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Why God Allows Wickedness And Suffering Publish Date : 1/11/2006 4:21:35 PM Source : Arthur Zulu
This is the reason why the world groans in pain We are the cause of our suffering. Someone has been murdered somewhere as you read this. Elsewhere a woman has been raped. About a dozen wars are going on right now across the globe. And in some cave or mountain, terrorists are busy plotting the world's final hour. The question arises: Why does God allow these bad things to happen? Our first parents, Adam and Eve are the source of wickedness and suffering in this world. The whole story is in the Bible book of Genesis Chapters 2 and 3. God made them perfect and put them in the beautiful garden of Eden. They were to live happy, beget offsprings and take care of the earth by expanding the borders of the paradise, with a prospect of eternal life. But take note. All these were not just offered on a platter of gold. There was a condition -- and this is very important -- they were to eat all the fruits of the trees in the garden, excerpt one -- the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and bad. Disobedience would bring death! Simple instruction. So man was not created like a robot. He was created with the right to make choices, the freedom to make decisions. Now this gift of free will -- the right to choose -- either good or bad, life or death, is not to be overlooked. So although we were created free, this freedom is not total, but relative. We are subject to God's laws. And what are those laws? you may ask. First, we are under the physical laws of gravity. Man may decide to climb the highest peak of Mt. Everest, ignore this law, and take a giant leap to the foot of the mountain. Or he may close his eyes to all the risks, and go swimming in the angry waters of the Atlantic Ocean. He has the free will. Also God has moral laws. These involve our life style which includes the use of alcohol and illicit drugs, tobacco and sexual promiscuity. Man may choose to have sexual relations with an AIDS victim with the belief that he will never catch the dreaded disease. He has the free will. Then there are social laws. Man can choose his type of clothing, art, and music. He also has the right to choose his type of friends and marriage mate. He may decide to live all alone in the jungle, away from civilization, or to walk naked in the streets of New York. That is his free will. And lastly, there are health laws. A sick man has the right to refuse medical treatment. He can also decide to go on hunger strike -- without food and water. After all, it is his free will. Now, our being subject to God's laws is similar to our subjection to the laws of the State -- man's laws. The laws of the nations recognize the citizen's fundamental human rights. A citizen for instance has freedom of movement. But this does not mean that he should drive his car right into the President's bedroom. That is a ride to prison. So you can see that there are limits to human freedom -- those rights have to operate within the confines of the rule of law. A man who disobeys the laws of the State is in effect challenging the authority of that State -- the sovereignty, which means the right to rule. Now, when Adam and Eve decided to eat the forbidden fruit in exercise of their free will after being deceived to do so by Satan, they were in effect challenging God's legal right to rule. They were effectively saying to God: "We can tell good from bad. It is better for us to be independent of you. We can rule ourselves without you." That was an affront -- a rebellion against their Creator. So God has allowed man the past 6,000 years to see if he can do without his creator. In those years, man has tried every political and economic system. And the result? Helmut Schmidt, former German Chancellor tells us: "We humans . . . have always only partially governed the world, and most of the time very badly . . . . We have never governed it in total peace". Do you agree with him? With all man's best efforts, do we have peace or pieces of peace? (I am not playing with words.) But how are we the children of Adam and Eve who didn't have a bite at this fruit, concerned in this matter? It is because of the law of genetics. When our first parents disobeyed, they became sinners -- imperfect people. And imperfect parents cannot give birth to perfect children. So we have all inherited the result of sin -- suffering and death from Adam and Eve. Here comes the questions: Question: Why did God plant a forbidden tree in the garden? Answer: Because he has the right to so, and nobody can challenge him. Question: Did he know or not that Adam and Eve would eat the fruit? Answer: No, he did not know. For God can choose not to know. Question: Why did he allow Satan to deceive them? Answer: God did not allow it. Satan desired worship, and deceit was his tool. Question: Why did he not destroy the sinning trio? Answer: Because God's purpose of populating the earth wil be defeated, and the sovereignty issue wil not be resolved. Question: And who made Satan the Devil in the first place? Answer: It was not God, because God made perfect angels. One of the angels made himself Satan, meaning resister, and Devil meaning liar. Are you surprised to read this, folks? Do not be amazed. That is the Bible fact. The bottomline is the bottomline. ARTHUR ZULU, is the controversial author of the book, CHASING SHADOWS! A Dream. (A book that reveals the terrorists' master plan to finally set the world on fire!) For a copy of the book and free excerpt, goto: For contacts, mailto: Arthur Zulu is the author of the controversial book CHASING SHADOWS! (A book that reveals the terrorists' master plan to finally set the world on fire!) For a copy of the book and FREE excerpt, goto: For contacts, mailto: About the Author Arthur Zulu is the author of CHASING SHADOWS!: A Dream.(A book that reveals the terorists' master plan to finally set the world on fore!} |
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