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Conservation articles

Marine Conservation Articles

Marine conservation articles brought to you from marine and fishing circles around the web. Marine conservation articles written by some well known and well respected recreational outdoors sports writers from around the nation. Also some featured articles written by our own FinTalk fishing writers. If you fancy yourself as a fishing or outdoor sports writers then by all means contact to submit your articles to be published on Some of our writers are everyday fishermen that have no official writing experience but have a story to tell, we welcome those articles too and if you have a story to tell then please send it to us by using this easy article form with optional photo upload too.


Long Line fishing gear conversion INITIATIVE: Sep. 25, 2005 The Fishing Rights Alliance is an organization of fishermen that is dedicated to the conservation of our marine resources By Dennis O’Hern
Groups Work Together to Save Stranded Loggerhead Sea Turtle: Aug. 5, 2005 Numerous agencies and groups recently worked together to save a loggerhead sea turtle stranded on North Myrtle Beach By Greg Lucas
FWC Addresses Gulf Red Grouper Management Issues: Jun. 19, 2005 The FWC agreed to support reducing the red grouper recreational bag limit to one fish daily per person By Florida Fish and Wildlife
What Happened to Weakfish?: Nov. 10, 2004 Large Gray Trout have all but disappeared from angler's favorite fishing holes in most reions of the East Coast. By Richen Brame
Where water converts to fat: Oct. 3, 2004 Minnesota's prairie-potholes region is where migrating scaup fill up By Tom Landwehr
What's next in saving ducks: Oct. 1, 2004 Government programs and conservation easements ensure that both farmers and waterfowl will continue to benefit from the habitat By Joe Macaluso
Study: 90 percent decline of big fish: Sep. 6, 2004 Commercial fishing has emptied the world's oceans of 90 percent of the populations of large prized tuna, swordfish, marlin and other fish species that flourished a half-century ago, two marine scientists reported. By John Heilprin
Saving Southern swamps: Aug. 25, 2004 .....there are two distinct kinds of bird movements during spring migration along the Gulf of Mexico's coastal areas. By Keith Gauldin — Alabama DNR
Ospreys and fishing line don't mix: Aug. 23, 2004 Old six pack rings, fishing line, old hooks laying around all spell disaster for the Chesapeakes wildlife. By Pete McGowan
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