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Critical Hair Loss Facts

In the battle versus hair loss, thousand of men and women are turning to online resources to become educated about their condition and how to fight it. Knowing the variety of hair loss facts will improve their ability to choose safe and effective methods of reversing their hair loss. Let’s look at some important hair loss facts.

There are several hair loss facts that you should know if you are struggling with thinning and shedding or you suffer from male or female pattern baldness. When you know the hair loss facts, you can ignore and debunk the myths surrounding the growing problem of hair loss in men and women. Also, knowing the various hair loss facts means that you can ask valuable and focused questions of your doctor.

Important Hair Loss Facts

• Men More than Women. It is calculated that over 40 million men in America suffer from some form of hair loss, while only 20 million women struggle with hair loss.
• Three Major Stages. There are three major stages to hair growth which is not a continuous process in humans.
• Losing Each Day. An interesting hair loss fact is that it is normal to lose anywhere from fifty to one hundred hairs from your head every day.
• Slow Growth. Scalp hair grows ½ inch per month on an average person’s head.
• Incredible Number. The average person has about 100,000 hairs on his or her head at one time.
• And Baldness for All. Unfortunately, male pattern baldness isn’t just for males anymore. Female pattern baldness is surging in recent years with thousands of new cases reported.

These are just a few of the compelling hair loss facts that will help those who suffer from these issues to become educated. Once a person is educated on various important hair loss facts, they will be better equipped to successfully deal with these challenges.

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