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Saltwater Flys

These are various flys used for Saltwater Fly Fishing inshore or offshore. They are all handmade by WildBill.

You may want to learn how to tie Saltwater Flys yourself. It is really an art to make them and a relaxing hobby. I purchase my supplies from Cabela's since they have a better selection than anywhere else.

It is not that hard to learn how to tie flys. Try to tie simple flys for awhile then progress to the more complex flys. As you are building your flys you can try different material to change the appearance.

Once you make a fly you will need to field test them with a rod and see how they cast. You may need to add more weight to the hook before adding more material.

Be sure to retrieve in the water to see if that is the appearance that you are looking for.

Whether you are tying your own flys or purchasing them flyfishing can be a rewarding sport.