
American flag was
launched in Baltimore
in 1797. . Rating 38
guns, displacing
1,278 tons, with 164-
ft. length and 40
ft., 6 in. beam,
combined the
firepower of a
standard frigate ...
Valmy Miniature Sword
Length:30” (Includes
Wasa Museum Quality Replica Ship
The Wasa of 1628 was
the most ornately
decorated vessel of
her time. She was
commissioned by the
King of Sweden and
was this country's
finest warship.
During construction,
the King insisted
that the ship be
fitted with a second
row of cannon. This
made it top-heavy and
she sunk just 20
minutes after her
launch. Sh...