For many companies it is crucial to build up and maintain strong brands. They do it through effective public and investor relations. Makovsky & Company is one of the world's largest international PR companies, able to help its clients to make their communication effective and to create strong and lasting relationships with their consumers and b2b stakeholders.
The misjudging of market conditions and customers' perceptions of your company may turn out to be a costly business. That is the reason why successful PR campaigns have to be based on thorough market researches and to be planned and prepared by experienced marketing and PR specialists. The PR communication forms or changes the perceptions of your key audiences about your company and builds up your corporate reputation.
The Microtest Company achieved significant results in the software and hardware implementation of tower CD-ROM servers. This solution is very popular nowadays, hence, if you want to get rid of placing network resources on hard disks, it will be the right choice. The DiscPort Tower server is the latest solution in this branch and it is able to solve most part of the server tasks, appearing in the modern network environment.
The optimization of the web pages downloading speed is one of the most complicated activities of web developers. However, this factor depends directly on the Internet connection capabilities and it is affected by the technology, chosen for the web application development. Ajax is a modern software technology, which is a good solution for the downloading speed optimization.
Fast proxy servers can make lives of system administrators and their clients much easier. HTTP and CGI proxy servers are able to cache data efficiently and improve the performance of your Internet connection in this way. Proxy servers also propose some data protection tools. For instance, many servers are able to hide IP addresses of web surfers. All these properties may be interesting for the users of different levels, as well for the system administrators.
According to researches, up to sixty six percent of all purchase decisions are made at the point-of-purchase places under the influence of POP media. It makes the POP advertising a very attractive field of activity not only for a retailer, but for product promoters as well. There are several reasons for the POP taking the third place among the most popular advertising media; and there are several tools through which you may reach your target customers through the POP advertising.
Mall advertising can be a very effective way to increase your sale rates. Since up to sixty six percent of all purchasing decisions made by customers are made by them in the point-of-purchase places. Moreover, half of such decisions are impulsive and greatly effected by mall advertising. From this article you will learn some useful hints on how to make the right decision on your mall media supplier.
Multimedia streaming servers for business or entertainment purposes are very popular nowadays. They can perform different functions, such as a streaming video transfer in the networks of different data format. Wideband IP networks provide all the tools for the streaming multi-media data transfer. These powerful channels provide the best conditions for the popular online entertainment.
Ethernet networks have a sufficient performance for resolving the most part of the information tasks nowadays. However, old serial devices are still functioning in IT structures of enterprises. Adapters from serial TCP/IP or UDP protocols can help combine properties of these environments and achieve the maximal performance of the serial devices interaction with Ethernet corporative networks.
Modern IBM eserver
Added on 12/12/2005 to Articles Directory / Hardware / Servers / Mini Tower servers |
Internet provides many ways for electronic business. Therefore each company that is involved into the electronic commerce issues should have a proper hardware support and the IBM servers can be used for the technical solutions implementations in this area very efficiently. The latest achievements in this area are included to the IBM eServer family that may be in use for any modern business unit.
Mobile media advertising is a great advertising tool for an advertiser with a creative approach. There are many different forms of the mobile outdoor advertising and benefits it offers are significant, though the cost of such ads may be several times higher than that of the stationary ones. Read on and find out about some advantages of the mobile media advertising offers both: to small and large advertisers.
The Microsoft Virtual Servers family provides many interesting features for corporative users. This software allows to create virtual machines and to set a full control after these processes' execution. This product should be installed on the servers that are working under the Windows Server 2003 for the maximal efficiency. This is one of the best solutions for improving the performance of your business activities.
Microsoft Exchange Server is a very important product, included to the family of Microsoft corporative servers. The Microsoft Exchange Server is a high performed and easy managed infrastructure for the e-mail messages exchange and corporative work that is able to function twenty four hours at the small enterprises and large companies with a low possession cost.
Intel based servers have a stable position in different market segments. At the same time, they need to be in a strong competition with the Sun Corporation solutions. There are some predictions from business analysts that the position in the market will change rapidly to the Intel side very soon. The progress in firmware solutions of Microsoft and Intel set a hard base for these achievements.
Direct mail copywriting is a long-term process, not an event. It is a way for you to build solid, mutually rewarding relationships with lots of donors - without necessarily ever meeting them face-to-face. Copywriters are often involved in the production process, which can include casting actors for voiceovers and dealing with production companies and directors or typographers, designers and printers.