CIA - The World Factbook -- Iraq Features map and brief descriptions of the geography, people, government, economy,
communications, transportation, military and transnational issues. www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/iz.html - Powered by Google
IRAQ BODY COUNT Fundraising appeal PLEASE SUPPORT US TO CONTINUE THE IRAQ BODY COUNT ... Our work continues to ensure
that civilian casualties in Iraq cannot be ignored and are never ... www.iraqbodycount.org/ - Powered by Google
National Priorities Project - Cost of War A running total of the amount of money spent by the US Government to finance the
war, based on estimates from the Congressional Budget Office. costofwar.com/ - Powered by Google
The Iraq Foundation Website A non-profit org. promoting democracy and human rights in Iraq. Extensive news
reports and archives on human rights, political and economic news. www.iraqfoundation.org/ - Powered by Google
Back to Iraq 3.0 Abu Musab al-Zarqawis organization, Al Qaeda in Iraq, did the operation in the
... Ministries in Iraq are handed out to various parties who then hand out ... www.back-to-iraq.com/ - Powered by Google
Healing Iraq Comments on daily events regarding the situation in post-Saddam Iraq. With related
links. healingiraq.blogspot.com/ - Powered by Google
Iraq Daily Iraq Daily from the most comprehensive global news network on the internet.
International News, Investigative Journalism and analysis on current events, ... www.iraqdaily.com/ - Powered by Google
Electronic Iraq: What's New? Electronic Iraq is a news portal on the US-Iraq conflict with a humanitarian basis. electroniciraq.net/news/ - Powered by Google
Electronic Iraq An online news project launched by veteran antiwar campaigners Voices in the
Wilderness and respected Middle East supplementary news publishers, ... electroniciraq.net/ - Powered by Google
BBC NEWS | In Depth | Conflict with Iraq Links to BBC News reports on the reconstruction of Iraq after the 2003 war. news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/middle_east/2002/conflict_with_iraq/default.stm - Powered by Google
Visiting Iraq? Find cheap flights and hotel rates for Iraq from over 100 top travel sites at Kayak.com. Book direct and save. www.kayak.com
In Remembrance Honoring American service members lost in Afghanistan and Iraq. Biographical information, tributes, photos, guest books. Powered by Legacy.com. www.legacy.com
Where Does Iraq Fit into Prophecy? You can understand the tumultuous future of the Middle East. Request our free booklet, The Middle East in Bible Prophecy. Learn the future of Israel, Egypt, Iraq and the city of Jerusalem. www.ucg.org
U.S. in Iraq? Pros and Cons "Should the U.S. have attacked Iraq with or without the UN? " Very credible arguments on both sides of the issue. One of a series of sites from ProCon.org. www.usiraqprocon.org
Iraq - Compare Rates at Calibex Iraq Hotel Rates at Calibex. Compare Hotel Rates from Major Travel Sites Side-by-Side. Search Thousands of Hotels and Find the Bargain you Deserve. www.calibex.com