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About Us

Cani –Excel
La Ville Oreux
22130 Pluduno

Siret 410 993 778 00019
Established 1998

Renée Hemming VN Owner Manager

Qualified Vet Nurse (UK) RCVS London Qualified Dec 1986
Professional Pet Care Representative (The Jenks Group) UK
RSPCA Shelter Manager Whitehouse Kennels Allensmore UK
Quarantine Kennel Manager Hill Farm Kennels Beds UK
Cani-Excel established 1998 to present day

Cani-Excel offers a unique perspective on pet care with over twenty years experience in professional animal care we strive to maintain a forward looking approach to the world of pets. Our aim is to introduce and recognise the most modern approaches to all aspects of caring for pets. Cani-Excel is a small business that has grown to have international recognition. We try to keep the small business mentality coupled with innovation and energy, resulting in the best of both worlds for our clients. Who are our clients? First and foremost the pets we care for, they are at the very heart of what we do and always in our hearts. Owners look to us to provide them with the assurance of quality pet care that comes from the experience of professionals.

Our future is in the pets that we care for today and in the promise that the individual will always have our greatest consideration.