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ATA Home Alaska Raft Trips ~Alaska Salmon Fishing ~ Bear Viewing Reservations

 Alaska X-treme unguided fishing camping, cheap fishing trips in Alaska $1900pp Sun-Sat

    These remote camps are located in several prime locations depending on the time of year and the species you wish to target. The river camps offers 4 anglers per week world class fly fishing or spin fishing for ocean run salmon-trout & char the average angler can expect to catch 10-20 fish per day, with experienced  fisherman landing 20-30 a day.  A healthy resident Rainbow & Char population make for some added fun.   

        These trips work great for families and groups of old friends who just want to have a great fishing trip on a reasonable budget.  The camp has no staff just your group so if you think you have what it takes to be X-treme than this trip is for you.  The comforts at the X-treme camp include weatherproof bomb shelter sleeping tents with cots and  air mattresses a kitchen tent with folding chairs and complete cooking set with dishes and all food for the week. 

  The fishing in this part of Alaska has a prehistoric appearance and is nothing short of exhilarating. If you want to fish for wild runs of  Salmon , you found the right place.   We have access to 5 separate river and lake camps all located  50-75 ft off the river, which offers unlimited fishing  till sun down if you have the extra energy.

  The rivers are fairly small to Alaska standards. It's just right to throw a full fly line. An 8 wt with a couple of  sink tips, and a spare floating line will work just fine for the week. If coming in June, many anglers choose a 7wt, since the water conditions are much lower. A mixture of glacial gravel and cinder bottoms creates a safe home to these giants.  The fishing is varied, with large traditional holding pools and mixed pocket water  available. Commonly used fly patterns are large brightly colored Purple, Pink and Black Marabou Streamers for the salmon, as well as Egg Sucking Leaches for the trout.  Egg patterns work well for the Char & Dollies using a 7wt fly rod and a floating line.

Fall Trout or Silver Salmon unguided fishing Trips   

 The fall fishing in  August & Sept features some awesome  fly fishing over ocean bright silver salmon and trophy rainbow trout. The salmon  average 12-14lbs  with giants caught up to 20lbs each fall.  If you like traditional fly fishing over very aggressive bright fish, this is the place for you.  All of  our fishing is 100% catch-n-release for these truly wild rainbows but you can keep your legal limit of salmon. During the fall we get frequent storms that can move through with rain and high winds, No whiners allowed  . This time of year only true  fishermen looking for  the best wild salmon & trout on the planet need join us. 

A.T.A unguided fishing trips  Deposit Amount:
To initiate a reservation for E-TREME Trips a 50% deposit of the package price per person is required. Final payments are due 90 days prior to arrival Reservations are only confirmed when deposits are received.

Included in X-TREME unguided Alaska fishing Camp:

  • Pickup and return at King Salmon airport.
  • Private Weatherproof tents 2 guest's  to a tent)
  • portable electric fence unit around camp
  • all park certified bear proof food storage containers
  • 3  Alaskan  Bush meals daily with kitchen & dishes
  • Complimentary-Wind, Rain, and high water with 3 meals daily
  • Pink & Purple sparsely stocked fly tying material
  • Alaska Sauna ! yea right
  • 16-20 hours  fishing daily on the water
  • Nightly fly casting clinics in the wind &  fly tying
  • All the whining you can stand as no one else has to listen to it 

Not included in X-Treme Fishing Package:
Airfare to King Salmon airport from home  $500-1000pp,  and $150 air charter to camp and BYO Alcoholic drinks $50 fishing license, items purchased at the camp hats-flies, overnight stays and/or meals in Anchorage or king salmon hotel (if necessary)

A.T.A/ Lodge Travel Logistics: Travel to this remote part of Alaska is fairly simple since Alaska & Peninsula Air has daily flights  down the Peninsula originating in Anchorage connecting in King Salmon. You will need to make arrangements with Alaska adventures or your  your local travel agent to arrive in King Salmon on the start day of your trip  by 10am.  You will then transfer to Branch river air charter for the 30 minute flight to your remote camp.

