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Iraqi Prime Minister al-Jaafari stands at podium with microphone and addresses members of Iraqi Transitional National Assembly during assembly session. Baghdad, Iraq. May 31, 2005. AP WideWorld photo.

Iraq's January 30, 2005 elections were a first step in a process toward a new Iraqi system of government. Soon after the January elections, a Transitional National Assembly was seated, and an Iraqi Transitional Government cabinet created. On October 15, Iraqis voted in a referendum on a draft constitution. Elections for a new National Assembly and government were held December 15. In February 2006, the coalition list with the largest number of seats in the parliament nominated current Prime Minister Jafari to be their candidate to form a government.

Contract Opportunities
The Iraq Investment and Reconstruction Task Force, U.S. Department of Commerce, helps U.S. companies participate in reconstruction and other business opportunities in Iraq. The State Department's Office of Commercial and Business Affairs also provides information on reconstruction contracts.


Iraqi Government
Spokesman McCormack: "[T]he coalition list with the largest number of seats in the parliament has nominated current Prime Minister Jafari to be their candidate to form a government. ... [W]e look forward to working with whatever Iraqi government emerges from this process." [more]

Iraq Reconstruction
Ambassador James Jeffrey:
"[A]ll our efforts support the President's three strategic tracks--security, political, and economic--with the intent of having the Iraqis take responsibility for these tracks as soon as possible. ... Foreign assistance, led by the flagship U.S. programs--IRRF I and II, totaling $20.9 billion--is essential to progress on all tracks." [more; Amb. Speckhard's remarks; "Rebuilding Iraq: U.S. Achievements"]

--The January 2006 Section 2207 report provides updates on Iraq Relief and Reconstruction.
--National Strategy
--The Iraq Weekly Status Report provides updates in the eight key areas identified as pillars of U.S. Government policy. 

U.S. Ambassador to Denmark James P. Cain with local Iraqi election officials at polling center. Copenhagen, Denmark. December 14, 2005. US Embassy photo.

Radio Interviews
Radio interviews
of State Department officials were conducted in the run-up to the Iraqi elections. The interviews covered a wide range of issues and topics.

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