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  • Christie's, Sotheby's raise record $451 million Christie's International and Sotheby's Holdings Inc., the top two art sellers, raised a record $451.6 million at their London winter sales last week amid signs that new collectors were bidding up prices.
  • Lennon lyric sheet to be auctioned These photos, date and location unknown, provided by Bonhams & Butterfields show a two-sided sheet of paper containing the lyrics of a song called "A Day In the Life" penned by John Lennon on Jan.
  • Will John Lennon's Lyrics Sell for $2 Million? February 10, 2006: Will John Lennon's Lyrics Sell for $2 Million? "Rare books, notes, photos and letters - ' including John Lennon's handwritten lyrics to "A Day in the Life" - ' will be available for public ...
  • Nick Lachey's social networking site launches YFly was founded by entrepreneurs Drew Levin & Daniel Perkins, both 22, and actor/singer Nick Lachey, with the support of AJ Discala , Tom Petters & Parry Aftab .
  • PayPal accounts hit the 100 million mark PayPal has surpassed 100 million accounts across 55 markets worldwide, the company reported today.

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