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Each year there is a Yellow Pages arms race where competitors in each category are encouraged to out spend each other. There is only one winner in this arms race, and it is not you! Too many advertisers waste their money on Yellow Pages advertising without first considering their marketing strategy. Here are seven ways you can waste your money.

1. Attempting to outspend your competitor

As soon as Yellow Pages have convinced you to increase the prominence of your ad, they get your competitors to match or outbid you. This becomes an annual auction, with some categories containing pages of half and full page ads. A buyer can be overwhelmed with choice and may make their decision before they even get to your ad. Priority in listing is given to those who have advertised the longest in a category for a given ad size. You can only get closer to the front by upsizing your ad or if someone else closer to the front ceases advertising. Read the rest of this entry »

Advertising Consulting Services: Advertising is one of the most important expenses a business can have. Businesses large and small, have some form of advertising, be it word of mouth referrals or multi million dollar television campaigns. Business owners of all types will pay good money for the right kind of advertising. That is why advertising consulting services on the Internet is becoming so popular.

There are two key things you need to know when considering starting out as an internet advertising consultant. The first of course is advertising experience. If you have done advertising in the past and enjoy the work, then that is the first step. Read the rest of this entry »

An Advertising business opportunity on the Internet is just exploding with possibilities. This is one of the most profitable endeavours available in the field of Internet advertising. If you have advertising experience and know even the basics of Internet, you have potential to start your own advertising business on the Internet.

There are many areas of the Internet that need to be learned before starting your advertising business opportunity. Multi level marketing, or MLM, is one way of generating advertising and sales at the same time. MLM is a system that allows someone to collect commissions on their own sales as well as on people they recruit under them. This used to be known as pyramid schemes. Read the rest of this entry »

Microsoft recently announced that it is launching its new MSN PPC advertising engine in Singapore and France by mid-late 2005.

Smart marketers are probably already planning how they might justify advertising their products or services in Singapore to get a taste of the new service. The service’s introduction into Canada, the UK, and the US may very well come before the end of 2005.

The new MSN advertising program has been long awaited. MSN is Microsoft’s leading website property, and perhaps the web’s most visited “portal” (website with both search and content such as news) after Yahoo! MSN’s search engine accounts for one in five web searches, putting it in third place behind Google and Yahoo!
Search engine advertising mostly a two-player game Read the rest of this entry »

Joint venture advertising allows national manufacturers to advertise their products on the regional level at the regional rates. In addition, it helps improving their relationship with retailers.

Joint venture in advertising (JVA) means that two or three companies promote their products in cooperation. Mostly, such cooperation is set up between a manufacturing company and wholesalers or retailers. It allows national advertising companies to advertise in regional Media, where the rates are lower than in the national one. Such kind of advertising is very popular. An average amount of funds, spent for the joint venture advertising, reaches approximately thirty billion dollars. Moreover, the JVA is an effective tool to motivate sales locally. Read the rest of this entry »

Internet direct response advertising is a very flexible marketing and advertising tool. It is well able to provide more personal approach and increase sales rate.

With the Internet coming into people’s lives, direct response advertising attained new opportunities to pursue. Internet has given companies, using the direct response advertising, new ways of contacting people and brought them out on the global market. The Internet has no geographical boarders and limits; it has begun a new age in the direct response advertising communication.

The Internet has also greatly reduced the cost of the direct response advertising, as there is no more waste of printed mail ads, which go to wrong addresses or were not used at all.  The Internet has become a powerful tool, especially for many small companies, primarily using the direct response advertising for their products or services promotion. Read the rest of this entry »

You won’t read about this phenomenon in books or articles on general principles of advertising or direct marketing.

In fact, traditional advertising professionals and direct marketers often create only so-so online advertising campaigns simply because they’ve never heard of this phenomenon, even though it’s essentially the first law of human web surfing behaviour.

How to convert your online advertising traffic into customers Ready to find out what that all-important first law of web surfing is? Prepare to be not very amazed. You see, everyone who surfs the web already knows about this phenomenon of human behaviour because we all do it–even you.

So here it is, the first law of human web surfing behaviour, which you absolutely must take into account when marketing your website: While surfing the web, almost everyone will hit the “back” button if they think there’s a chance–even a small chance– they’ve come to the wrong web page. Read the rest of this entry »

“Blogs,” (also known as “web logs” or “weblogs”) have taken the Web by storm the past couple of years. These are reverse chronologically-ordered personal journals on any topic imaginable, updated in frequent intervals. Although blogs, by definition, have been present at the onset of the Internet age, it is only very recently that blogs have become massively popular. It is also very recently that the reach and breadth of the blogging world has expanded into areas before thought unlikely to be affected.

What used to be simply personal online journals have evolved into something bigger—blogs are now formidable sources of information and formers of opinion. Many businesses have been built on blogs and blogging. Political careers have been made or un-made by blogs. Scandals have been exposed by blogs. National debates have been fueled by blogs. Just about anything can be written on a blog by its author—usually either a personal diarist or self-styled pundit, sometimes a reputable journalist or expert. Read the rest of this entry »

Using Blogs, Bloggers & Blogging for Marketing a “brand” on the Internet

Brand marketing is all about enhancing the mindshare of one’s products or services. The aim is for your brand name to be at the top of the consumer’s mind at the mere mention of generic terms relating to your company’s services. Arguably the best way of keeping that mindshare is by having a constant presence where your customers are. In this day and age of electronic commerce, there’s no better place to turn to than the World Wide Web.

Markets are conversations, so it is said. And the Web is perhaps the biggest conversation taking place, with exchanges of information going about the world in lightning speed, as people please—whether they be in email messages, forums, chats, or blogs. How people talk about your brand on the Web can make or break your reputation as a company, or your brand’s reputation as a product or service. Read the rest of this entry »

If you subscribe to the micro persuasion model of public relations, then you would agree that the Internet is the new frontier in marketing. Blogs are increasingly becoming the medium of choice for companies and entrepreneurs in bringing their brands and products closer to consumers. E-commerce sites are fast becoming widely-accessible, and a variety of products can now be purchased online, from clothes, to computers, to cars. The World Wide Web is one big conversation, and companies are vying to join in, get to talk back, and get feedback in return.

The essential thing for a company to do is to initially create an online presence. As long as you’re there, online and accessible over the Internet, people are bound to seek you out, in their quest for information. Imagine how much more business you can generate if you actively pursue marketing activities online. Imagine if your company website or weblog comes out as number one in Google for a generic search on your product or service. You can literally bring your brand closer to hundreds of millions of people who go online. Read the rest of this entry »

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