All guests will have to fly to Anchorage or King Salmon the previous day and spend the night to catch the early morning flight with Penn air.  At the end of your trip we will return you to the local airport in King Salmon and you will catch a return Alaska Air or Peninsula air flight to Anchorage getting in around 6-7pm.   Due to the commercial airline schedules, many guests may wish to stay over again in Anchorage  catching a morning flight  back to their home airport. If for any reason you miss the flights to Port Moller, you will have to charter your own flight, or wait until the following day in King Salmon at a hotel at your expense. 

Summer Season:
 July 1st- Sept 15

The Camps can accommodate upto 4 guests

Accommodations on X-Treme trips
The rustic wilderness camp is made up of 10x10 bomb shelter all Weather tents with floors, cots and air mattresses, a kitchen tent and all the supplies and food for the week, pit privy outhouse will be utilized for all business,
NO whiners allowed just hard core outdoor enthusiast looking for a great bargain in remote fishing.  This trip is for seasoned campers only as you will have no help from the guides. plan on sharing chores and camp work. Just step out of everyday pressures and relax. At the end of the day you will sit around in the kitchen tent and tell stories.  .

Weather on the Alaska Peninsula                                                                        The weather in this part of Alaska is unpredictable, and during the fall season it can vary from rain to sleet with high winds.  Be mentally prepared for the worst,- everything else will be a bonus. During August the average daily temperatures range from 50-60 degrees with a few real nice days reaching the 70's. Morning temperatures can dip into the mid 40's. Everyone should pack and dress accordingly with layers of Polar fleece and a good rain and wind shell for the outer layer. Don't forget a warm hat, gloves and sleeping bag. 

    Expect it to be windy as the average  wind blows 5-10mph. Some days the wind can top 25mph. This does not slow us down as  we have gotten used to it. Be prepared to make adjustments in your fishing techniques.  If planning to fly out to one of our other remote camps. .

Dining Out with Alaska Trophy               
We take this phrase to a whole new level.  Casual attire is appropriate as the standard dress code is polar fleece or jeans with your favorite head-wear. The resident Chef/guide, is a culinary magician your resume reads like a who's who in world wide fine Bush dining.  Our  Appetizers before dinner compliment the menu that includes fresh steaks, grilled halibut, baked Salmon, Grilled lemon pepper chicken, Italian or Mexican  night and my favorite Barbequed baby back ribs.. 

    Most meals are served family style with all you can eat being a standard table fare. Our breakfast include  wild blueberry pancakes, 3 egg ham-Cheese Omelets, French toast, hot biscuits and gravy or fried eggs- bagels and bacon or sausage.  We always have Cold cereal fresh fruit/bagels and lots of hot coffee & cold juices  if you prefer a light  breakfast.  It is amazing what mouth-watering surprises come forth from this humble kitchen in the bush. Acclaimed restaurants in cities around the world would be envious of our fresh grilled salmon and halibut diners.  And don't forget our home made bush desserts that include cherry or blueberry cheesecake,

X-TREME fishing Exploratory Trips:  Alaska Trophy Adventures is continually looking for new fishing resources,  we offer exploratory trips during the spring and fall for 2-4 anglers per week. These trips consist of flying out and camping in other remote areas of the Aleutian Islands and nearby Alaska Peninsula. The only thing we guarantee is solitude and a chance to fish in virgin waters for the last great Wild runs of salmon, Trout & Steelhead. These are custom trips. The Itineraries vary as does the price.  If you are ready to talk more about Steelhead Fishing, my true Passion, give me a call or email.  

Packing & Equipment for ATA Alagnak Lodge:
Upon receipt of deposit, you will be sent complete packing list covering such items as clothing; tackle; flies and lures. .

Mandatory trip Cancellation and Travel Insurance Recommendation:
A fishing expedition will certainly offer you an exciting and rewarding experience. Unfortunately, however, one undertaking such an angling adventure must face the possibility that you or your fishing companion might be forced to cancel your trip at the last moment due to illness, injury or other emergency or sustain an unfortunate injury and require medical services or worse, medical evacuation during your trip. Trip cancellation and travel insurance can help protect you and your travel companions from these unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances. We can book your insurance through Travelguard, a major, reliable insurer of traveling anglers. Typically, the cost of an extensive program is less than $150 per angler.  It is wise to always consult with your personal health insurance provider before undertaking any type of travel to determine what is covered in the event of injury or illness during your travels.

