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WAI: Strategies, guidelines, resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities

What WAI Does

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Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)


Events, Meetings, Presentations

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Documents in Progress

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For Review: Updated WCAG 2.0 Working Drafts

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0) Working Draft documents were published 23 November 2005. See:

Please send comments by 21 December 2005.   (2005-11-25)

For Review: Updated ATAG 2.0 Working Drafts

Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (ATAG 2.0) Working Draft documents were published 22 November 2005. See:

Please send comments by 21 December 2005.   (2005-11-25)

Want to know how people with disabilities use your Web site? Ask.

Web accessibility guidelines, techniques, and tools provide the basis for Web accessibility. Including people with disabilities in the Web development process helps to understand the "why" behind accessibility. It leads to more effective accessibility solutions, developed more efficiently. See "Involving Users in Web Accessibility Evaluation".   (2005-11-02)

Web Accessibility 101: The Basics and Beyond

WAI's recently updated "Introduction to Web Accessibility" addresses key issues of making the Web accessible, including:

W3C Replies: Single Browser Bad for Accessibility

W3C responded to a US Copyright Office notice asking about making an application work only through a single Web browser. W3C comments explain that "requiring use of a particular software product for accessing Copyright Office services... could put Web users with disabilities at a significant disadvantage."    (2005-09-06)

The Business Case for Web Accessibility: Three Carrots and a Stick

"Developing a Web Accessibility Business Case for Your Organization" describes the social, technical, financial, and legal and policy factors relevant to developing a customized business case for Web accessibility for a specific organization.    (2005-08-23)

Finding Your WAI: Exploring the New Web Site

WAI's new Web site has been carefully designed to make it easier for you to find information on making the Web accessible to people with disabilities.

WAI Web Site Redesign Project lists on-going development to refine the markup, design, and features.    (2005-07-22)

Web Accessibility: The Fellowship of the Guidelines

Many people know about WAI's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and the responsibilities of Web developers in making the Web accessible to people with disabilities. But Web developers alone cannot make the Web accessible.

Web browsers, assistive technologies, and authoring tools also have a vital role in Web accessibility. Essential Components of Web Accessibility describes these roles along with the WAI guidelines.    (2005-07-22)

Blogs, Wikis, CMS... Got ATAG?

Web content is created by many different types of tools these days: Web log (blog) comment features, Wikis for editing Web pages, content management systems (CMS), e-mail archivers, word processors, and more.

All of these tool are covered by WAI's Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG), which explain:

Does your tool know ATAG?    (2005-07-22)

[Highlights Archive] WAI home page Highlights are edited by Shawn Lawton Henry, WAI's Education and Outreach Working Group, and other WAI Team and Working Groups.


WAI is supported in part by: the U.S. Department of Education's National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, European Commission's Information Society Technologies Programme, Canada's Assistive Devices Industry Office, CA, Fundación ONCE, HP, IBM, Microsoft Corporation, SAP, Verizon Foundation, and Wells Fargo.

WAI welcomes additional sponsors and contributors.

Validation Logos

Level Double-A conformance icon,           W3C-WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 Valid XHTML 1.0!Valid