Alaska Trophy Adventures Lodge Weekly Itinerary:

Sunday-Saturday 7day trips

Saturday: Flight to Anchorage with connecting flight to King Salmon and stay over night at Quinnat hotel . Reception by lodge personal and transfer to ATA Sunday morning at 10am to lodge.

Friday: Transfer to King Salmon airport at 10am by Branch river air charter for 2pm flight to Anchorage and then connection to your home city.

Alaska Trophy Adventure fishing Testimonials_____________________________________________

Charlie---The food, lodging, boats, guides and scenery were all outstanding. Or did it just seem that way because I experienced the hottest rainbow action of my life on the Alagnak? The sockeyes, big grayling, and a couple of lakers added variety, too. I'll  recommend your operation to anyone who loves fish but dislikes crowds.

                       Ed  Jaworowski -Chester Springs PA

Ed Jaworowski is a leading fly casting instructor, who Lefty Kreh calls "The best fly casting instructor I have ever seen."

In addition, Jaworowski is a professional photographer and a renowned author and speaker.

His books include the classics "Troubleshooting the Cast," "The Cast," "The Complete Book of Fly Fishing," and the newly released "Pop Fleyes," with Bob Popovics.

His magazine articles and photographs appear in Fly Fisherman, Fly Fishing in Salt Waters, American Angler, Fly Tyer, Salt Water Sportsman, and even in Fly Fisherman Japan.

Jaworowski has been a casting instructor for Sage Rods for 20 years, and has conducted hundreds of casting demonstrations, schools, seminars, and slide shows on all facets of fly fishing.


Charlie- Just wanted to thank you and your great staff for another wonderful trip in Sept,2003 especially our guide Tyson who went out of his way to show us a great trip. The food, camp and staff were wonderful and love all the new improvements to the camp.  We look forward to seeing you again in 2005 for our third trip.

   Sincerely Kim Blake - Allentown PA              


Have a great holiday season and again thanks for the wonderful trip in July on the Alagnak river, The fly fishing and Bear viewing was better than we expected and the camp and staff were exceptional.  As you can see our bear pictures we took this summer have a starring role in our Christmas Cards, Happy Holidays.

   Anne Sigmon & Jack Martin- Sanfrancisco CA


Wishing you all a wonderful season and happy holidays Tell the guys hello and hope you have a happy holidays-" Had A wonderful time this summer at your camp and if you ever need a Chef at the camp let me know as I would love to come back and work with such a first class operation as yours,

            Kathleen Murphy- Pittsburg PA                 


I've fished with charlie many times over the years, and the little sucker keeps getting better! He's got a nose for finding the best fishing Alaska has to offer and this is his crowning achievement. When your ready for the ultimate big boys vacation make it Alaska Trophy Adventures.                             

                  Bill Battles

            Publisher Fly Fish America Magazine


Charlie, Thanks for the wonderful trip you and your staff gave our family during July, We had great food, guides and world class fishing, all in a pristine setting. Thanks again and can't wait to fish with you again on our 4th trip next year.

     Bill Denton---Charlotte NC                    


Charlie, Thanks again for the wonderful raft trip, we got some marvelous pictures and saw sites that we have never duplicated again in over 20 trips to Alaska, What a magical place you call home.  Here is one of the nice trout that I caught on the trip     

      Cathy Beck               

 Professional Photographer, Author and Flyfishing Instructor 

 Cathy Beck lives in the Fishing Creek Valley of Northeastern Pennsylvania. An accomplished author of numerous flyfishing books also members of the Simms and Action Optics Advisory Boards and work for 3M Scientific Anglers. Cathy conduct fly fishing schools, clinics and presentations and also host fly fishing trips for Frontiers, an international travel agency, and travel to fresh and saltwater destinations.


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Contact:  Charlie Summerville for more information on a Alaska unguided fishing trip or unguided cheap wilderness float trips fishing and bear viewing in Katmai. fish 3 of the top rivers in Alaska the Alagnak, Kukaklek or American rivers for a wilderness expedition 2nd to none.

Email :Alaska raft trips 
 Toll Free Phone : (877) 801-2289)                


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